Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2508: The Dragon's Secret!

"He offended me! But if you can answer me a few questions, I will spare him!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, and then let the black wind go directly, as if not worried that the Black Dragon Sage would shoot him.

"Dao friends, I must know everything!"

The Black Dragon Sage saw Ling Xiao releasing the black wind, and he was relieved in his heart and smiled slightly at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao and Long Aotian descended on the top of the Black Dragon Mountain, where there is a huge palace called the Black Dragon Palace, which is the practice place of the Black Dragon Saint.

The Black Dragon Sage introduced Ling Xiao and Long Aotian to the Black Dragon Palace, and then took out a pot of spring water and a few tea leaves in the white jade tea cup, making a cup for each of Ling Xiao and Long Aotian. Tea.

"Daoyou, this is the innate spirit root Tianshan Xueling tea, which can stabilize the Dao heart and grow the soul of God. It is a treasure that I finally obtained. Please ask the Taoist to taste one or two!"

The Black Dragon Sage smiled slightly.

"Tianshan Xueling Tea?"

Long Aotian took a cup of tea with some curiosity and took a sip. He immediately felt a warm current pouring into his limbs and corpses, turning into a breath of fresh air and sprinting into the sea, making him feel like the passage of time in a flash , Yuanshen has become clear, exuding a touch of luster.

"Good tea!"

A moment later, Long Aotian opened his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. He admired that this cup of tea directly stabilized his semi-holy cultivation, so that his power of Yuanshen also increased by 30%.

Sure enough, it is the innate spirit root.

Ling Xiao also didn't hesitate, just picked it up and drank it, then nodded and said: "Good!"

This Tianshan Xueling tea is really good, but it is of no use to Ling Xiao. He is already a great saint’s cultivation. Tianshan Xueling tea can only make him feel that his mouth is scented, which has little effect on him.

"Daoyou Muzan!"

There is a trace of different color in the eyes of the black dragon saint, and the Tianshan Xueling tea is extremely precious. Even if the saint drinks it for the first time, he will be affected by the spirit of pure spirit, and he will lose his mind for a moment. The power was purified and improved, but he did not expect Ling Xiao to drink a cup of Tianshan Xueling tea, and he did not receive the slightest influence.

Could it be that this young man had consumed Tianshan Xueling tea before? Or that his cultivation base far exceeds himself?

The Black Dragon Sage's heart was even more dreadful.

"Tea is finished! Now Heilong Taoist friends are asked to answer a few questions for me!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

"Daoyou, may I ask you!"

The Black Dragon Sage nodded with a smile.

"Does the Black Dragon Dao know where the Dragon Clan is? The Daoist is not a secret. My cousin is a pure-blood Dragon Clan. Now I want to take him back to the Dragon Clan to recognize the ancestor!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"The ancestral land of the Dragon tribe is in the Eastern Woodland, but now the Dragon tribe is declining, and it is ranked at the bottom of the five saints, so it is in a semi-hidden state. Speaking of it, I am not afraid of Daoyou jokes. I used to be a dragon tribe. A member, only for some reason, left the Eastern Woodland and came to this wild land!"

The Black Dragon Sage smiled bitterly.

"The Taoist is the Dragon Clan? That's a coincidence! I think Taoist Cultivation is extraordinary, and the blood in the body should be the blood of the three-clawed God Dragon. Why did you leave the Dragon Clan?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Dragons are not only declining, but also divided into several factions. The internal friction is very serious! Contemporary Longjun is a kind-hearted elder. Although his cultivation is extraordinary, he can't control those unruly generations, because he has offended the dragons. One of the big men had to leave the human race!

Among the dragons, the blood is the highest! At the bottom is only the blood of the three-clawed dragon, which is very mediocre among the dragons, and it is even a low blood! This cousin of the Taoist is rich in blood, which is at least the blood of the seven-claw **** dragon. Even the dragon family can be regarded as a genius. Once entered the dragon family, it will definitely be vigorously cultivated by the dragon family! "

The Black Dragon Sage explained with a bitter smile, his eyes fell on Long Aotian, with a bit of envy and wonder.

The dragon clan has sex, so the dragon clan in the whole demon world has left a lot of blood, like the dragon and the dragon all have the blood of the dragon clan, so the black dragon sage did not doubt the identity of Long Aotian.

But like Long Aotian, who has the blood of the seven-clawed Shenlong and above, it is rare and difficult to meet.

Long Aotian did not reveal his ancestral dragon bloodline, so the Black Dragon Sage could not see Long Aotian's body bearing the ancestor dragon bloodline, but could only perceive that Long Aotian had at least the seven-claw **** dragon bloodline.

Not to mention that the black wind will covet the bloodline of Long Aotian. If it is not because of Ling Xiao, I am afraid that the Black Dragon Sage will directly attack Long Aotian at the first sight of Long Aotian and devour the blood of Long Aotian.

A dragon clan with such a powerful bloodline can't let them leave before it has enough strength, otherwise it will easily become the prey of other demon clan.

The fighting and fighting among the demon world is more tragic than the **** realm.

"I heard that there is an opportunity to compete for the Dragon King's place in the Dragon Clan! Now that the Dragon King is in power, should no one else in the Dragon Clan have the Dragon Line?"

Ling Xiao asked faintly.

"Of course! Ancestral Dragon Bloodline, also known as the Nine-clawed Ancestral Dragon Bloodline, is the Dragon King's emperor, qualified to be the Dragon King's Dragon King! But there are too few people with the Ancestral Dragon Bloodline, and the entire Dragon Race has the Ancestral Dragon Bloodline There are only a handful of them. Contemporary Dragon Kings naturally have the blood of ancestral dragons! But as far as I know, in addition to contemporary Dragon Kings, there are at least three of the dragons who have the blood of ancestors!

Moreover, the Dragon King has been in power for a million years. It is said that his cultivation practice has reached the extreme of the Holy King Realm. He will soon be shut down to attack the Godless Realm. The Dragon Clan should choose a new Dragon King. Now! Not surprisingly, the new Longjun should be one of those three who have the blood of the ancestral dragon! "

The Black Dragon Sage said slowly.

"Are there at least three other people with Zulong blood?"

Ling Xiao glanced at Long Those people are probably competitors of Long Aotian, and their cultivation behavior and strength are definitely stronger than Long Aotian.

It seems that this time returning to the Dragon race should be more difficult than Ling Xiao thought.

Ling Xiao asked the Black Dragon Sage some questions again. The Black Dragon Sage did not hide at all. He told Ling Xiao all the things he knew about the demon world, some secrets of the dragon family and hearsay, so that Ling Xiao had both the demon world and the dragon family. For an intuitive understanding.

"Since that is the case, I will leave now. Thank you Dao for solving my doubts!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, got up and bowed his hand to the Black Dragon Sage.

This black dragon saint's attitude is not bad. He didn't shout and kill as soon as he came up, and Ling Xiao naturally wouldn't do anything with him. After getting the desired answer, Ling Xiao decided to leave.

"Daoyou and be slow!"

The Black Dragon Sage hesitated a little and said to Ling Xiao.

PS: The fourth is over, everyone rests early.

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