Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2644: Unfathomable King of Pine and Cypress!


At this moment, a vast and terrifying breath erupted, and the vastness, containing the endless power of the source, seemed to be the incarnation of the Avenue, containing an unstoppable momentum.

Both Ling Xiao and the White Dragon King couldn't help but feel shocked, and felt an extremely powerful threat.

"It's him?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and found that the person who burst out of the momentum turned out to be King Songbai!

King Songbai looked very kind, kind-hearted, white-eyed, like a kindly elder, but the feeling for Ling Xiao at the moment was so unfathomable that Ling Xiao felt a strong threat.

This pine king is far more terrible than the white dragon king.

"King Songbai, are you going to stop me?"

King Bailong looked a little ugly, and looked at Songbai Wang.

He was so angry in his heart that he was planning to show off the thunder and kill Ling Xiao directly, but he didn't expect King Songbai to take action.

"White Dragon King, Ling Xiaoyou, I'm not trying to stop you from fighting, but can you listen to the old man?"

Songbai Wang smiled slightly.

Both Ling Xiao and Bailong King's eyes flickered, and the breath of the whole body slowly converged, temporarily stopped the tit-for-tat, and their eyes fell on Songbai King.

"White Dragon King, the mysterious hidden secret was opened by the four of us. Do you want to give up? If you die in the hands of Ling Xiaoyou, the three of us are afraid that we can't break that powerful imperial formation At that time, the mystery of the demon will eventually be a flower in the mirror, and the moon in the water will have to wait another one million years!"

Songbai Wang sighed softly.

"King Songbai, are you so sure he can kill me? In my opinion, he will definitely die!"

White Dragon King's face was extremely ugly, he did not expect King Songbai to be optimistic about him.

"I'm not not optimistic about you, I'm just talking about a possibility! Our top priority is to break through the imperial array outside the secret hideout of ten thousand deities. You also know that with the power of our four, I'm afraid I can't conquer the emperor Array! Why don’t you all listen to the old man, and the five of us work together to wait until the big group is broken, and if you are still willing to fight, the old man will not stop, how?"

Songbai Wang smiled slightly.

King Bailong’s eyes were gloomy, and he scolded Lao Yinbi in his heart. Speaking of this, the **** King Songbai was still afraid of their battle, affecting the big event that opened the secrets of the ten thousand monsters, which meant that they let go of their hatred for the time being. Resolve privately.

"Songbai King is right! If you want to fight deadly, then wait until you enter the Ten Thousand Beast Hidden Stories, and whoever dares to influence the plan to open the Ten Thousand Beast Stories will be my enemy!"

Peony King sneered.

"And I!"

Liu Liu said quickly.

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, he did not expect that King Songbai was so optimistic about him, that he had the potential to be compared with the four demon kings?

Ling Xiao originally planned to show his weakness to the enemy, and then found a chance to kill the White Dragon King.

But now it seems that Jiang is still old and spicy. King Songbai looks smiling, but when calculated, it makes some scalp tingling.

"Songbai King believed me that way? I wonder if I should feel honored?"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Ling Xiaoyou has extraordinary talent and extraordinary strength! Even if it is not as good as me, but it is not far away. If you join forces with the four of us, it is very likely that you can break into the imperial array and enter the hidden secret of the demon! Does Ling Xiaoyou have no interest in the Ten Thousand Demon Secrets?"

Songbai Wang smiled slightly, a wise expression appeared in his eyes.

"Naturally interested!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly and said unabashedly.

"In that case, that's the best! Ling Xiaoyou's strength has already been recognized by our four demon kings! Through our observation just now, this imperial array contains the power of five elements in life and death, if you want to break the array, just Five elements must be brought together, and five people act at the same time, before it is possible to find an eye and break through!"

Songbai Wang smiled slightly, and then his expression became a little more serious.

"Huh! King Songbai, I'm afraid that this kid's strength is too weak to withstand a blow at that time, and it can't stop the five elements of the death and death of the divine power, but instead died in a large formation, then we will be killed by him Tired!"

The White Dragon King snorted coldly.

He knew that this battle might not be able to fight. King Songbai and King Peony and King Liu were already standing on the same front. If the two of them broke out, the three of King Songbai would definitely stop it.

Moreover, King Bailong had to admit that King Songbai was right.

Ten Thousand Monsters Hidden is the biggest temptation for the White Dragon King. For the Ten Thousand Monsters Hidden Secrets, he is willing to temporarily put Ling Xiao first.

"It won't hurt you! Although this godless array is terrifying, as long as five people with Heavenly Venerable Force enter into it and suppress the array eyes, they will be able to enter the secret hideout of the demon through the passage of the five elements' birth and death. !As long as you enter the hidden secret of the ten thousand demon, can you get the chance and the fortune, we all rely on the means, how?

Songbai Wang smiled faintly.

"Songbai King is right! Although we were bombarded by the big formation just now, we did find out that this great formation contains the five elements of the birth and death of the extreme Daowei, and five people must go into the formation at the same time! But whether it is the King of Bamboos They are still the Devil Ape King, they are still too weak, and they can’t even bear the divine powers outside the Imperial Array, let alone reach the position of the Array Eye!"

Peony King nodded.

"As long as we can reach the position of the array of eyes, we will be able to find a way to enter the hidden secret of the demon by each means! This is no danger to us!"

Liu Wang also said.

The White Dragon King was a little silent. Although he didn't say anything, Ling Xiao clearly felt that the killing intention of the White Dragon King began to converge.

Obviously, the White Dragon King is the default of the Songbai King.

"Neither of these four demon kings is a good thing! It seems that they have long discovered how to enter the ten thousand demon secrets. Now I see that I have the strength to fight against the White Dragon King, so I can say it!"

Ling Xiao was a little wary.

Although he is also full of curiosity about the Ten Thousand Monsters Hidden Secret, but he certainly cannot compare with the Four Thousand Demon Kings in understanding the Ten Thousand Monsters Hidden Secrets. After all, they have tried countless times.

Ling Xiao also ruled out the possibility that Songbai King, Peony King and Liu Wanghui and Bailong King would pit him together. After all, the four demon kings were all in disagreement with each other. They had no reason to deal with Bailong King for themselves.

Even if this is their conspiracy, Ling Xiao's hands still have the immortal Emperor Tianwei as a prison monument. Even if he is deeply trapped in the Emperor Formation, he can still save his life.

Since there is no danger to life, and there is a chance to enter the mystery of ten thousand demon, then of course we have to do it!

"Okay! I promised!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"Stop playing?"

Prince Bai Feng was dumbfounded.

He was just looking forward to the White Dragon King taking revenge for him and killing Ling Xiao directly, but did not expect a few words from King Songbai ~ Suddenly Ling Ling and White Dragon King gave up fighting.

However, he was only able to slander in his heart, and he did not dare to complain to King Songbai at all.

"Now that's the case, let's go! I hope we can all get into the mystery of the demon!"

Songbai Wang smiled indifferently, a look of anticipation and excitement appeared in his eyes.

Rao is that he has lived countless years and practiced countless years, but in the face of the hidden monsters, he still can't help but have some waves in his heart.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Headed by King Songbai, the four demon kings and Ling Xiao suddenly turned into five dazzling rainbows, rising up in the sky and flying towards the ancient and mysterious heavenly palace above the head!

(End of this chapter)

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