Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2650: Demon King melee!


The gate of the ten thousand monsters was hidden, and the blazing divine light burst out. The Peony King, Liu King, and Bailong King all rushed into the palace.

But before they could see the scene in the palace, they heard an old voice.

"Get up!"


There seemed to be lightning exploding in the void, and instantly the four sides roared. Around the Peony King, Liu King and Bailong King, eighty-one arrays of flags emerged in an instant, intertwined with each other, forming an extremely powerful trap Formation.

The eighty-one flags are all shining brightly, and it seems that there is a star exuding the infinite power of the stars, blending with each other, and turning into an extremely bright starry sky.

"Huh, the old guy King Songbai was really well prepared. Not only did the seal be set, but a trapped formation was even placed!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a look of surprise.

The 81 flags were originally condensed into a strong seal, but after the seal was broken by the three demon kings, the flags did not directly collapse, but intertwined with each other to re-consolidate a strong formation. law.

From the perspective of Ling Xiao, the shining stars above the flag turned out to be star crystal nuclei, but supreme treasures of heaven and earth. In order to trap the three demon kings, King Songbai also sacrificed blood and sacrificed directly. Eighty-one star crystal cores.

"Good thing! This star crystal nucleus is also a superb treasure, but it is the auxiliary material for refining the imperial emperor soldiers. This pine king is really rich!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were bright and dazzling, and some heart moved.

"King Songbai, do you dare to swallow all the monsters?"

The White Dragon King roared with a roar, and there was a monstrous anger in his voice.


As if there was a sound of dragon chant exploding in the void, and the four voids were trembling violently in a flash, the white dragon king transformed into a huge white dragon, with blood rising, exuding a monstrous breath, wanting Break out of the trap.

"King Songbai, the Ten Thousand Beasts are not yours, open the formation quickly!"

The Peony King also drank coldly, and there were vast waves rising around her, as if an endless sea had emerged, suddenly blasting in all directions.

"He is determined to devour the mystery of all the monsters. The star nucleus above the eighty-one array flags is the core of the power of this large array. If we destroy the star nucleus, we can rush out!"

Liu Wang Shen Sheng said.


The White Dragon King screamed loudly, and the Peony King and Liu King also used powerful magical means to kill the eighty-one star crystal nucleus.

"Hahaha... Are the three of you too naive? The old man said, enter the secret of the ten thousand monsters, we have our own means! When I refine the ten thousand monster streamers, it is the supreme master of this vast monster world, to As long as you submit to the old man, the old man will not kill you!"

The old and overbearing voice of Songbai Wang made the faces of the three demon kings even more ugly.


The three demon kings also seemed to be completely crazy, like three torrents of torrents, striking fiercely and constantly attacking the star crystal nucleus.

Although the star crystal nucleus is extremely strong, and there are guards of the flag, but under the attack of the three demon kings, it has begun to break apart one after another.

"This old guy, how fast is refining?"

Ling Xiao frowned a little.

He saw that the three demon kings were trapped in the formation at the moment, but King Songbai had already refined half of the tens of thousands of giant streamers.

Judging from this speed, I am afraid that the three demon kings will not be able to break out of the trap. King Songbai will refining all the giant streamers.

"A shot must be made!"

Ling Xiao's gaze condensed, and immediately set off immediately.

Although he hasn't found the core of the Wan Yao stream so far, if he doesn't shoot again, all the tens of thousands of giant streamers will be refined by King Songbai.

Soon, tens of thousands of giant streamers were refined into 80% by Songbai King.


An ancient, mysterious and vast force rises, containing extremely terrifying holy Daowei. Tianwei is like a jail monument and instantly turned into a huge sky monument. It suddenly suppressed towards the king of Songbai.

"Ling Tian, ​​how dare you?!"

King Songbai shouted loudly, his voice full of anger and corruption.

Such a shocking change, he didn't need to guess at all, he knew it must be Ling Xiao's shot, except Ling Xiao, it is impossible for anyone else to enter the Ten Thousand Demon's Secret.

King Songbai gritted his teeth and was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that Ling Xiao had entered the Ten Thousand Monsters' Secret earlier than him and hid. He didn't even notice Ling Xiao's whereabouts.


Ling Xiao didn't take care of King Songbai. Tianwei was like a prison monument. He was an extremely imperial soldier. It contained hundreds of millions of divine powers. At this moment, he was suppressed towards King Songbai. The power was terrified.

"Even if you can't kill you, you will be hit hard!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, his eyes were sharp and unmatched.

This palace contains the field of forbidden law. He just hid in the Tianwei Ruyu monument, and has consumed a lot of Yuanshen's power. At this moment, he forced the Tianwei Ruyu monument, and only one left. Strike force.

Huge pine trees stood in the center of the palace, hundreds of millions of flames rose around the body, and the blazing divine light was surging like the sea. His primordial power was extremely powerful, but at this moment they were all drawn by tens of thousands of giant streamers.

Above the pine tree, the divine light surging, a huge palm condensed in an instant, and greeted Tianwei as a prison monument!


Like a thunder exploding, a blazing divine light swept the Quartet, that huge divine light hand was suddenly broken, and Tianwei was like a prison monument containing the unparalleled divine power, which was not something that the king of Songbai could contend with. Yes, it instantly hit the pine tree.

The body of King Songbai was violently shaken, the branches and leaves burst apart, and there were bright red blood stains in the body, and a roar of extremely miserable and angry uttered.

"Ling Tian...I'm going to kill you!"

King Songbai hated it to the extreme, and there was something crazy in his voice.

If it weren't for the majority of his **** power that had been dragged by thousands of giant could not be like a target, and was instantly hit by Tianwei as a prison monument.

"Ling Tian's boy has also entered into the Ten Thousand Demon's Secret? While Ling Tian entangled King Songbai, we quickly broke through the big formation, and we must not let the heritage of the Ten Thousand Demon's secret fall into King Songbai. In your hand!"

The Peony King was shocked and quickly said loudly to Liu Wang.

"it is good!"

King Liu nodded his head, and Zhou Shengsheng spared hundreds of millions of sword lights, and his sword energy was unparalleled, as if he could penetrate everything and shoot towards those star crystal nuclei.

Suddenly, several star crystal nuclei broke apart.

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