Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2807: Meet the demon lord!

The Taishang Road Palace and the Temple of War have always been alliances. Although the relationship between the two centuries is a little subtle, it is related to the life and death of the Temple of War and the extinction of the Taoist Lord. The hearts of the people are still full of emotion.

But the Golden Clan has been living in a hidden world and has nothing to do with the Temple of War. Why did it come to assist the Temple of War?

"The Lord of Reincarnation, you have broken through to the realm of the emperor, staying in God Realm, and not going to the battlefield outside the territory to join the war, but dare to intervene in the dispute of God Realm, are you afraid of Kunwu?

The Master of Extinction said staring coldly at the Lord of Reincarnation.

"The twelve immortal holy places are the pillars of the human race. Do you dare to destroy the temple of war, and you will not be afraid of the anger of the emperors and lords by then? And Ling Xiao is the son of the natural selection of the human race. You are determined to deal with Ling Xiao and make such kind of love. Those who hurt the enemy quickly will only make the Mozu see jokes."

Ye Qingcheng also seriously looked at the lords of the holy sites and said.

Faced with the question of the extinct Taoist and Ye Qingcheng, the reincarnation master smiled coldly: "Don't scare the seat of Lord Kunwu, this seat has just broken through, staying in God Realm for a few days, even Lord Kunwu can't say anything! I advise you not to go to the muddy water. I don’t want to be an enemy of Taishang Dao Palace and the Golden Clan, but that doesn’t mean I’m afraid of you!”

"It's useless to say more! Since you insist on fighting, then fight! If you want to kill Ling Xiao, then pass me first!"

The extinct Taoist said with a cold voice, a powerful war intent spread out of his eyes.

"Ling Xiao is my good friend, and I can't let you hurt him!" Ye Qingcheng sighed, very determined.


Solitary defeat, Ye Liangchen, Master of Extinction, Ye Qingcheng and others all burst into a strong and unparalleled atmosphere, the body of the whole body was dazzling, the fighting spirit was rising, standing beside Ling Xiao, determined to fight together with Ling Xiao Strong enemy.

"Why are you guys!"

Ling Xiao sighed, a little helpless, but there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Knowing that it was a mortal situation, they all rushed to rescue him, and even hesitated to compete with the Chinese and the seven immortal holy places. This love must be essential.

"Ling Xiao, could you think that they could save the Temple of War and save you with them? I originally thought you had a back hand, and now it looks really disappointing!"

The reincarnation stared at Ling Xiao with a sneer, his eyes full of disdain.

"Are they not enough?"

Ling Xiao said to herself softly.

"not enough!"

The Lord of Reincarnation said coldly.

"Since that is the case, then just come out!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.


With a wave of his hand, the sky suddenly violently oscillated, and Tianwei was like a prison monument, which immediately radiated immense light, and the huge enchantment that shrouded the Temple of War directly disappeared.

"Ling Xiao, I'm going to die of me! Is it my turn to finally play? Come, I want to see, what do you don't know about life and death, dare to hurt you? Wash your neck and wait for the uncle to come Hack you!"

An arrogant and overbearing voice sounded.

In an instant, the sky violently oscillated. The old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist rushed directly out of the Temple of War. Their breath was horrible. Their two cultivation practices all reached the state of the Holy King, and they are the supreme Holy King. !

The most important thing is that they are followed by thousands of breathy and terrifying figures, each of which exudes a vast amount of holy road pressure, so that the four sides of the void are trembling violently.

Four great gods, hundreds of holy kings, thousands of holy men and saints!

This is the power of swallowing Tianshan!

"Cousin, what offended you without opening your eyes? Today we will kill him and bleed into a river. This Lord of God Realm, I think it should have become your cousin. These eye-catching things directly killed the most. it is good!"

Long Aotian's arrogant and domineering influence.


He was surrounded by a horrible breath, wearing a golden dragon robe, wearing a flat crown, holding an ancestor dragon sword, pedaling the dragon dragon boots, breathing majestic and overbearing, like a dragon emperor traveling, exuding the suppression of the eight wastelands, sweeping Liuhe's momentum.

Behind him, is the strong of the five major clans!

The phoenix girl, Huang Jue, Xuanji and Bai Hansong were all there. There were tens of thousands of strong saints coming out of the sky. The terrifying breath seemed to be able to annihilate everything, so that the four sides of the void were violent. Tremor.

The most important thing is that those ten horrible figures like the sun are all powerful in the heavenly realm!

This is the strong of the five saints, including the Dragon, Phoenix, White Tiger, Xuanwu, and Qilin. Headed by Dragon Aotian, they entered the God Realm!

"Meet Lord Demon Lord!"

"Meet Lord Demon Lord!"

"Meet Lord Demon Lord!"


Headed by the old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist and Long Aotian, the strong men who swallowed Tianshan and the five saints all bowed and bowed toward Lingxiao. The sound shook Jiuxiao like a thunder, making everyone around him tremble. The eyes are full of incredible looks.

"Powerhouse of the demon world?! How could the powerhouse of the demon world break the barrier of the **** realm and come to support Ling Xiao?"

Everyone's eyes showed an incredible look.

"Master Lord... Are they calling Ling Xiao? When did Ling Xiao become the demon master?"

"A big event is about to happen! Many powerful players in the demon world are coming to God Realm. Is this going to set off the rhythm of the battle between the two realms? It's terrible! How can Ling Xiao have such a big energy?"

"The demon world actually sent 14 Tianzun strong to rescue Ling Xiao, this battle seems to be difficult to say!"

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't even think that such a reversal would happen. The power of the demon world would come to rescue Ling Xiao, and sent such a horrible position. What should the eight super powers do?

The Lord of Reincarnation and others are all shaken, and their eyes are full of incredible looks.

"Ling Xiao, you actually colluded with the people of the demon world. It seems that I am right. You really betrayed the human race! But with these people, do you think you can save your life?"

The eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation are full of cold killing intentions, staring at Ling Xiao with death.

His terrifying breath rose around him, causing the surrounding voids to violently oscillate, as if to take shots at any time, and a killing blow broke out.

"They are not enough, what about us?"

At this moment, a cold and indifferent voice sounded in the void.


Above the heavenly monument, as if an extremely bright light gate appeared, a magnificent woman stepped forward to the extreme beauty, all of which revealed a thrilling beauty.

Behind her, a series of horrible figures came out into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the mighty demon radiated out, so that the surrounding voids were violently twisted.

One hundred thousand army!

And each figure has the saint's cultivation behavior, the breath is terrible.

In addition to that gorgeous woman, there are nine dazzling figures like the sun, blooming a dazzling splendid glory, the cultivation of the same has reached the realm of heaven!

"Sexy King under the Throne of Ten Thousand Demons, meet Master Lord Demon!"

"Songbai King under the Throne of All See you Lord Lord!"

"Xiang Liu, the Lord of the Thousand Beasts, meet Lord Lord the Lord!"

"Peony King under the Throne of Ten Thousand Demons, meet Master Lord Demon!"

"The eight-pole king under the Throne of Ten Thousand Beasts, meet Lord Lord Lord!"


A sound like thunder exploded in the void, converging together like a mountain and a tsunami, swept toward everyone, making everyone's face instantly pale and staring, His eyes are full of horrified looks!

PS: I went on a business trip before I wrote the plane to the hotel and changed Chapter 3. It was a little late, and everyone took a break early.

. Three heads m.

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