Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2822: The man who makes God Realm tremble!


The void suddenly broke apart.

The ancestors of the four holy clans appeared in the sky above the temple of war, exuding a vast and unprecedented atmosphere, among which the white tiger ancestors also carried blood-blooded Chinese emperors.

The Chinese emperor looked extremely miserable, with cracks like spider webs all over his body, his body was about to be exploded, his mouth coughed out pale golden blood, and his eyes were filled with extremely angry expression.

He was not only hit hard, but also sealed by the ancestors of the four saints.

"Ling Xiao, what you want!"

The old ancestor of the White Tiger arbitrarily lost it and brought the Chinese emperor to Ling Xiao's feet. The Chinese emperor could not move like a dead dog, and his eyes were full of humiliation.

"The emperor of the Chinese people... was captured alive?!"

Someone exclaimed, his voice was shaking.

That is the emperor of the Chinese family, who broke through to the emperor's realm earlier than the reincarnation of the reincarnation. Now he is lying like a dead dog at the foot of Ling Xiao, and looks very embarrassed and miserable.

The ancestors of the four saints were so horrible!

Speaking of which, this battle has no suspense.

The ancestors of the four saints are very old, and their generations are several generations older than the Chinese emperor. Their cultivation is unfathomable, and each one is stronger than the Chinese emperor.

In addition, Ling Xiao lent them the demon streamers, which blocked the Chinese people's heavenly **** flag. The Chinese emperor is naturally not an opponent of the four great ancestors. He can't even commit suicide, and he was directly captured. .

"There are four seniors!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly and bowed his hand towards the four ancestors.

"You're welcome! You kid, I'm afraid it won't be long before we can surpass our four old guys! Human races are a group of hypocrites, I think you are honestly the master of the ten thousand demon. , Wouldn’t it be happy to be a demon emperor?"

The White Tiger's ancestor reluctantly handed the Wan Yao stream to Ling Xiao, then smiled slightly.

"This is true! Ling Xiao, you have the blood of the ancestral dragon. You should have been my demon clan. You should draw a line with the human clan as soon as possible.

Phoenix Ancestor also nodded.

"Seniors please rest assured that I am me, I am Ling Xiao, and will not be swayed by them!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, he naturally heard the meaning of the words of Baihu Patriarch and Phoenix Patriarch.

However, Ling Xiao didn't care about this, the son of the human race's natural selection, or the demon's lord of the ten thousand monsters. In the face of the era of catastrophe, if there is not enough strength, everything is just false.

He just wanted to have enough power to protect the people he cares about.

that is it!

"You just understand! Then we will go first, have time to go back to the demon world, and chat with our four old guys!"

Both Qilin Patriarch and Xuanwu Patriarch smiled slightly at Ling Xiao.

"Senior walking slowly!"

Ling Xiao agreed with a smile.

The four ancestors had originally come to return to Ling Xiao’s favor. Now that they have captured the Chinese emperor, there is no need to stay here anymore. Ling Xiao opened the space channel with Tianwei as a prison monument. Patriarch turned into the space channel and returned to the demon world.

Although the barriers of God Realm have weakened a lot now, it is not so easy for the emperor and strong to tear the space barriers forcibly. All this is because Ling Xiao’s Tianwei is like a prison monument, which can open the demon world. Void channel.

With the capture of the Chinese emperor, this battle also ended completely.

Ling Xiao won a great victory!

Those holy kings and saints who are still alive, although extremely unwilling in their hearts, but in the face of the threat of death, they still chose to compromise and surrendered the imprint of the natal soul.

Ling Xiao emptied the sky, her whole body was shining with bright light, and her eyes were bright and bright. Under the attention of everyone, she suddenly shouted: "Since today, there are people who have violated my temple of war, killing without amnesty. !"

"The Chinese, Reincarnation Temple, Ninth Emperor Que, Five Elements Heaven Sect, Time and Space Heaven Gate, Heavenly Mantra Sect, Light and Dark Heaven Sect, and Temple of Extinction give me an explanation within three days, you want to besiege me and kill me The disciples of the Temple of War pay the price, otherwise don’t blame me for asking!”


Ling Xiao's voice, like thunder, contains vast laws of the road, spreading in all directions.

The vast thirty-three days of God Realm seems to echo Ling Xiao's voice.

"What happened?! Ling Xiao didn't die? Could it be that the eight super powers could not kill Ling Xiao?"

Someone raised his head, his eyes full of surprise.

Although many people went to the Temple of War to watch the battle, there were still more people who were afraid of being affected and did not go to the Shangqing Heaven.

Moreover, many people think that there is no suspense in this battle. I am afraid that Ling Xiao and the Temple of War will disappear from the realm of God from today!

But Ling Xiao's voice shocked everyone.

The majestic, mysterious, invincible and overbearing momentum contained in that voice seemed to be the ancient emperor who stood above him, so that everyone could not help shaking.

Ling Xiao actually asked the eight super powers to give him an explanation, otherwise he would come to the door to ask for guilt. With such a strong and overbearing attitude, wouldn't he be afraid of the anger of the eight super powers?

What happened in the Temple of War?

Various means of communication came toward the Temple of War.

And as the crowd watching the war temple disperse, the result of the battle of the war temple was quickly spread. In a very short period of time, it spread throughout the thirty-three days and throughout the entire world of God. !

"The eight super powers besieged the temple of war. Ling Xiao came out strong. Under his command, 36 Tianzun and more than ten thousand saints corps gathered, surrounded the many powerful men of the eight super powers, and shocked the world!"

"Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation have a fair fight. In the chaos of the sky, Ling Xiao beheaded the Lord of Reincarnation and created the feat of the Emperor Tu Tu!"

"The Chinese emperor came out of the coffin in six reincarnations, attacked Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao was angry, summoning the four great emperors to kill the Chinese emperor!"

"Ling Xiao slashed the seven great lords, and ordered the powerful men to kill all the enemies of the eight super powers!"

"In the Battle of the Temple of War, Ling Xiao won a great victory, and the eight super powers were wiped out!"


The news came out one by one, which shocked people's hearts, and instantly made the whole God Realm tremble!

That is the eight super Chinese are descendants of the emperor of the capital. These eight super powers are coming out of the nest, which is enough to start a terrifying battle with the devil world!

But everyone did not expect that the eight super powers came out of the nest, not only failed to kill Ling Xiao, but the whole army was wiped out!

The news of this battle is too shocking!

Especially under Ling Xiao’s command, there were thirty-six heavenly strong men and a army of more than ten thousand saints, which shocked everyone and shocked God Realm.

What a terrifying force is this?

This news, compared with Ling Xiao's continuous severing of the eight Heavenly Emperors, also made them tremble, trembling in their hearts.

Two hundred years have passed, Ling Xiao is still the one that crushed the world!

The difference is that this time he is no longer alone. He brought out the thirty-sixth heavenly deity and the army of more than ten thousand saints. Once he was born, he shook the whole **** realm!

This is a man who makes the whole God Realm tremble!

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