Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2826: The best times!

"Brother Zhan Feng is right! Many people don't want me to break into the realm of the emperor, and it is really difficult for me to protect the law! If you don't agree, that's fine!"

Jiang Yuyang smiled slightly.

Both Jinse and Xuewei had a trace of worry in their eyes. They both understood Ling Xiao's temperament. Ling Xiao was a kind of person with grievance and resentment. Since Jiang Yuyang had spoken, how could he not agree?

Although they were worried, they did not persuade anything.

"Yuyang Tianzun, I would like to ask, why did you choose to let me protect you?"

Ling Xiao looked at Jiang Yuyang and said calmly.

"It's okay to tell you this! It was Ye Liangchen's master, and the sloppy emperor protected me, and Lord Kunwu was also present! But Lord Kunwu was delayed because of something. He asked me to come to you!"

Jiang Yuyang said slowly.

"Master Kunwu? Could it be... Emperor Kunwu Mountain?"

Ling Xiao jumped in her heart, her eyes lit up.

"Good! Emperor Kunwu Mountain, Lord Kunwu is now the guardian of my human race! For so many years, if he did not shelter the human race from the wind and rain, the human race would not be so calm! Lord Kunwu also said, protect the law for me , Maybe your chance!"

Jiang Yuyang nodded.

"Really Emperor Kunwu Mountain? Okay! Yuyang Tianzun, I agreed! When did you cross the robbery? I will go to protect you!"

Ling Xiao was also a little excited, and immediately nodded and agreed.

The emperor of Kunwu Mountain has a friendship of half a division for Ling Xiao. Before Ling Xiao came to God Realm, he helped Ling Xiao a lot and rescued Ling Xiao from danger many times. If it were not Emperor Kunwu Mountain, I'm afraid Ling Xiao can't reach God Realm at all.

The White Dragon Horse was given to Ling Xiao by Emperor Kunwu Mountain.

Ling Xiao is very grateful to the emperor of Kunwu Mountain. Since it is the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, Ling Xiao will of course agree.

Moreover, Jiang Yuyang also shot for Ling Xiao two hundred years ago. He should naturally protect Jiang Yuyang.

After understanding the causes and consequences, and understanding the dangers, Ling Xiao still has no hesitation and hesitation.

"Master Kunwu? Yuyang Tianzun, where is Lord Kunwu? Why doesn't he come to see me?"

After hearing the news of Emperor Kunwu Mountain, Bailongma couldn't help but startled. His eyes showed a very excited look. He quickly looked at Jiang Yuyang and asked.

"Are you Xiaobai? Lord Kunwu has many important things to do, and he is not in God Realm now! He said, he is destined to meet each other! Lord Kunwu let you follow Ling Xiao well, don't be so naughty, want Obedient, this is your chance and character, understand?"

Jiang Yuyang looked at the White Dragon Horse and smiled softly.

"I know!"

Bailongma's head was depressed, and his mood was a bit low.

Before following Ling Xiao to leave Kunwu Shenshan, Bailongma always followed Kunwushan emperor. For him, Bailongma was like a father and mother.

Hearing the news of Emperor Kunwu Mountain now makes him excited and sad.

"Don't be sad, don't be sad! After we dig the ancestral tombs of the Chinese and those immortal holy places, we will make progress by leaps and bounds and break through to the realm of the emperor, maybe we can see Lord Kunwu!"

The old goat stepped up and hugged the white dragon's neck to comfort.

"Go! I'm the mount of the Son of Heaven. How can the White Dragon Emperor under the Emperor Ling Xiao in the future do this kind of thing that steals chickens and dogs? Don't you want me to be with you!"

Bai Longma glared at the old goat, and said righteously, but his mood was much better.

"Hairy horse, I think you are tickling again? Dare to talk to me like this?"

The old goat was furious and didn't expect the White Dragon Horse to be so shameless.

However, everyone didn't take care of the two of them. Everyone knew their virtues. At the moment, they looked at Ling Xiao with some worry.

After listening to Zhan Feng Tianzun's words, they also realized that the protection for Jiang Yuyang would be so dangerous, and naturally did not want Ling Xiao to be involved in danger.

"Ling Xiao, it's too dangerous! Although Lord Kunwu spoke, I think you should still think about it!"

Zhan Feng Tianzun's eyes were full of worry, he did not expect Ling Xiao to actually agree.

Hearing the words of Lord Kunwu, Zhan Fengtianzun's concerns are less, he is also extremely respectful of Lord Kunwu, but still worried about Ling Xiao's safety.

"Ancestor assured! I will be careful, it is my honor to do my best to protect the law of Yuyang Tian and the pillar of my human race!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

Jiang Yuyang was also stunned for a moment, but did not expect Ling Xiao to actually agree, he gave Ling Xiao a deep glance and said, "Since that is the case, then there will be work for you! I still need a few months to prepare for the robbery. I will come to the Temple of War to inform you!"

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

"Since that is the case, then I will leave! Brother Zhan Feng please rest assured that I will definitely bring Ling Xiao back!"

Jiang Yuyang bowed his hand toward Zhanfeng Tianzun and solemnly said.

"I believe in you! Old fellow, you should know that 90 million years ago, you lost your last chance to be an emperor. You have no chance in this era! But Ling Xiao is different, he has unlimited possibilities! So, I ask you to protect him!"

Zhan Feng Tianzun's face showed a very solemn look, and he paid a deep respect to Jiang Yuyang.

"I understand! Regardless of whether I can prove to be an emperor, I will fight for the human race to the last moment. This is also my destiny, isn't it?"

Jiang Yuyang nodded, with an extremely free smile on his face, then turned around and took a step, disappearing into the sky above the Temple of War.

"What a pity!"

Zhan Feng Tianzun looked at Jiang Yuyang's disappearing back, and his eyes were full of 90 million years ago, the peerless arrogance was born. Jiang Yuyang and the Taixu emperor were tied. The world is also the most glorious era of the human race since the Nine Emperors of the Human Race.

But now, the Emperor Taixu fell, and Jiang Yuyang lived to the ninth, but he lost the opportunity to prove the emperor. Unless the human race can become the master of the next era, Jiang Yuyang can never prove the emperor.

As a person who has witnessed all this, Zhan Feng Tianzun is also a little bit sad in his heart.

"Ancestor, this is not the best era, and this is by no means the worst era, is it? The human race still has hope!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, her eyes bright and clear.

"Yes! The human race has you, you are alone and seeks defeat, Ye Liangchen, Pangu Tiangang, and the unreliable son of the Emperor Zhao Ritian, there are people like you, naturally there is hope! Perhaps, it is far more than 90 million years I was even more brilliant before, I look forward to it!"

After hearing Feng Xiao's words, Zhan Feng Tianzun laughed, and his expression was a little uplifted.

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