Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2829: Head down one after another!

Ling Xiao did not expect that even now, the Chinese are still that ugly face!

Do you never die?

Then endlessly!

"You can go! Three days later, I will go to the Chinese to ask for guilt in person. By that time, I hope you still have the courage to say this!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Hua Yuncheng lightly.

The negotiations broke down!

Hua Yuncheng's face was also ugly. In fact, just after his words were spoken, he regretted it.

But he did think that Ling Xiao was a big lion, and he was deliberately looking for trouble from the Chinese. He did not mean reconciliation at all, so he did not intend to explain more.

The most regrettable thing is that there is no emperor who can rescue the Chinese!

That was the ancestor of the Chinese ethnic group. Its strength is universal. It is the pin of the Dinghai **** of the Chinese ethnic group. It is now in the hands of Ling Xiao. Its life and death are unclear. It is an unbearable loss for the Chinese ethnic group.

But looking at the meaning of Ling Xiao, there was no plan to let the Chinese emperor go.

"Since that is the case, then my Chinese will wait for Lord Ling Xiao to come and say goodbye!"

Hua Yuncheng bowed to Ling Xiao with a courtesy. His face was indifferent, his voice was cold, and he turned away from the God of War.

In the God of War Temple, everyone looked at each other.

They did not expect that the negotiations between the Chinese and Ling Xiao had just broken.

Does Ling Xiao really want to kill the Chinese after three days?

A big deal is about to happen!

"Do you want to be the same as the Chinese?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely calm, and he swept across the light and dark Tianzong, the Temple of Silence and other people, so that everyone could not help shaking.

"Master Lingxiao! I am the Dark Heaven Sect, and I am willing to accept the condition of the Lord. I will provide the infinite amount of light and dark scriptures for the adults to see, and provide 100 billion original pill. In addition, all of the Dark Heaven Sect have targeted adults and the Temple of War. All the disciples and elders will be sent to the Temple of War for the sake of adults!"

Zhao Rongde, the elder Taizong's elder, got up and walked in front of Ling Xiao. He respectfully performed a courtesy.

Everyone couldn't help but stunned, the light and dark Tianzong even promised Ling Xiao such an excessive condition?

At the same time, Huang Wei, the Taishang elder of the Temple of Extinction, also got up, and also saluted Lingxiao.

"Lord Xiaoxiao, my temple of ruin is willing to provide the scriptures for adults to understand, and provide 100 billion primal pills, beheading all the disciples and elders who have targeted the temple and the temple of war!"

Huang Wei's voice sounded in the God of War Temple, magnificent.

"Don't you think my conditions are excessive?"

Ling Xiao looked at Zhao Rongde and Huang Wei and said lightly.

He did not expect that the light-dark Tianzong and the Temple of Silence would be subdued. Hua Yuncheng's attitude just now made Ling Xiao feel that his means were still a little soft, and some people didn't die until the Yellow River, and they didn't think he was real. Will come to the door to ask sin.

The light and dark Tianzong and the Temple of Silence have always acted as the Chinese thugs. I am afraid that they are also coveted by Ling Xiao's wordless book and heaven's luck, so they will be the enemy of Ling Xiao repeatedly.

However, their decisive softness made Ling Xiao's heart still quite surprised.

"Sir Ling Xiao, I have offended you with the light and dark Tianzong. This is the punishment that should be punished! We also want to thank you for your generosity!"

Zhao Rongde said calmly.

It's better to say it's time to know the affairs of the time, even if you are afraid, Tianzong Tianzong really doesn't want to be enemies with Ling Xiao anymore.

In this battle, the Lord of Light and Darkness Sect died, and the two elders of the Heavenly Emperor fell. In addition, there were hundreds of holy kings and thousands of saints. Almost half of the history of Light and Darkness Sect had been lost for countless years.

They all saw the terrifying potential of Ling Xiao, which is an energy that can destroy the entire light and dark Tianzong.

So no matter how excessive conditions Ling Xiao puts forward, they can only agree.

"Lord Xiaoxiao, the same is true of my temple of destruction! This is the punishment we should be punished. If we do something wrong, we should bear the responsibilities and consequences! In the future, the temple of death will be the only one you look forward to and never mind!"

Huang Wei also said in a hurry, his eyes were full of extremely respectful expressions, and he even directly chose Lingxiao.

Everyone looked at Zhao Rongde and Huang Wei, their eyes were very strange.

The attitude of these two people is diametrically opposed to that of Hua Yuncheng, saying that they are afraid of Ling Xiao, or they can't bear the pressure. They chose to ask for guilt and vindication, and chose to resolve their grievances with Ling Xiao.

"Very good! Since that's the case, then I won't waste much time! Within three days, do the three conditions you promised, and the grudge between us will be cancelled from now on!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

The light and dark Tianzong and the Temple of Silence are so aware of the current affairs that he has saved a lot of trouble.

"Thank you, Master Ling Xiao, to say goodbye!"

Zhao Rongde and Huang Wei both paid their respects to Ling Xiao, and then turned around and left the God of War.

"Master Ling Xiao, I am Lei Tianzong willing to offer one hundred pounds of Tian Lei Sheng Quan, three billion yuan of origin pill, one quasi-imperial soldier, and beg Lord Ling Xiao to forgive me for the offense of Tian Lei Zong!"

"Sir Ling Xiao, I am willing to present the Dan Fu Shan, the original 30 billion Dan, three quasi-imperial soldiers, and three quasi-imperial fus. I entreat Ling Xiao to forgive my offense from Dan Fushan!"

"Lord Xiaoxiao, I am willing to offer the godless gods, the original source of ten billion..."


Seeing that Zhao Rongde and Huang Wei both chose to ask Ling Xiao for guilt, the remaining large and small ancestors, families, and messengers of the kingdom of God were all scrambling to salute Ling Xiao, and offered their treasures and prayed. Ling Xiao's forgiveness.

Even the immortal holy land was not taken into account by Ling Xiao, let alone their ancestors and families who were far inferior to the holy land.

Their eyes are full of fear, this time they came to the Temple of War, they also made a **** capital, I don't know if Ling Xiao will accept their apology.

"Your attitude is not bad! But one thing I hope you All the disciples and elders who killed my temple of war, sent their bodies to the temple of war within three days, I can Don’t blame it in the past, otherwise the consequences will be up to you!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

These ancestors, families, and **** kingdoms are all people who wave their flags for the eight super powers, or some people who fish in troubled waters, want to beat down the water dogs, and want to take advantage of the danger of the Temple of War.

Ling Xiao just hadn't had time to clean them up, and they all came to the door to plead guilty.

They are completely scared!

During the Battle of the Temple of War, Ling Xiao's group gathered 36 Heavenly Venerables, more than 100,000 saints' legions, and the entire army of the eight super powers was annihilated.

Many of the strongest of the sect and family may not necessarily reach the realm of the Holy King, but in that battle yesterday, Tianzun fell dozens, and even the emperor fell.

There is no trace of wanting to compete with Ling Xiao in their hearts, they only hope that Ling Xiao will not blame them. (https://)

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