Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2832: Whoever perpetrates me, kill without amnesty!

Xuewei's eyes showed a struggling color.

After this incident, she was extremely disappointed in the temple of reincarnation. Qin Wuji made her marry Qin Jiesheng, which was originally unwilling to let Qin Jiesheng devour the reincarnation in Xuewei's body, and then broke through to nothing. The realm of God.

Moreover, Ling Xiao finally showed her heart. She and Ling Xiao also had to pass through all kinds of hardships to become a positive result. Xue Wei didn't want to leave Ling Xiao, she just wanted to be with Ling Xiao.

"Xuewei, no matter what choice you make, I will support you! And, I will always be by your side!"

Ling Xiao looked at Xue Wei and said seriously.

Reincarnation ancestors also looked at Xue Wei calmly, waiting for her reply.

After a moment of silence, Xue Wei said slowly, "Okay! Master, I promise you to be the master of reincarnation!"

"Xuewei, you don't have to force yourself!"

Reincarnation Patriarch sighed softly.

"I didn't force myself! Master, you're right, I have my own responsibilities, I can't be too selfish! The reincarnation temple is gracious to me, and now the reincarnation temple is headless, I should go back and preside over the overall situation!

Moreover, I can mobilize more resources to become the master of reincarnation, and then I can quickly break through cultivation. I don’t want to be a burden to the young master, I want to help the young master! His pressure is too great, I hope to follow the footsteps of the young master in the future! "

Xue Wei said seriously.

Although she struggled, she finally made a choice.

In her life, it can be said that a large part is Ling Xiao, and she is willing to do everything for Ling Xiao!

She feels that if she is in charge of the reincarnation temple, then the reincarnation temple can become the firmest backing of Ling Xiao, and if her cultivation practice can quickly break through, even the Emperor Dao can help Ling Xiao better!

Although Xue Wei hopes to stay with Ling Xiao, she knows that she can't do this, she must work harder.

The ancestor of reincarnation is right, the era of catastrophe is coming, no one can stay out of it. All she can do is make herself as strong as possible and protect the people she cares about.

"Xuewei, did you really think about it?"

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, his eyes filled with moving expressions.

How could he not understand Xue Wei's idea? This silly girl, no matter what time, the number one in her heart will always be her young master.

"Master, rest assured! I think clearly, I decided to succeed the Lord of Reincarnation, and the Temple of Reincarnation will be the most solid ally of the Temple of War!"

Xue Wei smiled slightly.

"Okay! In that case, I respect your choice!"

Ling Xiao nodded, and a warm current appeared in his heart.

"Thank you, Xiaoxiao, how much offensive you were before the reincarnation temple. The old man apologized to you for the reincarnation temple, and you can borrow a look at the complete reincarnation!"

The reincarnation ancestor said to Ling Xiao.

"So, thank you!"

Ling Xiao nodded, and did not refuse the good intention of samsara.

The reason why the reincarnation ancestor borrowed Ling Xiao from the indispensable reincarnation is not only to compensate for the sin, but more importantly, he wants to have a good relationship with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao is taking the road of converging the Ten Thousand Methods and cultivating hundreds of classics. He is also able to understand the indispensable samsara, which is also a great opportunity for him. It is accumulation and heritage, which can make him go further in the future.

"Little Ling Xiao, do you really decide to personally go to the mountain gates of the immortal holy places such as the Chinese, Jiuzhong Emperor Que, etc.? They have a deep background, and they are guarded by the imperial array. They want to forcibly attack them, fearing that they will be killed or injured. It's terrible, I hope you can think about it!"

The reincarnation ancestor said slowly.

"Thank you seniors for reminding us! Whether it is the Chinese or the Nineth Emperor Que, they want to kill me twice and again, and we are already intolerable! This time they have chosen to resist and resist, Don’t blame me for killing the ancestors! What about the imperial array? I really want to be there for a while!”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, a sharp edge appeared in his eyes.

"In that case, then be careful!"

Reincarnation ancestor nodded and saw Ling Xiao's attitude so firm, he did not continue to persuade.

The five superpowers, the Chinese, the Nineth Emperor Que, the Space-Time Tianmen, the Tianmanzong Sect, and the Five Elements Tianzong, although suffering heavy casualties, rely on the powerful background of the Zongmen and do not mean to reconcile with Ling Xiao.

Although the reincarnation ancestor did not want the war to break out, it was not easy to stop.

Everything depends on their respective abilities!

Reincarnation ancestors left.

He still needs to deal with some things, and then meet with Xuewei, and after a few days, take Xuewei to the reincarnation temple and succeed the reincarnation master.

Xuewei cannot naturally leave Ling Xiao at this time, she will also follow Ling Xiao to go to the ancestral land of the immortal holy land such as the Chinese to go to the door to ask for sin.

Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, in addition to some powerful holy places, temples and families such as the Temple of Extinction and the Light and Dark Heaven Sect, they have come to the Temple of War, asking for sin from Ling Xiao and presenting precious treasures. The forces chose silence.

Especially the Chinese people, after hearing the three conditions of Ling Xiao, were extremely furious. They directly summoned the major powers outside the Chinese family and prepared to fight against Ling Xiao in the Chinese ancestral home.

The strong men of the immortal sacred place such as the Ninefold Emperor Que even began to spread rumors throughout the **** realm.

They all said that Ling Xiao was a spy of the demon clan, and now colludes with the demon clan, leading the powerful of the demon world, wanting to overthrow the powerful forces of the **** realm, so as to achieve his purpose of unifying the **** realm.

Ninefold Emperor Que and other immortal holy places, even promised never to succumb, and **** battle with Ling Xiao to the end!

"It seems that they really don't know life or death!"

In the Temple of War, Ling Xiao stood on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, the sky was empty, and the whole body was shrouded in bright rays of light. His eyes were filled with extremely cold killing intentions.

The time has come for three days. Since they chose to stubbornly resist to the end, Ling Xiao can only come to the door to ask for guilt!


In the sky above the Temple of War, in front of Ling Xiao, a breath of terrifying figure floated in the void, as if it were a general legion, silent, exuding a terrifying atmosphere of terror.

The vast breath of the Holy Path is light of the gods is very indifferent, and the expressions of many powerful people are indifferent and indifferent. The eyes looking at Ling Xiao are full of extremely fanatical colors of worship.

Headed by the 30 statues with the breath of horror like the sun, it is the thirty heavenly strong men!

Thirty Heavenly Venerables, Thousands of Holy Kings, and Thousand Saints Legion

This is all the power Ling Xiao will dispatch this time.

Since the Chinese and the major immortal holy places have made their choices, Ling Xiao will not have the slightest sympathy, he will use this battle to tell the whole **** realm his attitude.

Whoever perpetrates me, kill without amnesty!

Those who have offended my temple of war, kill the genocide!

(End of this chapter)

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