Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2838: Heavenly punishment, explode!

Heavenly Penalty Army, this army that only exists in the legend, the guardian of the nineth emperor Que, was actually born!

"Not only the punishment of the heavens, but also the statue of Lei Di, as well as the various killing tricks laid out among the nineth emperor Que, Ling Xiao is still too careless!"

"Yes! Although many of the powerful men under his command are terrifying, they dare not enter the Nine-Heavy Heaven Penalty Team. Ling Xiao is a tough ride this time!"

"If this time Ling Xiao died in the ninth Emperor Que, it might be the biggest joke in the world! With so many strong men in his hands, I am afraid that the trees will suddenly fall down!"


Everyone whispered that they felt that this battle was only afraid of Ling Xiao!

In addition to the Ninefold Emperor Que, the thirty Heavenly Sovereign Strong Men and the Hundred Thousand Saints Corps firmly surrounded the Ninefold Emperor Que.

Although there were concerns in their eyes, all of them said nothing, their fighting intentions were condensed, their murderous intentions were boiling in the eyes, and they were intertwined like a vast sea.

They are waiting for Ling Xiao's order!

Although they all felt the danger of Ling Xiao, they were full of confidence in Lord Lord.

In this battle, Lord Lord will win!


The fierce thunder was blooming, Ling Xiao's fist of the era was just overbearing, and after a hard shake with the three thousand days penalty, the whole person suddenly retreated.

His whole body was full of blood and blood, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his whole body began to rise sharply.

"It's actually possible to consolidate the power of three thousand days of punishment. This kind of battle array, this tacit understanding is unheard of! Such an army, if it is placed on the battlefield against the Demon Race, will certainly be able to create brilliant results. What a pity..."

Ling Xiao whispered to herself, and a heart of love was born in her heart.

So the three thousand days of punishment of the strong men, everyone is one, the soul is interlinked, and there is a great tacit understanding between each other. Although they are all strong in the Holy King Realm, they can fight the emperor!

However, Ling Xiao also knows that these are the loyal loyalties of Emperor Jiuzhong.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, after the punishment of the Heavenly Penalty Army broke out like a mountain and a tsunami, the three thousand Saint King strongmen intertwined with each other and trapped Ling Xiao in the center, one by one eye. There was a crazy and determined killing intention.

"Won't these guys be so crazy?"

Seeing their eyes, Ling Xiao's heart could not help but a thought emerged, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.


The ancestral ancestor of Tianzun holding the sky punishment knife showed a monstrous murderous intent and madness.

The Sky Penalty Knife burst into a blazing glory, and fell across the sky towards Ling Xiao, which contained a peerless sense of morality, and the vast Ji Dao Diwei broke out, as if Ling Xiao was going to be completely Beheaded on the spot!

The image of Lei Di is also full of blazing thunder light, exuding the mysterious heavenly power. The mysterious light of the punishment of the two fists condenses, and the sky is rushing towards Ling Xiao.

The most important thing is the 3,000-day penalty!

"Heavenly Punisher, explode!"

Still the Tian Zun ancestor with the sky punishment knife suddenly shouted at the moment.

The 3,000-day penalty was like a moth slamming the fire, and it rushed towards Ling Xiao across the sky, and the terrifying atmosphere of the whole body condensed like a volcano.

boom! boom! boom!

Heavenly Penalty Army chose to explode!

When they rushed in front of Ling Xiao, they directly burned the Yuanshen, burned the essence of flesh and blood, burned the source of life, burned all their own, and then blew up suddenly.

In just an instant, there were five hundred punishment troops who chose to explode!

If a holy king burns everything and chooses to explode in spite of everything, that terrifying power is enough to hurt the Tianzun strong!

And the five hundred saints blew up at the same time. What kind of horror should the power burst out?


The Heavenly Penalty Knife was blocked by Tianwei as a prison monument, and the Thunder Emperor Statue burst into a fierce light of Heavenly Penalty. After a hard shock with Ling Xiao, the Thunder Emperor Statue broke through the void like a ghost and appeared in Lingxiao. Behind him, then hugged Ling Xiao tightly.

The horrible light of heaven's punishment submerged Ling Xiao, and came towards Ling Xiao's whole body.

And the horrifying power of the five hundred Heavenly Penalty Forces exploding, also instantly covered Ling Xiao and the Thunder Emperor Idol, like a turbulent sea, swallowing them!


The void above the void instantly exploded into a terrifying black hole, and the horrible divine light intertwined, and various mysterious visions emerged.

"Heavenly Penalty Army, explode!"

The ancestral ancestor holding the punishment knife again shouted again, his eyes full of flesh and blood.


Another five hundred days of punishment troops rushed up without hesitation, burning everything of their own, and then burst into flames.

These days, the punishment of the army, but the accumulation of the nineth emperor Que for hundreds of millions of years, the loss of one for the nineth emperor Que is unbearable pain.

But now, in order to deal with Ling Xiao, a full of thousands of natural penalty forces chose to explode!

This is the background of the nineth emperor Que in the burning sect, devoting all his strength to fight against Ling Xiao.

He even regretted it now.

If you can bow your head to Ling Xiao, how can you cause such a big loss?

But now the entire Ninth Emperor Que is riding a tiger, and they have to kill Ling Xiao. Only by killing Ling Xiao will the Nineth Emperor Que have vitality!

Everyone stared blankly at the sky above the Nineth Emperor Que, a blank in his mind.

This battle is too tragic!

Thousands of holy kings blew themselves up, and that horrible scene hasn't appeared in God Realm for hundreds of millions of years.

And these are to kill Ling Xiao!

Perhaps Ling Xiao is dead?

Everyone thought secretly in their hearts. Under such a terrible self-explosion, Tianzun will die, and the emperor will hardly be spared.

How could Ling Xiao survive?

"Perhaps... Ling Xiao is not dead yet! Do you remember that Ling Xiao blew up the Wordless God Book two hundred years ago, but did he survive?"

Suddenly someone said.

Everyone couldn't help but feel excited, and then suddenly raised his head and looked at the blasting center.

Wu Zi Tian Shu is the treasure of chaos. At that time, even the devil's Yuanlou demon was destroyed, and Ling Xiao had no bones. The power might be more terrifying than the punishment of the Heavenly Punishment.

But at that time, Wu Xiao Tian Shu blew up, and Ling Xiao survived.

And this time?


The violent twist of the void, the blazing divine light rose, and the horrible self-explosive power slowly dissipated, and two figures appeared.

The statue of Lei Di looks more and more broken, but the whole body exudes an immortal light, as if he has not been injured too and Ling Xiao looks pale, and the corners of his mouth flow out A trace of blood, but his eyes were brighter and sharper than ever.

he is injured.

But in his palm, he held a huge black streamer, radiating a dazzling light, thousands of colors, and a ray of radiance. Behind Ling Xiao, it seemed that there was a vast and ancient world emerging. come out.

Wan Yao streamer!

Ling Xiao exploded the supreme power of the Wan Yao stream, summoned the will and projection of the demon world, and with this supreme treasure, he resolved the power of the natural punishment army to explode.

However, that kind of power is too terrifying, Rao has Wan Yao stream in hand, Ling Xiao also suffered a lot of injuries!

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