Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2840: Lei Di Jing!

The three great respected ancestors of the Nineth Emperor Que were all beheaded without any accident!

The strong men above the sage realm are almost dead and wounded. These are the elite of the nineth emperor Que, and they are also diehard. It is impossible to choose to surrender. Even if you surrender, I am afraid that there will be two hearts. All of them are beheaded by the strong men under Ling Xiao Too.

And the disciples below the sage realm knelt on the ground one by one, trembling all over, waiting for Ling Xiao to fall.

The majestic and magnificent Ninefold Emperor Que, covered with a layer of blood mist, looked very tragic.


Above the void, the Sky Penalty Sword trembles slightly, exuding the sharpness of the sword, trying to escape through the air.

The Heavenly Penalty Knife seems to be extremely spiritual. After seeing the Nineth Emperor Que being destroyed, he wanted to leave here directly.

However, Ling Xiao used Tianwei as a prison monument and years compass to block the path of Tianfeidao and trapped it in the void.

Ling Xiao is performing the secret technique of Heavenly Punishment. The whole body is bright and intertwined with thunder, exuding a very strange atmosphere. He wants to build a field so that the Heavenly Punishing Knife will no longer exclude him.

In the end, the day penalty knife finally began to calm down, and then caught in the palm of Ling Xiao!

"It's such a fierce knife!"

Ling Xiao marveled in his heart. This is worthy of Lei Di's weapon. It contained the power of heaven punishment. It was terrifying. It seemed to be able to overthrow everything. Ling Xiao grasped the palm of his hand and could feel that kind of incredibly strong sense of cleavage.

But he can only do it now, so that the Sky Penalty Knife will no longer exclude him, but if you want to thoroughly refine the Sky Penalty Knife, you must practice the Lei Di Jing.

"Ling Xiao, how about the surrendered disciples of the Ninth Emperor Que?"

The old goat looked at Ling Xiao and said.

"Bring them all back to the Temple of War, and compile them into a new Scourge!"

Ling Xiao said indifferently.

Although he didn't want to injure others, it would be a disaster if these disciples of the Nineth Emperor Que were just released in this way.

Ling Xiao simply overbearing once, all of them will be organized into an army, and become the punishment army of the Temple of War!

As for the two thousand strong punishment troops, they were all slain by Ling Xiao. They were all diehard loyal to the nineth Emperor Que and could not surrender to Ling Xiao.

And these new Heavenly Punishers are different, they will become the Temple of War, the sharpest sword in Ling Xiao's hands!

Next, Ling Xiao led people directly into the Ninefold Emperor Que above the void, the magnificent palaces, which looked magnificent, surrounded by Ruiqi, with divine light and brilliance.

The Ninth Emperor Que was exterminated, and it was time to search for loot.

Above the void, there are a total of nine original Dan Rivers, which radiate a dazzling light, floating like a dragon, and containing the majestic power of the original.

Ling Xiao naturally has no politeness, and directly collected the nine original Dan Rivers.

He sent the powerful men under his command to go to the alchemy hall, the refining hall, the treasure hall, the medicine garden, the imperial palace and other treasures of the nineth emperor Que to let them search for treasure.

As for the old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist, and the white dragon horse, these three guys could not bear it long ago, and they didn't know where to rush to search for treasure.

Ling Xiao was alone, heading towards the Hall of Tibetan Classics of the Nineth Emperor Que!

His purpose is the Lei Di Jing.

The Lei Di Jing is the Godlessness that Lei Di left behind. It contains the source of Lei Di's avenue and is also the key to controlling the heavenly penalty knife.

The Lei Di Jing is also a very powerful way of attacking. It is also a very important reference for the Lingxiao furnace to raise hundreds of classics and integrate the ten thousand methods.

In fact, Ling Xiao is very much looking forward to the inheritance of the Nine Emperors.

He got the Emperor Tianjing from Zhao Ritian. For the head of the Nine Emperors of the human race, the Peerless Heavenly Emperor who swept across the heavens and the heavens was naturally admired. However, although he practiced the Tiandi Jing, he rarely used the nothing in the Tiandi Jing. Magic art.

The way of the heavenly emperor is the way of heaven, the invincible road, the avenue for killing all enemies in the world and pushing the heavens and the world.

And Lei Di is also one of the nine human emperors, claiming to be the second killer among the nine human emperors, second only to Heaven Emperor!

The emperor Lei Di was enlightened by the Heavenly Punishment Avenue, which is one of the supreme Avenues. It contains the power of peerless attack. It has the supremacy of the Thunder Dao and the majesty and domineering of the Heaven Dao.

Ling Xiao has just searched the souls of the heavenly ancestors of the Nineth Emperor Que, and also confirmed that the Lei Di Jing is in the Tibetan Scripture Hall!

The Tibetan Scripture Hall is a gray palace, which looks very ordinary, filled with chaotic fog and intertwined with strange marks.

Ling Xiao entered the Hall of Tibetan Scriptures, and saw the position of the head, there was a base where the gods were placed.

At this moment, the idol is gone.

"Is the Thunder Emperor Statue, has it been placed here?"

With a move in Ling Xiao's heart, he took out the Lei Di statue he had put away.

The image of Lei Di looks tattered, but it is intertwined with an immortal luster and contains the power of mysterious punishment.

Ling Xiao placed the Lei Di statue in its original position, and then began to use the secret technique of heaven punishment to communicate with the Lei Di statue.

This is also the news he got from the three Tianzun ancestors!

The secret technique of punishment is the key to open the Lei Di Jing.


With Ling Xiao's secret punishment technique, the blazing light around him was dazzling, and a series of thunder and light intertwined, and bright runes emerged.

The Hall of Tibetan Scriptures tremble slightly, and the image of the first Lei Emperor suddenly burst into a blazing glow. The void in front of him rippled like a wave of water, and a strange space appeared in front of Ling Xiao.

In that strange space, there are bright stars floating, intertwined with each other, like a gorgeous galaxy.

Those stars are revolving around an eternal sun.

At that moment the sun exudes a blazing glow, saying that the sun is worse than a thunder cluster condensed by thunder, which looks majestic and mysterious.

Ling Xiao can feel that the stars are all mysterious exercises.

This is the temple of the Jiuzhong Emperor Que and the foundation of the Jiuzhong Emperor Que. It contains the powerful techniques and supreme secrets created or obtained by the ancestors of the past nine hundred years. There are thousands of ways.

The most precious thing is naturally the Lei Di Jing!

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a look of reached out and grabbed toward the most central sun.


When the palm of Ling Xiao touched the sun, the fierce lightning rose suddenly, and the thunder was like a waterfall. It suddenly diffused and covered Ling Xiao's whole body.

Ling Xiao felt that in his knowledge of the sea, it seemed that a chaotic thunder exploded, and a very mysterious scripture appeared in his mind!

Lei Di Jing!

This is the Lei Emperor's Scripture, the Godless Scripture left by the Lei Emperor, one of the nine emperors of the human race. It contains Lei Emperor's Tao. As Ling Xiao runs the day punishment secret technique, there is nothing in the way that is passed down to Ling Xiao!

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