Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2844: The 1st Emperor Formation of God Realm!

The ancestral land of the Chinese people, the twelve ancient mountains up to a million feet tall, at this moment a blazing beam of light bloomed, black suffocation filled, intertwined into a terrifying array of void.

The Twelve Capitals of Heaven and God was created by the Emperor of Heavenly Capital. Once the Emperor was killed, the power and terror were unmatched. Under the repression of the Capital of Heaven and God, the end was terrifying terror.

This is also the essence of the Chinese.

At any time, as long as there are twelve gods in a large array, the Chinese will never be immortal.

Nowadays, although no Tiandu Emperor presided over the Twelve Capitals, and the supreme power of killing the emperor broke out, it was easy to kill the emperor.

Watching Ling Xiao stepping towards the Chinese ancestral land, Hua Tianchong and others showed sneer in their eyes.

They really don't know whether to say Ling Xiao is courageous or ignorant.

When Ling Xiao enters the Void of the Formation, he will face the terror attack of the Twelve Capitals, and no matter how strong Ling Xiao's body is, he will be torn directly.

Even if Ling Xiao is emperor of the Ji Dao, how long can he support in the twelve capital gods?


Ling Xiao's whole body was rising, the purple light was surging, every step made the sky sway, he walked towards the void of the formation method.

The twelve capitals of the gods are one of the strongest heritages of the Chinese. If you want to kill the Chinese, you must break through this godless formation.

Ling Xiao didn't want all the powerful men to rush into the imperial formation, which made no sense and would only cause a lot of deaths and injuries.

Therefore, he chose to break alone!

Everyone was watching Ling Xiao, wanting to see if he could break through the twelve capitals.

Everyone's attention!


With the sky of thunder, Ling Xiao stepped into the formation void.


The twelve ancient Taishan Mountains shook slightly, the blazing light suddenly bloomed, the black mist rose, and the vast array of voids began to tremble violently.

Ling Xiao entered the range of the twelve capitals of the gods, and suddenly the black airflow around him, accompanied by a chaotic **** thunder, intertwined with an extremely terrifying killing atmosphere, and came towards him.

Ling Xiao's eyes condensed, and he immediately felt the surging murderous influx in all directions, as if it could make the world of the world completely broken.

The Twelve Capitals of Heaven and God are called the Great Emperor Formation. It is said that not only can they condense the true body of Heavenly Emperor, but also contains Chaos God Thunder, which can open up the earth and destroy everything.

At this moment, Ling Xiao seemed to be in chaos. The surrounding water was turbulent and turbulent, and the incomparable chaos intertwined with a blazing light, winding around him.


Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, the purple divine light bloomed, and the unmatched fist seal instantly shattered the horrible beam of light all around him.

He stood up and moved around in this vast array of formation void, trying to find the flaws and the birthplace of the formation.

Even Ling Xiao had to admit that the twelve gods had a terrible terror that made him feel a strong threat.

"I don't know if I'm alive! Even the emperor will die, do you really think you can break through the twelve gods?"

Hua Tianchong sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

"Ling Xiao has entered the urn, what should I do next?"

An ancestral ancestor of the Five Elements Tianzong asked Hua Tian to ask.

"What should I do? It's his own death, of course I have to complete him! Next, let him taste the power of Chaos Thunder and Heavenly Emperor!"

Hua Tianchong said indifferently.


The light flashed in his hand, and the twelve flags of the heavenly gods suddenly differentiated into twelve moments. Twelve black flags flew into the air, intertwined with a horrible thunder, and instantly fell on the twelve ancient Above the mountain.

The vast and terrifying breath erupted, the vastness was like the sea, surging and surging, the twelve heavenly gods were flying against the wind, and the fiery chaotic **** thunder burst out of it, and enveloped towards Lingxiao.


Chaos God Thunder is the thunder of the open sky, intertwined with destruction and vitality, mysteriously unpredictable, and suddenly slammed on Ling Xiao's arm.

The flesh and blood on Ling Xiao's arm disappeared instantly at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only the operating skeleton, exuding a purple glow.

"What a terrifying chaotic **** thunder!"

Ling Xiao exclaimed that his immortal body was powerful and unmatched, even stronger than the emperor's flesh, but he could not resist the attack of Chaos Shenlei.

Only his bones contain not only immortal materials but also chaotic treasures, so he can stand up to such a destructive force.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ling Xiao is vertical and horizontal, as fast as lightning, constantly avoiding the chaotic **** thunder coming around.

At the same time, he punched like a dragon, the purple divine light bloomed, and the chaos haunted. The fist of the era seemed to be open to the earth, constantly colliding with the chaotic **** thunder, and blasting to the surging destruction beams around.

But Chaos God Thunder became more and more fierce. In the end, the Chaos God Thunder was vertical and horizontal, and they gathered together like a vast sea of ​​thunder, as if to drown Ling Xiao completely.


At the same time, the twelve heavenly **** flags radiate a blazing light at the same time, a vast divine emperor's might burst out, and a ray of divine light interweaves, finally condensing a breath of terror and unmatched in the void Figure.

That figure seemed to be an ancient emperor awakened from the ancient times, and there was a breath of invincibility all around him.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, that vast immense divinity, as if he were the incarnation of the avenue, could suppress the heavens and make people tremble and palpitate.

"That's... the real body of the Emperor Tiandu?!"

Someone exclaimed, and his voice was shaking.

The reason why the twelve capitals of the gods are That is, even if there is no host of the **** of the heaven, as long as there is the flag of the **** of the heaven, the true body of the **** of the heaven can be condensed and the level of the emperor can break out. The power to destroy everything.

Everyone didn't expect that the Chinese were so fierce that even the real body of the Great Emperor of the Heavens was condensed.

You know, even if the twelve capitals of the gods have the repression of the gods of the gods, if you want to condense the real body of the heavenly emperor, it will take countless years of accumulated strength.

It seems that they want to completely kill Ling Xiao!

"Ling Xiao is dead! Chaos God Thunder can't resist it at all, let alone the true body of the Heavenly Emperor!"

The Tianzong ancestors of the Five Elements Tianzong Sect, the Tianmanzong Sect, and the Space-Time Tianmen, all eyes were indifferent, and their eyes showed a very happy look.

(End of this chapter)

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