Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2849: Fairy breath!

Your Royal Highness!

What Ling Xiao did not expect was that after he swallowed the seal of the emperor, what he saw in the seal of the emperor would be His Royal Highness!

Originally Ling Xiao was still wondering, where did Hua Tianchong get the seal of the emperor, but he didn't expect it to be related to the fairy family.

"Have the Chinese been infiltrated by the fairy?"

Ling Xiao shook all over, his eyes became very serious.

This matter is even more important than his desire to destroy the Chinese.

There is no doubt that the power of the fairy family is the master of the first era. It has stood up for countless years and has accumulated an infinite heritage of races, even if the devil and the fairy family are far apart.

The immortal imprint of the emperor appeared on Hua Tianchong, and the shadow of His Royal Highness also appeared. Does this mean that the immortal has already begun to lay out in God Realm?


Above the void, the blazing divine light rose, the sky was full of blood and rain, Hua Tianchong was torn by Ling Xiao, and even Yuan Shen was directly swallowed by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao radiated a dazzling fairy light all over his body, lingering and mysterious. The gorgeous glow fell from above nine days and poured into his body, making him seem to be flying away.

Everyone's face was extremely pale, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

Was Hua Tianchong, who had the seal of the emperor, died in Ling Xiao's hand?

Looking at the imposing sky above the void, looking at the three powerful and imposing imperial soldiers, and looking at the panicked faces of the Chinese and the three immortal holy places, everyone's hearts sank.

Today, the Chinese and the three immortal sacred places are really about to be wiped out by the Tuzong!


The seal of the emperor contains a trace of the original power of the emperor. It is horrible and unmatched. It was impossible to refine the seal of the emperor based on the cultivation of Ling Xiao, but there is a wordless book in Lingxiao, and the seal of the emperor is directly given by the wordless book. Devoured.

Ling Xiao's eyes closed slightly, and as he devoured Hua Tianchong's Yuanshen, he began to strip away Hua Tianchong's memory. He wanted to see why Hua Tianchong was connected with His Royal Highness.

Ling Xiao vaguely saw that in Hua Tianchong's memory, in an endless chaotic space, in a mysterious fairy palace, Hua Tianchong knelt in front of His Royal Highness, what His Royal Highness was talking about.

But I haven't waited until Ling Xiao heard what the Highness of the Immortal Clan would say. I saw that the Highness of the Immortal Clan suddenly raised his head, a pair of bright and mysterious eyes, as if wearing a heavy void, colliding with Ling Xiao's eyes, eyes There was a playful look in it.


Hua Tianchong's memory instantly exploded into a powder.

Ling Xiao's expression was a bit cold. Although he didn't find out more secrets, the actions of His Royal Highness made Ling Xiao see that Hua Tianchong was indeed a chess piece of His Royal Highness.

"It seems that the people of the Chinese clan must be utterly killed! The fairy clan must not be allowed to stir up the wind and rain in God Realm!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed a murderous opportunity, thought secretly.

At this moment, the people of Chinese, Wuxing Tianzong, Tianmanzong, and Tianmen Tianmen are all pale, and their eyes are full of panic.

They felt a powerful threat from Ling Xiao. Who can control Ling Xiao today?

Not to mention, the Chinese and the three immortal holy places add up to only 25 Heavenly Venerables, which is at a disadvantage.

Today, Ling Xiao is not controlled by anyone, just like a tiger coming out of the mountain. How long can these twenty-five gods withstand Ling Xiao's beheading?

"Could it be that we are going to die us?"

The people of the four super powers all had a very sad and desperate emotion in their hearts.

The Chinese people have even begun to regret it. If they knew that Ling Xiao was so overbearing and powerful, he should agree to Ling Xiao’s conditions. What if he lent the heaven to Ling Xiao?

It is always better than it is now.


At this moment, suddenly a vast and lingering breath appeared above the nine days.

In the void, there seems to be an ancient ancient mountain coming out of the sky, exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere.

On that ancient ancient mountain, stood a figure dressed in white, with a breath of air, like Emperor Linchen.

It was a rich and handsome middle-aged man, who seemed to be a scholarly scholar of ordinary world, with a clear face, deep and gentle eyes, as if containing endless time and space, and a mysterious scene of chaos opened up.

He appeared in the void, and everyone could not help but shocked, and suddenly there was a feeling that all his body was seen through.

Beside the man in white, there is also an acquaintance of Ling Xiao.

Jiang Yuyang!

But at the moment, Ling Xiao's eyes were all attracted by the middle-aged man in white.

"Senior Kunwu?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and suddenly a look of extreme surprise appeared in his eyes.

Not the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, who else?

Before Ling Xiao heard Jiang Yuyang said that Emperor Kunwu Mountain had left God Realm, there were important things to do, and he felt extremely regretful. He did not expect that Emperor Kunwu Mountain would come here today.

Emperor Kunwu Mountain is the existence of both teachers and friends for Ling Xiao, and is the leader of Ling Xiao above the avenue. Ling Xiao has always been extremely respectful to Emperor Kunwu Mountain.

"Is Lord Kunwu?! Meet Lord Kunwu!"

Someone exclaimed, and suddenly there was an extremely excited and fanatical look in his eyes.

"Senior Kunwu? The strongest of God Realm, the guardian of the human race, the great Kunwu? I didn't expect that I could see Lord Kunwu in my lifetime!"

"Mr. Kunwu!"

"Mr. Kunwu!"


The arrival of Emperor Kunwu Mountain suddenly made everyone tremble, and his eyes were filled with endless worship, bowing to salute.

Many young people's eyes are dazed, they don't understand who Kunwu such a prestige, but with the explanation of the older generation, many talents gradually When I understood it, there was an extremely respectful look in my eyes.

Emperor Kunwu Mountain is a legend in God Realm!

Legend has it that the emperor of Kunwu Mountain was a character at the beginning of the human race, even older than the nine emperors of the human race, and even the emperor of heaven had studied under the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

Emperor Kunwu Mountain does not belong to any forces, but it is the guardian of the human race. During the period of the Nine Emperor Human Race, the Nine Emperor overwhelmed the ancients and led the human race to glory. The emperor Kunwu Mountain did not have a reputation. .

But after the Nine Emperors of the Terran, Kunwu Mountain Emperor was the true patron saint of the Terran. He resolved the tribulations of the Terran many times, saved the Terran from fire and water, and repulsed several invasions of the Demons. The strength is unmatched and unfathomable. .

Some people say that the cultivation of the emperor Kunwu Mountain has reached the peak of the emperor's realm, and it is only a step away from the emperor.

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