Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2853: Sloppy Emperor!

Extravagant void.

This is outside the realm of God Realm, but also within the scope of God Realm Heavenly Dao. It is hazy and hazy, the starry sky above the head looks vast and lonely.

In the distance, there are silent stars floating in the chaotic void, the thunder all around was fierce and eye-catching, and there was a storm of divine light passing like a sea.

Ling Xiao can feel that the void outside the realm is extremely dangerous. If the strong men below the sage realm come here, I am afraid there is no possibility of survival.

Even if it is a strong person of the Holy Path, if it falls into those terrifying thunders and divine light storms in the distance, it will end in death or injury.

This is a chaotic area, and it is also an excellent place to rob.

Ling Xiao understands why Jiang Yuyang chose to cross the robbery here.

The emperor's robbery is unmatched, and the terror is tremendous. That is the test of the avenue. The damage caused in the God Realm is too great, and it is impossible to experience the vast heavenly power and avenue origin.

Jiang Yuyang's emperor's avenue is not trivial. Only in this chaotic land, with thousands of avenues, can he burst into more powerful potential.

Moreover, it is not necessarily safe in God Realm. Today's God Realm has become the focus of all heavens and all realms. I don't know how many aliens are playing God Realm's idea.

On the contrary, it is the natural barrier to cross the robbery in the void outside this domain, which can conceal the air machine to the greatest extent possible.

However, once Jiang Yuyang began to cross the robbery, the mighty expanse of the emperor's robbery might still be discovered by someone with heart.

But at this time, the guardian is needed!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Emperor Kunwu Mountain, Jiang Yuyang and Ling Xiao fell on a star shrouded in a bright thunder.

Above this star, Ling Xiao also saw an old man.

Sloppy Taoist, Master Ye Liangchen.

It can now be called the sloppy emperor!

The guardians of Jiang Yuyang's crossing the robbery were the sloppy emperor and Ling Xiao.

"Seen Senior Scruffy!"

Ling Xiao ceremoniously walked towards the sloppy emperor.

Two hundred years ago, the sloppy emperor blocked many of the immortal holy places for Ling Xiao, and he was very grateful for Ling Xiao's heart.

"You don't have to pay more! Xiao Ling, I didn't expect that you have grown to such a degree in just two hundred years! It's unbelievable!"

The sloppy emperor also said with some emotion.

"Seniors have a reputation!"

Ling Xiao responded with a smile.

Ling Xiao has been observing the star under their feet.

This star looks very old, hidden in the haze of chaos, surrounded by countless fierce thunder, like a sea of ​​thunder.

This is a natural place to cross the robbery.

The thunder around is the avenue of law intertwined in this chaotic field. The thunder formed by the avenue is unpredictable and terrifying.

If it is during the robbery, it will cause thousands of people to come, even if someone notices that this place is not suitable, it should be difficult to find it in the first place.

"Yuyang, this is the place I chose for you! Next, I will take action to resist the prying eyes of some of the strongest in the heavens and the world, but if there is a fish that misses the net, then you can only rely on you Myself!"

Emperor Kunwu said slowly.

"Thank you, I understand!"

Jiang Yuyang nodded.

"Then you are ready to cross the robbery!"

Emperor Kunwu Mountain said, then took a step and disappeared into the void.

Jiang Yuyang looked at Ling Xiao and Scrambled Emperor, and said slowly: "There will be labor to protect the law for me! I have a hunch, I am afraid that this trip will not be so calm!"

"Relax! No one wants to stop you from witnessing the emperor this time! But this time, the key is to look at Xiao Ling Xiao!"

The sloppy emperor smiled slightly.

"Look at me?"

Ling Xiao was a little surprised.

"Yes! Little Friends Ling Xiao, I did not expect that the demon emperor's Wan Yao stream actually fell into your hands! The Wan Yi stream is the core of Zhou Tianxing's large formation. I haven't found it for countless years. With the Wanwan streamers, I’ll come to preside over the Zhou Tianxing Dazhen personally, even if the emperor is strong, he will come to die one by one!"

The sloppy emperor said with both eyes shining, his eyes were full of extremely excited looks.

"Senior, will you host Zhou Tianxing's big formation? This is a good idea!"

Ling Xiao also nodded and smiled.

He once heard Ye Liangchen brag about that the emperor of scruffy is known as the emperor of the battlefield, and his attainment on the way of the battlefield is the best in the world. Two hundred years ago, it was the emperor of the scrambled emperor who arranged the next large array of stars and stars, blocking many of the immortal holy places. Strong.

It can be seen that the sloppy emperor's attainments in the Zhou Tianxing formation are also very deep.

"This is the perfect place to lay out the Zhoutian Xingchen Formation. After the Zhoutian Xingxing Formation is deployed, it can lead the power of Zhou Tianxing, shining the spirits of hundreds of millions of demon clan, and explode the power to destroy the world, even if Emperor, don’t even think about stepping over Leichi!"

The sloppy emperor said with some excitement, looking at the stars around him, his face full of confidence.

Before, he was still a bit worried, but during the World War I, Ling Xiao’s Ten Thousand Beasts laid out a large array of stars next week, directly blocking the twelve Chinese gods, and the sloppy emperor knew this news. There is much more assurance.

Zhou Tianxing Dazheng is known as the first emperor formation in the demon world, and has its own horror!

"In this case, there is Senior Lao, who is here! The Zhou Tianxing Dazheng is here, and it can indeed explode with more powerful power! At that time, the seniors will preside over the large array, and the juniors will be hidden in the large array, waiting to kill the enemy. !"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and without hesitation took out the Wan Yao streamer and handed it to the sloppy emperor.

Relative to the formation method to trap the enemy and kill the enemy, Ling Xiao prefers to rely on his own power to bomb the enemy!

"I also have this intention! You are superb in battle, and you are in charge of the Ji Dao imperial soldiers. In the Zhou Tian Xing Da formation, even if you are an emperor, you can kill it! I want to see See, those who do not know life and death, dare to come!"

The sloppy emperor smiled coldly.

Jiang Yuyang sat down on a mountain peak, his white clothes fluttered, and his entire body exuded a lingering and strange atmosphere.

Ling Xiao can feel that Jiang Yuyang is gaining momentum, and at the same time, the vast heaven and earth avenues intertwined around him, forming a strange resonance with the Sifang Void.

Jiang Yuyang's momentum is unmatched, and his breath is unpredictable!

Ling Xiao even felt that the breath of Jiang Yuyang was not something that a Heavenly Venerable could possess, even if he was the first reincarnation master in the emperor's and Jiang Yuyang were all inferior.

This peerless figure who cultivated the Emperor's Road and reincarnate the ninth century, it is really extraordinary.

However, the more so, Ling Xiao can understand Jiang Yuyang's prudence in this trip, not only the emperor's robbery is unmatched, but also the powerful forces of the Devil Race and other thousands of worlds, I am afraid that they do not want such a peerless figure in the human race.


The sloppy emperor was holding a ten thousand demon streamers with words in his mouth, exuding a vast and mysterious atmosphere fluctuations, the stars were shaking in the sky, the stars were dazzling, and the vast gatherings came, and the large array of Zhoutian stars was slowly forming !

PS: The state of these two days is not very good, the plot has been stuck and can not be written, adjust the state tomorrow, and strive to update a few more, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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