Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2859: I swallowed an emperor!


The void in front of Xing Mojun seemed to be broken in an instant. The black stone rune enveloped him, and in an instant it would turn into a fairy light and disappear into the large array of Zhoutian stars!

He was extremely determined, seeing that in this week's large array of stars, he was not only Ling Xiao's opponent, but also in danger of falling, so he urged the treasure extremely decisively and wanted to escape.

"It turned out to be a fairy symbol?!"

Ling Xiao's heart shook, and a sharp light appeared in her eyes.

The black stone rune in Xing Mojun's hand, surrounded by the dazzling fairy light, exuded a mysterious and powerful air of the fairy road, which was very similar to the fairy rune in the hands of the unscrupulous Daoist, so Ling Xiao recognized it at a glance.

How can Xingmojun have fairy symbols?

Is it possible that the Demon Clan and the Immortal are collused together?

"Want to go? Hey, Star Demon King, you still stay for the old man!"

At the same time, the voice of the sloppy emperor sounded in the void, with a hint of playful fluctuation.


An earth-shattering dragon-sounding sound rang, instantly trembling the emptiness of the Quartet, and hundreds of millions of stars gathered to form a billion-mile-long star dragon, exuding a vast and terrifying dragon power, as if the ancient ancestral dragon had recovered. , Directly broke through the void, and the huge dragon tail pumped directly on the piece of fairy light enchantment on the star demon king.


Star Demon King trembled all over, the piece of fairy light enchantment and the black stone rune in his hand shattered at the same time, and his entire person was pulled back into the Zhoutian Star Formation again by the Star Dragon!


The killing flash in Ling Xiao's eyes instantly seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the fierce thunder of the whole body rose, and the day penalty knife fell across the sky.

At this moment, it was when Xing Mo Jun was drawn back, and the direction of flying was Ling Xiao's direction.

At the same time, there is a chain of order gods around the star demon king, which is the power of the sloppy emperor to urge Zhou Tianxing to form a large array, temporarily trapping the star demon king, so that he is directly exposed to this sword of Ling Xiao!

"Do not!!!"

Xing Mojun shouted, his eyes full of unwillingness.


I saw blood flash in the void, and the Sky Penalty Knife fell across the sky, directly chopping off his head.


The blazing thunder light rises, and the vast source of punishment in the punishment of the heavenly punishment rushes toward the sea of ​​the star demon's Yuanshen.

At the same time, the compass of the years is also falling down, and the vast time domain is suppressed again, which directly suppresses the body of the star demon king.

Although the head was cut off by the Sky Penalty Knife and the Star Demon King was severely hit, after all, the Star Demon King is a strong man in the Emperor's Realm.

It is not so easy to kill an emperor and a strong man!

However, there were the suppression of the two extreme Dao soldiers, the Heavenly Penalty Knife and the Years Compass.

"Swallow me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold, and he stood up and slapped on the flesh of the star demon king. A vast swallowing force broke out in the palm of his hand.

The mystery of swallowing the sky was urged to the extreme by him. A vast swallowing world of heaven appeared in his body, covering the flesh of the demon king.

Xing Mo Jun condenses the body of the origin, his flesh is transformed by the pure origin of the stars, contains the power of the vast origin, has been completely crystallized, and is the supreme treasure.

A drop of his blood is comparable to the powerful Holy Pill, which can enable the saint to make great progress.

His immortal Yuanshen contains even more powerful Yuanshen power, and even his many insights into the origin of the stars.

Ling Xiao is planning to refine the Xingmojun directly!

Although Star Demon King was hit hard, it is not difficult to recover. Instead of suppressing it, it is better to directly and completely eliminate it to prevent future troubles.

Moreover, Ling Xiao is only the cultivation of Tian Zunjing. At the same time, urging the compass of the years and the punishment of the heaven penalty is also a big burden for him and consumes a lot.

Devoured the star demon lord, not only can he restore Ling Xiao's consumption, but he can even make his cultivation progress by leaps and bounds!

Ling Xiao has already foreseen that there will be a fierce battle today, so raising war with war is the best way!


It seemed as though he sensed the vast power of the star demon monarch, even the wordless heavenly book that had been integrated with Ling Xiao exuded a strong desire.

With the blessing of the wordless book, the speed of Ling Xiao's devouring the star demon instantly increased tenfold and hundredfold!

Star Demon King's flesh and blood energy was swallowed by Ling Xiao at a speed visible to the naked eye, transformed into a vast source of power, and integrated into Ling Xiao's body.

The star demon king's flesh shrivelled quickly.

Although his immortal Yuanshen was suppressed by Wu Zi Tian Shu, he realized at this moment that Ling Xiao wanted to devour and refine him, and his soul was violent and he couldn't help crying out for mercy.

But Ling Xiao was unmoved and was still devouring his flesh and blood energy.

In the end, Xing Mo Jun even began to feel a bit desperate, and began to curse Ling Xiao's incredibly vicious curse.


Ling Xiao's expression was calm but calm, and the whole body radiated a purple ray of light, swallowing the majestic world of the Holy World, like the flow of the Baichuan, and swallowed the flesh of the star demon king completely.

And the indestructible Yuanshen of the Xingmojun ultimately failed to support it, and Ling Xiao erased his spiritual wisdom, transformed into a majestic Yuanshen energy, and merged into Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen.

Ling Xiaotong's body is spraying out a blazing light, full of endless power, and the vast source of stars, so that he also has a trace of understanding of the source of stars enlightened by the demon king.

That little star's origin is like a seed, integrated into Ling Xiao's body, waiting for a day to take root!

Ling Xiao, swallowed an emperor!

"Good boy, you actually swallowed the Star Demon King?! The Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King have already noticed the death of the Star Demon began to go crazy! Slaughter, you can't let them affect Jiang Yuyang's robbery!"

The sloppy emperor's voice filled with exclamation into Ling Xiao's mind.

Even if there is a large array of Zhou Tianxing stars, there are Ji Dao imperial soldiers, but for Ling Xiao defeated Xing Mo Jun, and even swallowed Xing Mo Jun, the sloppy emperor was also extremely marveled.

He has already noticed that Ling Xiao's cultivation is becoming more and more unpredictable, and his accumulation is getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, I am afraid that Ling Xiao will not stay in Tianzun Realm for too long. .

You should know that although Tianzun Realm and Emperor's Realm are only separated by one realm, they are like heaven and earth. Countless Tianzun Realm are trapped in the same place, and even can't break through to Emperor's Realm for life.

If you want to take that last step, you must not only understand the origin of the avenue, but also have an extremely strong accumulation, otherwise even the emperor's robbery will not survive, and eventually it will only be wiped out!

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