Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2862: Slaughter 3 Devil Kings!

The three great pole emperors came across, and although they did not completely break through the Zhoutian stars, they still put the sloppy emperor under great pressure.

He himself was forced to urge the three hundred and sixty beasts to be real, and the burden was huge. At this moment, due to the terror breaking power of the infinite burst of shuttles, he was instantly subjected to the force of counterattack by the large array, and was injured by the origin of Dadao. .

Dao injury is the most difficult to cure!

At this moment, the sloppy emperor can only barely urge Zhou Tianxing to form a large demon streamer to block the Le Zhuxian sword and the burning skull, but there is no way to stop the Wuji breakout shuttle. He can only watch the Wuji breakout shuttle moving towards him. Ling Xiao killed.


In the large array of Zhoutian stars, both the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King have been unimaginably hit to the dying edge!

Three hundred and sixty real beasts burst into a comparable blow to the emperor's realm, and at the same time they were killed towards the two of them. Rao is the strength of the two emperors, but he was also hit hard in a flash.

And just as Ling Xiao was holding a sword of punishment by the sky and was about to kill Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King completely, he also felt the sense of crisis coming from behind him!


Ling Xiao didn't want to think about it, and Tianfei Sword Ling Kong slashed behind him, and Jianguang burst into hundreds of millions of thunders, and collided fiercely with Wuji Shaoshuo.

The collision of the two great imperial soldiers inspired the fiercely imposing imperial emperor, making Zhou Tianxing's large array shake violently, as if it would be broken at any time.

And Ling Xiao was also shocked by the anti-shock force, and his whole body was full of blood and blood, as if hitting an ancient god.

Zhou Tianxing's large array, under the impact of internal and external, suffered a heavy blow, especially the Promise to break the shuttle, into the Zhou Tianxing's large array, the array of space is annihilated, as if it will collapse at any time.

The sloppy emperor alone is hard to support!

"Go away!"

Both the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King seized the opportunity at this moment, saw the cracks in Zhou Tianxing's large array, and also saw the powerful breathing figures coming out of the sky, and they were overjoyed.

Originally, they were all desperate, but what they did not expect was that the three emperor soldiers struck open at the critical moment, almost breaking the Zhou Tianxing formation and saving their lives.

"Want to go? Set me up!"

Ling Xiao's eyes ascended to death, seeing the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King wanting to escape, the compass of the years flew out of his body, blooming an unparalleled brilliance, a vast river of time came through the void , Formed a realm of time, want to set the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King on the spot!


When Ling Xiao was killed in the sky, the fierce fist prints radiated an unmatched light, the purple gas was arrogant and magnificent 30,000 miles, the chaotic light rose, and the scene of the era of birth and death emerged again.

Ling Xiao urged Hongmeng immortal body, broke out the strongest era fist!

"Ling Xiao, do you dare?"

At the moment, the figures outside Zhou Tianxing's large formation also manifested themselves. There were six great emperors and powerful emperors, each with a breath of horror and indifferent eyes.

They all fought in the air, trying to break through the time domain formed by the compass of the years and save the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King.

"Stop me!"

Ling Xiao snarled, the killing intent of his eyes was as surging as the sea, Tianwei was like a prison monument, and he was instantly struck in the air like a mountain, and the vast suppression was down like a hell, blocked by In front of the six emperors!

At the same time, urging the three punishments of the Heavenly Penalty Knife, the Years Compass and the Tianwei Ruyu Monument to Ling Xiao seems to have reached its limit.

He swallowed the vast source power accumulated by the star demon monarch at the moment, and quickly consumed it, turned into powerful energy, poured into the three great pole emperors, and at the same time burst into a peerless light!


And Ling Xiao's figure was approaching the extreme, and immediately came behind the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King, the fist of the era broke everything, and a punch penetrated the Sun Demon King's chest, and the castration continued, but also through Moon Demon King.


The blood in the void was filled with blood, and the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King trembling all over, their eyes were all showing a desperate look, and there was a sound of unwilling roar in their mouths.

"Do not!!!"


The terrifying emperor of Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King permeated, and the power of the source was intertwined, and a breath of terror like a volcano erupted.

Both of them felt the threat of death, and they were not the opponents of Ling Xiao, but they were not willing to die in Ling Xiao's hands.


If you want to die, let's die together

Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King madly urged the internal power of the body, and even the indestructible Yuanshen began to burn up, wanting to explode, pulling Ling Xiao together to die together!

"Want to die? You can't even die, or be a part of me!"

Ling Xiao's indifferent voice sounded, and instantly the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King fell into the abyss!


In Ling Xiao's body, the mighty force of engulfment exploded, and the power of Wu Zi Tianshu poured into the body of Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King along Ling Xiao's arm, and the self-explosive breath was instantly destroyed , As if they were imprisoned.

Both the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King tremble, feeling that they seem to have become fish meat on the cutting board, and can no longer control their own life and death.

They can only watch as Ling Xiao performs the Engulfing Engulf, and the source of flesh and blood in their bodies, as well as the power of the immortal Yuanshen, are all rushing towards Ling Xiao's body!


In the void, the power of thunder is intertwined, and the Heavenly Penalty Knife blocks the whacking Promise Shattering Shuttle, while Tianwei is like a jailstone that blocks the strongest blow of the six emperors and monarchs, rumbling and trembling.

But Ling Xiao's breath surged to the extreme in an instant. As he devoured the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King, the mighty source power gathered in Ling Xiao's body as if it were a big river.

Ling Xiao felt that the body was full of endless At the same time, he urged the three great imperial soldiers at the same time, as if there was no longer a sense of power to be exhausted.


The faces of the six emperors and emperors have become extremely ugly, and their eyes are full of cold killing intentions.

Although they shot at the same time, they did not expect that Ling Xiao could not be stopped. Both the Sun Demon King and Moon Demon King died in Ling Xiao's hands!

The three demon kings of the Sun, Moon and Stars are also well-known in the Devil Realm. In the extraterritorial battlefield, I don’t know how many human clan strongmen have been killed, but now they are killed by a human clan’s heavenly strong clan! !

"Do you all want to die?"

Ling Xiao stared at the six emperors and powerful men in front of her, and his eyes were filled with cold killing intent, and his voice exploded in the void like thunder!

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