Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2865: Chance to break the game!

The way of the immortal sword practiced by the fairy emperor contains the mysterious origin of the immortal clan, the sword light is unmatched, and it can even cause damage to the immortal body of Ling Xiao, making Ling Xiao feel cold all over the body. .

Swish swish!

A lot of fairy light bloomed, and the sword energy was tens of thousands of miles. The fierce sword lights converged with each other and intertwined into a vast field of kendo. It seemed to be able to turn everything in the field into fly ash.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao fist came out like a dragon, he instantly blasted hundreds of fists. The fist of Honghuang was just overbearing. It was a first-class peerless boxing. After Lingxiao merged the heart of Honghuang, based on the fist of Heavenly Emperor, The fist created for his immortal body.

Even though Ling Xiao felt the immense power of the Xian clan emperor's sword, it posed a strong threat to him, but Ling Xiao still didn't evade the slightest and raised his fist to welcome him!


Fist prints and sword qi are intertwined, and a rune in the void becomes illusory, and then bursts again, forming a blazing ocean of divine light.

The fierce sword energy, all under Ling Xiao's fist of famine, turned into powder.

But Ling Xiao's fists also became flesh and blood, exposing purple-gold bones, which looked crystal clear and flowed with immortal fluctuations.

And Ling Xiao didn't even frown, but still struck in the air, **** and printing in all directions, vast and unmatched!

In the face of the four emperors and powerful men, Ling Xiao's aspirations rose, and the more courageous the Vietnam War, the time really blocked the four emperors' offensive!

On the other side, the sloppy emperor has no such good luck!

Before he placed the next week's star formation, he was unimaginably hit and repulsed. Even if there are ten thousand demon streamers at the moment, it is still very difficult to protect Jiang Yuyang under the hands of the two emperors. Thing!


Around Jiang Yuyang, the sloppy emperor has laid down a powerful formation to protect, and he is holding the demon streamer, and he is killing the two emperors.

The two great emperors and monarchs seemed to be brothers, and they had a spirit of heart. They performed a very mysterious yin and yang knife method, which is yin and yang, and they are combined with each other, which doubles their strength.

Although the sloppy emperor has ten thousand demon streamers in hand, but in the face of the two emperors and emperors, he instantly fell into the disadvantage!

The battle between the emperors was as fast as lightning, and the battle was imminent, and the battle was fierce.

After sloppy emperors and those two emperors and powerful men battled for hundreds of rounds, they were a little bit powerless and began to appear in danger!

The two emperors, while fighting with the scruffy emperor, were still attacking the formation under the scrambler emperor, trying to break through the large array and kill Jiang Yuyang.

"Jiang Yuyang, hurry up through the Heart Demon Tribulation! I am afraid Ling Xiao and I will not be able to hold it for too long!"

The sloppy emperor thought anxiously in his heart.

He is still fighting his old life, but he is still suppressed by the two great emperors.

He was originally in formation, and he had a very high level of accomplishment on the way, but the backlash of Zhou Tianxing's large formation made his strength impossible.

Otherwise, even if he is not the opponent of the two emperors, it is not difficult to reject the two emperors from the large formation!


On the back of the sloppy emperor, there was a deep knife wound that made him shake all over his body, and he couldn't help but cough up a bit of blood!

The sloppy emperor's heart is also very frustrated. The unparalleled emperor's power contained in the Wan Yao stream is not something he can urge at this moment.

Otherwise, how dare these two emperors be so brazen?

The sloppy emperor began to fight his old life, and even prepared to burn the source in exchange for powerful power to block the two emperors and powerful men!

Ling Xiao was also aware of the state of the sloppy emperor, and was a little worried in her heart.

However, he was unable to protect himself at this moment. Under the attack of the four emperors, Ling Xiao only managed to support it. He was simply unable to go to rescue the sloppy emperor.

"Today's plan, we must first kill an emperor and break the balance first, before we have the opportunity to rescue Senior Scruff and Senior Jiang Yuyang!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, his eyes flashing in his eyes.

If this continues, he may still be able to barely support under the hands of the four emperors, but the sloppy emperor may not be able to support it.

Once the sloppy emperor can't hold it, Jiang Yuyang will definitely die!

Jiang Yuyang is crossing the heart demon robbery at this moment, without any perception of the outside, and the whole person is enveloped by the heart demon. This is also the most critical disaster. After passing through, he will naturally become a real emperor and strong man!

If you can't get through it, you will be swallowed by the demon and you will die!

"Monster Emperor, it seems that you can only get your sword!"

Ling Xiao's eyes fell on the demon emperor's body, without any hesitation, Lingkong punched at the demon emperor in a flash!

Among the four emperors, the immortal emperor's swordsmanship is unparalleled, causing great trouble to Ling Xiao. The zombie emperor's flesh is unmatched. It is not so easy for Ling Xiao to break his turtle ~Although the attack of the Primal God of the Ming Clan Emperor is invalid to Ling Xiao, he can shuttle through the void, with strange means, which makes people unpredictable. It is not so easy for Ling Xiao to kill the Ming Clan Emperor!

Only the Demon Emperor, the source of darkness is restrained by Ling Xiao's light and dark secret technique, and the flesh of the Demon Emperor is not powerful. Before Ling Xiao played with the three demon emperors of the Sun, Moon and Stars, he also had the fighting power for the Demon Emperor. For an intuitive understanding.

The most important thing is that Ling Xiao learned from the dark Ling Xiao where the fate of the dark source is cultivated!

Once the Thunder method is used, the most likely to be killed is the Demon Emperor!

After Ling Xiao made up her mind, she became more and more crazy.

That's right, it's crazy!

Ling Xiao is completely a play of the same thing at the moment, even giving up all defenses, punching like a dragon, and constantly bombarding the four emperors and powerful men!

The fist of Honghuang is not only a fist of the flesh, but also contains the power of the original source of Honghuang, capable of destroying everything, and its power is unmatched.

Even if the body of the zombie emperor is so perverted, it is slightly inferior to Ling Xiao!

The crazy play of Ling Xiao made the four emperors somewhat uncomfortable.

In addition to the fact that the zombie emperor can still be shaken with Ling Xiao's flesh, the other three emperors and strong men dared not push their sharp edges and constantly avoided Ling Xiao's unmatched fist.

The four emperors are all more and more frightened by the Vietnam War, and Ling Xiao of the Heavenly Realm can all fight the four emperors alone with their own strength. If Ling Xiao breaks into the emperor's realm, what kind of terror would it be?

Ling Xiao gave up his defense, but his immortal body was sturdy and unmatched, immortal, even if it was hard against the emperor's blow, he could not die.


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