Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2869: Emperor Jiang Yuyang!


Jiang Yuyang's white clothes win the snow, she is heroic, she is full of explosive power, as if she has opened the sky dome and stepped out the starry sky, becoming the focus of world attention.

He radiated an immense celestial power all over his body, like the ancient emperor who pushed the sun, the moon and the stars. He had a force to suppress the heavens and sweep the invincible charm.

"How can this be?!"

In the eyes of the five great emperors and emperors, all looked shocked.

The terrifying breath from Jiang Yuyang caused them to tremble involuntarily and palpitate, as if they couldn't help but kneel down.

One step at a time, today Jiang Yuyang is already a strong man in the nine heavens of the emperor's realm!

The five emperors could not believe that Jiang Yuyang had just passed the emperor's robbery. How could it be so terrifying and powerful?

"Senior Jiang Yuyang, is this the practice of integrating the reincarnation of the Ninth Century? No wonder, even Senior Kunwu attaches so much importance to Senior Jiang Yuyang's crossing the emperor's emperor.

Ling Xiao exclaimed in his heart.

He could perceive that Jiang Yuyang's body was filled with a mysterious reincarnation breath, as if a certain seal in Jiang Yuyang's body had been opened, causing Jiang Yuyang's cultivation to soar, step by step, and climbed directly to the emperor's realm!

The Emperor's Realm is the ninth heaven, which is already the pinnacle of the emperor, and it is only a step away from the real supreme emperor.

Ling Xiao thought of what the emperor of Kunwu Mountain had said before, Jiang Yuyang repaired the Emperor Avenue, reincarnation of IX, so he secretly speculated in his heart that perhaps after reincarnation of IX, Jiang Yuyang integrated the practice of IX and could break through to one fell swoop. Such a state!

"Emperor Avenue, it's done!"

The sloppy emperor's eyes were also surging with excitement.

At the moment, Jiang Yuyang, the whole body glowed with radiance, and the aura of transfiguration seemed to emerge from the chaotic light. A vast and ancient world emerged, and countless powerful figures emerged, like the imprints left by many strong people of the human race. .

The sloppy emperor had a deep understanding of Jiang Yuyang, so he naturally knew what happened to Jiang Yuyang.

Emperor's Road, made in IX!

But there was also a pity in the eyes of the sloppy emperor, with a sigh in his heart.

He knows better than anyone else. Jiang Yuyang was originally more than that, combining the practice and perception of samsara IX, Jiang Yuyang had the opportunity to directly break through to the realm of the Supreme Emperor.

But now that the era of catastrophe is coming, the human race's luck has been weakened a lot, and Jiang Yuyang has no chance to break through.

"You are all abandoned sons. In order to test me, so many emperors and emperors have been dispatched in one breath. It is really an honor for me! But since you are here, leave your life!"

Jiang Yuyang said lightly, his voice exploding in the void like thunder.

"No, run away!"

The five emperors and emperors could not help but change their complexion, screamed one by one, and moved away in a distance.

Although they are strong in the emperor's realm, most of them are the practice of the two and threefold emperor's realm. Where is Jiang Yuyang's opponent?

They did not hesitate, turned around and fled, just want to save their lives!


Jiang Yuyang took a step, and the bright rainbow under his feet flashed like a rainbow bridge instantly traversing the void. He appeared behind the zombie clan emperor, and the seemingly light palm fell down!


The emperor of the zombie tribe's face changed greatly, his eyes showed a mad killing intention, and his green face fangs appeared in an instant. The power of terror in the body surged, and his palms rolled out horizontally.

He felt a fatal threat from Jiang Yuyang's palm, making his scalp numb and trembling all over.


Void concussion, a muffled noise came, as if there was a mysterious wave rippling, the zombie clan emperor was shocked, and his arm shattered.

Starting from his arm, his flesh and Yuanshen suddenly burst into a blood mist, and the immortal Yuanshen didn't have time to escape, and exploded together with the flesh.

The zombie emperor fell!

Jiang Yuyang was in a group, and the flesh and blood spirit of the zombie emperor suddenly condensed a black bead in his palm, exuding the vast and majestic power of the source.

Jiang Yuyang's expression was calm but calm, and after the negligent bombing of the emperor of the zombie tribe, the two emperors who had besieged the sloppy emperor were killed.

Jiang Yuyang, the emperor of the emperor's realm, showed the power of terrifying terror, so Ling Xiao was secretly stunned, and the two emperors resisted in a hurry, and they were also killed by Jiang Yuyang's move, and the flesh and blood were transformed into two beads and fell. In the palm of Jiang Yuyang.

Seeing that Jiang Yuyang was so neat and clean, he beheaded the three great emperors and powerful emperors. The immortal emperor and the emperor of the Ming clan were even dying, their faces were extremely ugly, and their eyes were full of ~ More desperate to escape!


Jiang Yuyang's speed was so extreme that he seemed to be able to move the void and take one step, directly catching up with the Emperor of the Nether Tribe, and Lingkong pointed out and fell directly on the eyebrow of the Emperor of the Nether Tribe.

The power of terror destroyed the general influx, directly destroying the immortal Yuanshen of the Emperor of the Ming Clan, and directly exploded the Emperor of the Ming Clan into a blood mist, which was also transformed into a bead and was taken away by Jiang Yuyang.

In the end, only the fairy emperor was left!

The fairy emperor is the most powerful one among the people. Before that, he also caused a huge threat to Ling Xiao, which caused Ling Xiao to suffer a lot of injuries.

At this moment, he had escaped far away, but unfortunately, he had already been locked up by Jiang Yuyang.

"Jiang Yuyang, the human race has become the enemy of the world. If you dare to kill me, you will be the enemy of my fairy clan. When the immortal emperor comes, the human race will be completely killed! You have to think about this consequence!"

The fairy emperor felt that Jiang Yuyang had cut off the other four emperors, and at this moment he had been killed towards him. His face suddenly changed, and Li Nei said.

"Fairy race? Fairy race is just a group of mice who only know to hide in the dark, want to destroy my human race, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Jiang Yuyang said lightly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he slapped towards the fairy emperor without hesitation.


This palm was fierce, and the vast Jidao Diwei broke out, as if a palm traversed the three thousand realms, so that the vast starry sky around it began to shake.

The stars under the palm of Jiang Yuyang's palm were even blown into powder, leaving the fairy emperor with no room to dodge.


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