Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2873: Back to Heavenly World!

"Thank you, Senior, I made a note!"

Ling Xiao nodded, and he remembered the words Wandaoshan in his heart.

Generally speaking, to enlighten a source of avenues can only become the weakest emperor. The more avenues of enlightenment, the stronger the natural strength.

Of course, Jiang Yuyang is an exception.

Jiang Yuyang's emperor's road, including Vientiane, is connected with the human race, which is a supreme road he has embarked on.

Therefore, after reincarnation of IX, Jiang Yuyang was able to break through to the realm of peerless emperor in one fell swoop!

Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu said a lot.

They are the backbone of the human race, and naturally hope that the human race will become stronger and stronger, and there are many expectations for Ling Xiao.

This time the plan to go to the fairy world can be said to be bold and ambitious. It is full of countless opportunities and qualities, and it is also a crisis everywhere.

But even with such a crazy plan, Ling Xiao agreed.

Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu left.

They and Ling Xiao set a period of one month. During this month, Jiang Yuyang and Kunwu Mountain Emperor would secretly arrest a fairy person and start implementing their plan.

And Ling Xiao will arrange things in the fairy world within this month, and can go to the fairy world without any worries.

When Ling Xiao told Jinse and Xuewei about this, although both of them were extremely worried, they were both tacit and did not block anything.

"Brother Ling Xiao, Immortal Realm is probably more dangerous than Demon Realm. I just hope you can return safely!"

Although Jin Se said with a smile, it was still hard to hide the worry in his eyes.

"Master, sister Jinse and I will be waiting for you to come back!"

Xue Wei nodded again and again.

Changsheng was sitting on Ling Xiao's lap at the moment, blinking his clear eyes, his long eyelashes flickering, and tilting his small head and asked: "Dad, are you going out to hit the bad guys again?"

Ling Xiao smiled and spoiled Changsheng's little head and said, "Yes, Dad is going to beat the bad guys! But, before leaving, does Changsheng want to see your grandparents?"

"Grandpa and grandpa? Hmm, think longevity!"

Chang Sheng's eyes suddenly lighted up.

She had heard Jin Se and Ling Xiao talk about grandpa and grandma, but she had never seen it before. She was very curious in her heart. She was immediately excited, her big eyes were sparkling and very cute.

"Jin Se, Xue Wei, my parents are now in the Heaven Prison Realm, and I will take you to the Heaven Prison Realm! During my time in the fairy world, you will be with my parents in the Heaven Prison Realm, how?"

Ling Xiao looked at Jinse and Xuewei and smiled slightly.


Jinse and Xuewei looked at each other, and they both saw the tension and shyness in their respective eyes.

Are you really going to see your parents?

Jinse and Xuewei have not seen Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan, but this time is different, they understand the meaning of Ling Xiao's words, this is to take them officially home.

Although Jinse and Xuewei were strong, they were about to become masters of the Taishang Road Palace and the Temple of Reincarnation, but at this moment, I heard that Ling Xiao was going to take them to see Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan. Very uneasy in my heart.

"it is good!"

Both Jinse and Xuewei nodded shyly, and their faces were flushed.

Ling Xiao prepares to imprint a super portal in the Temple of War with the heavenly prestige like a tombstone, and lays a super portal to communicate Heaven and Hell Realm, so that everyone in the Temple of War can enter the Heavenly Hell in time.

Today's God Realm, although it seems quiet because of Ling Xiao's peerless battle, many immortal holy places and emperors are honest, but Ling Xiao does not believe in them, so he must stay behind.

If there is any danger in the Temple of War, they can also hide in the realm of heaven in time.

All the immortal holy places, sect gates, and aristocratic families have sent all kinds of treasures and origins into the Temple of War.

The harvest of this battle has caused the resources of the Temple of War to skyrocket thousands of times in an instant!

Where have you seen so many treasures in the earthen buns in the Temple of War?

Even Liu Baiyi became very unsteady, Ling Xiao even saw Liu Baiyi smirked several times sitting on the thirty-six original source Dan River.

That's right, today's Temple of War has 36 original Dan Rivers!

This does not include Ling Xiao's harvest.

The five elements of the Five Elements Tianzong, the Heavenly Mantra of the Heavenly Mantra, the Void of the Time and Space Gate, and the Heavenly Mantra of the Chinese, these four **** copies of Godless Sutra have all fallen into Ling Xiao's hands.

Ling Xiao wants to perfect his own Tao through the enlightenment of these four emperor scriptures, and at the same time, enlighten the origin of the Dadao, and accumulate strength for the breakthrough of the emperor's realm.


The void oscillated, the divine light was shining, and within the temple of war, a super portal appeared slowly.

This is a super portal for communication between the Temple of War and the Heavenly Prison Realm. Ling Xiao cost a lot of money, plus Tianwei is like a prison monument, and the layout is completed. The transmission conditions are also extremely harsh. Each transmission requires a lot of money. Original source Dan.

This portal is the last resort of the Temple of War, and it will not be opened unless it is absolutely necessary.

When Ling Xiao laid down the super portal, he took Jin Se, Xue Wei and Chang Sheng together, and returned to the Heavenly Prison Realm.


When Ling Xiao appeared in the sky above Heavenly Prison Realm, three powerful and unmatched figures instantly noticed Ling Xiao's breath, and suddenly came across the sky, respectfully paying a salute to Ling Xiao.

"Meet the master!"

It was Hu Feng, Zilei son and giant axe!

They are the principals left by Ling Xiao in the Ling Xiao Heavenly Court, managing the entire heavenly realm for Ling Xiao, and their cultivation behavior has even reached the pinnacle of the Holy King. During this century, cultivation cultivation is also advancing by leaps and bounds !

"Get up! This is my wife Jin Se, Xue Wei and my daughter longevity!"

Ling Xiao stretched out her hand and lifted the three of them up.

"Meet my wife, meet your little master!"

The three Hu Feng also saluted Jin Se, Xue Wei and Chang Sheng.

They were also shocked in their hearts, because they felt that Ling Xiao's cultivation practice had reached the realm of heaven, and the breath was unfathomable, which made their faces more awed.

In just a hundred years, Ling Xiao has practiced to such a level. It is indeed the Ling Xiao Tiandi who is in heaven and luck and is in charge of the Heavenly Prison Realm!

They were even more shocked by Jinse, Xuewei and Changsheng. Jinse and Xuewei are both holy king realms, while Changsheng looks like a little doll a few years old, and they are all the saints.

Too evil!

Worthy of being the owner's daughter.

There is a little more respect on the faces of the three of are my parents now? "

Ling Xiao asked.

Hu Feng quickly suppressed his thoughts and reverently replied: "The master, the old master and the old lady are now enrolling in the Taoist Tree to protect Sisi, and Sisi is going to the Holy Tribulation today!"

"Cross the Holy Tribulation? Has Sisi also broken into the sage realm? Very good!"

Ling Xiao's eyes lit up and nodded with a smile.


At this moment, a vast expanse of heavenly power spread out in the distance, accompanied by a fierce thunder.

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