Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2889: The family of Xie Shi came!

When he knew the news at that time, his intestines were about to repent, but it’s a pity that all the families of Xieshi in the ancient city of the fairy are ghosts and ghosts, and he refused to sell them to him at all. At the auction three days later.

"Does the Shishi family know the connection between that **** jade fairy fetus and Xuantian fairy monarch?"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"I promise, they definitely don't know! However, the family of Xie Shi has been immersed in the fairy stone for a long time. Although they can't see what is in it, they certainly know that the treasures are not ordinary goods, so they won't sell them to me!

But sir, you now have a fairy jade fetus suspected to contain Xuan Tian Xian Jun. If you can auction that **** jade fairy fetus and get Xuan Tian Xian Jun's sword, you might get all the inheritance of Xuan Tian Xian Jun, For you, it must be the supreme creation! "

As the old man said, there was a hint of encouragement in the voice.

"Very good! Your little life is saved. Now please hand over your original destiny and worship me!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

Although Dao's face was full of unwillingness, he could only finally give a wry smile and surrender a natal soul.


The old mortal primitive spirit turned out to be a purple mouse, which seemed to be able to devour the heavens and earth, exuding fairy light all over the body, and looked ancient and mysterious.

"Huh? It turned out that the ancient **** beast ate the rat?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a trace of surprise, and recognized the old body.

Skybiter is an ancient mythical beast. Legend has it that it can devour the heavens and earth. It likes to devour the heavenly and earthly treasures. Moreover, it has a keen sense of all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures, and has become a treasure hunter.

Skybiter has been extinct in both God Realm and Demon Realm. Ling Xiao did not expect to see Skybiter in Immortal Realm.

And the old track number is a bite to heaven!

After fusing the squirrel-eater's mortal spirit, the life-and-death of the squirrel-eater is in the hands of Ling Xiao. Although the old man is somewhat depressed, he can only admit his fate.

"Swallow the sky and see the master!"

The Skybiter said feebly.

"Very good! Take me to the ancient fairy city now!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

He came to Immortal Realm this time to explore the reality of Immortal Realm, and then to see if he could get some opportunities and creations. The ancient city of Immortals is the core of this Fangdao state, and he must be able to find a lot of news.

As for the **** jade immortal fetus that Tian Tianshu said, it just happened to take a look.

"Yes, master!"

Tian Tian Mo followed Ling Xiao out of the mountainside.


Outside the mountainside, the three fierce beasts of gorillas, brown bears and elephants were all standing there very cleverly, staring at the squirrel sternly and waiting for their orders.


The Skylark took out a silver-white bracelet, and in the blink of an eye, the three fierce beasts snarled, and then turned into a streamer, flew into the bracelet, and left on it. Three life-like imprints.

"This is the Imperial Beast Ring, the treasure I got from the ancient ruins, and later conquered Dasha, Ersi and Sansi, driving them to do things for me!"

Skybiter explained to Ling Xiao.

"Keep it yourself!"

Ling Xiao said lightly that it didn't mean to take away the Imperial Beast Ring, but let the squirrel eater sigh of relief.

However, Ling Xiao's heart moved slightly, and this cynomolgus rat was worthy of being called the treasure hunter.


At this moment, in the distant void, the blazing fairy light bloomed, and dozens of powerful figures swept across the sky.

Their speed is extremely fast, almost instantaneously came to Ling Xiao and the sky-biting rats, and looked at them condescendingly, looking very cold.

"The people of the Jieshi family?"

The Sky Rat's face changed slightly.

"The God Eater, you really are here! Xuan Tian Xian Jun's **** jade immortal fetus has been found by you? Hand over the **** jade immortal fetus, I can spare you undead!"

Headed by a majestic middle-aged man wearing a purple robe, he is powerful and unmatched, and his expression is indifferent.

His cultivation base is an immortal realm!

The dozens of people around him were all powerful in the fairy king realm, all wearing black armor, full of anger, and cold eyes, vaguely surrounding Ling Xiao and the Devouring Rat.

The comers are not good!

Ling Xiao's heart moved, his eyes could not help but fall on the body of the bite.

How do these people from the Shishi family know about Xuantian Xianjun and Shenyu Xiantai?

"What **** jade fairy? I don't know! Shi Gangxian Zun, what are you doing?"

Tianchao's face could not help changing slightly.

He just said to Ling Xiao and Ling Xiao that Xie Shi's family is completely unclear about Xian Shi's birth. He didn't expect Xie Shi's family to kill him directly, and it was Shi Gang Xianzun who came here in person. .

This slapping came too fast!

Although the Sky Eater was a little nervous, but when he saw Ling Xiao's calm he also had some confidence in his heart.

This master is also a fairy respecter anyway!

If Shi Gangxianzun wants to rely on these people, he must grab him and devour the heavenly Daoist, it is simply a dream!

"Do you want to be confused? You have already sold us a fairy jade immortal child related to Xuan Tian Xian Jun. Thank you so much. If it were not for you, we wouldn't be so easy to find. Xuan Tian Xian Jun's clue!

Now, this seat gives you a chance to live! Hand over Xuan Tian Xianjun's **** jade immortal fetus, and then show the body, recognize this seat as the main, this seat will spare your dog's life! This seat doesn't want to say a second time, so make your choice! "

Shi Gangxian Zun said indifferently.

As for Ling Xiao next to Tian Tian, ​​he did not put it in his eyes at all. After Ling Xiao condensed his breath, it looked like a fairy, and naturally there was no sense of existence.

There was a trace of anger in the eyes of the Sky Rat, and it seemed that there was anger burning in his heart.

He did not expect that Xie Shi's family had already been playing the idea of ​​Xuan Tian Xian Jun!

The actions of the Skybiter are all under the surveillance of the family of Jieshi. Even today, even if there is no Ling Xiao, I am afraid that he will also fall into the hands of the family of Jieshi.

As soon as the Skybiter wanted to say something, Ling Xiao stood up and said lightly: "It's a coincidence, the Skybiter already has a master!"

"Owner? Who is it? I slaughtered his master, am I not his master? Wouldn't it be you?"

Shi Gangxianzun sneered a sneer, his eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, with a condescending look down, as if looking at a ants.

"Yes, I am the owner of the Skylark!"

Ling Xiao said seriously.


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