Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2893: Calcite!

"Five hundred fairy crystals, I bought the fairy stone that buried the old mine of Shenyuan, you made a big profit, and the old man, I lost a lot!"

The old man with a goatee grumbled, and reluctantly handed the fairy stone to Ling Xiao.

"On this broken fairy stone, I think you have earned a lot of fairy crystals, but you still think that there are less than 500 fairy crystals? If you don't want it, forget it, we won't buy it!"

Skybiter said a bit annoyed.

He really didn't see anything special about the fairy stone chosen by Ling Xiao. As for the fairy stone that buried Shenyuan, it was even more nonsense. He didn't believe it at all.

"What do you call your husband?"

Ling Xiao gave the goatee old man five hundred fairy crystals, then put the fairy stone in his pocket, and smiled at him slightly.

Although this goatee old man seems to have only the cultivation of fairyland, Ling Xiao instinctively feels that he is not simple, and that he can get this strange fairy stone, maybe it is really obtained from the burial divine abyss.

Ling Xiao learned from the sky-biting rat that Bury God Abyss is a forbidden place in the fairyland. Legend has buried countless ancient deities, and even bred countless fairy stones. Although the crisis is heavy, but the fairy stones among them Very high quality.

Just like the Shijia, they once obtained the precious fairy stone from the Burial Abyss, from which they solved the ancient emperor's scriptures and the Jidao Emperor's soldiers, which caused a sensation in the entire fairyland and also laid the foundation of the Shijia, which caused Countless people went to dig the fairy stone among the burial abyss.

Therefore, the immortal stone in the burial abyss has also become synonymous with the ultimate immortal stone.

It's just that there is a crisis in Burial Abyss. It is difficult for most people to mine the Fairy Stone from Burial Abyss. On the contrary, death and injury are heavy. Most of the Burial Fairy Stones are fake.

"The old man is deceitful! I think your kid is good. I will give you a message. If you want to solve the stone problem, it is better to go to the solution stoner, not the stoner. If there is anything really good in it, it may not necessarily do things that force buy and sell!"

The goatee old man smiled slightly.

"You still use it?"

The Skybiter rolled his eyes and said, This god-virtual man said the same as nonsense. Who doesn't know the overbearing of the Shijia in the whole fairy ancient city?

"Thank you Lao Zhang!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

He really wanted to find the Shishijie to unravel the fairy stone in his hand. That piece of ceramic could make the Shenzu imprint feel, and Ling Xiao's heart attached great importance to it.

On both sides of the street, there is a Jieshi Pavilion. Ling Xiao and Tian Tianshu have no hesitation, so they choose the Jieshi Pavilion of the Jie family directly.

The business in the Jieshi Pavilion is very hot. Each of the Jieshi masters is holding the fairy stone and is carefully breaking the stone skin. Many people are watching around. The process of the Jieshi is also the most exciting process. Some people exclaim from time to time Sound or boo.

However, the cost of calcite is not low. Ordinary fairy stones require at least one fairy crystal. As for the high-quality fairy stones, even the fairy jade, the cost of calcite may reach hundreds or even tens of thousands. A fairy crystal.

"Calcite is a technical activity that involves the chaotic heaven and earth Avenue contained in the fairy stone. Only Xiejia and Shijia can complete the incomplete stone!"

Skybiter sighed softly and said with some envy.

It’s not just a rat that eats larvae. Who doesn’t look at Jiejia and Shijia?

However, the calcite technique of Jiejia and Shijia, also known as Jieshi Tianjing, can only be cultivated by the clan talents of Jiejia and Shijia, and only they can solve the treasure in the fairy stone.

The fairy stone is extremely peculiar. The skin of the skin is interwoven by the breath of Shinto and the breath of Fairy Dao. It also contains the chaotic law of the Dao. If the stone is forcibly resolved, the result can only be that the treasure in the Fairy Stone is completely destroyed.

"The Jieshi master of the Jiejia family has a special bloodline!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, and he watched a calcite master of Jiejia work on the calcite. His shots were like clouds and flowing water, and the stone skin continued to fall into powder, just like Pingding Niu, following the texture of the fairy stone. Broke the stone skin of the fairy stone.

Those hands are crystal clear, like jade, but they are ingeniously clever and contain mysterious atmosphere fluctuations.

"It's the breath of Heavenly Immortals and Heavenly Mysteries? Could it be that they are resolving stones, relying on the two origin secrets? But it's a little different!"

A glimmer of glance flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and he clearly noticed the breath of these two mysteries from the body of Jieshi's Jieshi.

Both Jiejia and Shijia have the Jieshi Tianjing, but there are subtle differences. However, in their Jieshi Tianjing, only the talents of the two tribes can practice, and outsiders can't learn how to solve the stone.

In the end, the Jieshi master of the Jie family completely opened the fairy stone, but there was nothing in it, and there were no treasures, which led to a sigh of sigh.

"Ah... how could there be nothing? This fairy stone cost me 10,000 fairy crystals!"

A middle-aged fat man wearing a Jinyi made a screaming voice, and his face was full of extremely painful looks.

"Calcite, a hundred fairy crystals!"

The Jieshi master of Xie Jia said lightly that although the fat man in Jinyi was very frustrated, he did not dare to rely on Xie Jia's Xie Shi fee. He could only obediently take out a hundred fairy crystals, and then left in disgrace Too.

"Who else wants to undo the stone?"

After the Xie family's Xie Shi received Xian Jing, he asked lightly.

"I want to undo the stone!"

Ling Xiao came out, took out the fairy stone in his arms, and said calmly.

"This fairy stone is inferior in quality and has many cracks on it. This crack has been turned into a loose spirit pattern. Even if there is a treasure in it, it is worthless. Are you sure you want to solve the stone?"

The Jieshi master of the Jie family glanced at the fairy stone in Ling Xiao's hand and frowned.


Ling Xiao nodded.

"Okay! Calcite, ten fairy crystals!"

Xishi Shi said lightly, and then took the fairy stone in Ling Xiao's hands and began to dissolve the stone.


His hands are as crystal-clear as jade, extremely flexible, filled with mysterious fairy light, gently touching the fairy stone, like a blade on the palm of the hand, the fairy stone trembles slightly, and then the stone skin begins to fall off~www Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a strange look. He vaguely perceived the blood veins inside the stone master, and even exhaled a breath similar to the **** clan seal.

"Is this why they can dissolve the stone? Or... are they Protoss?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, and there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes.


Soon, the fairy stone in the hands of Jieshi Shi completely peeled off, and a full of immortal light spread out, exuding an ancient breath fluctuation.

"The treasure is solved!"

Someone exclaimed, and suddenly everyone's eyes looked over and fell on the fairy stone in the hands of the stone master.

The fairy stone broke from the middle, and a black ceramic piece appeared in everyone's eyes!

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