Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2899: Feixian stone!

Fifty thousand fairy crystals!

The fairy stone that Ling Xiao fancy looks at is not expensive, but it looks inconspicuous, far from the glory of other fairy stones.

Ling Xiao handed over 50,000 fairy crystals to the Shijia stewards and bought the fairy stone.

At this moment, Xie Wushuang also selected three fairy stones. The three fairy stones all looked quite extraordinary, with a dazzling fairy light flowing, and the aura of transfiguration.

Moreover, the prices of the three fairy stones are extremely high, adding up to a million fairy crystals!

"Brother Lei, did you buy a fairy stone?"

Xie Wushuang asked with some surprise.

"I think this fairy stone should be able to cut treasures, enough!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

The fairy stones in the other courtyard of this place have been read by him. Although there are some precious treasures, they are not seen in his eyes.

Only this fairy stone is the most precious to him.

"This brother, your fairy stone looks ordinary, and there are many small cracks on it, and there is a faint purple light inside. That is a purple light crack. It is produced in Ziguang Mountain in Daozhou in the east. The fairy stone in Ziguang Mountain is very difficult. What treasure to cut out!

Could the brothers be shy? Brother, since you are a friend of Miss Wushuang, that is my friend. The fairy stone in the other courtyard of the place, the brothers are all mine even though they choose! "

At this moment, Master Black Cloud also got up and smiled slightly at Ling Xiao.

At a glance, he could see the fairy stone selected by Ling Xiao, which originated from Ziguang Mountain in the east of Daozhou, and showed a very venomous vision. Obviously, he also had a deep understanding of the fairy stone.

"Brother Lei, Master Black Cloud is right. Your fairy stone should be from Ziguang Mountain. Ziguang Mountain is an ancient waste mine. It is difficult to uncover the treasure. Or should you change it?"

Xie Wushuang also reminded.

"No need! Just this one!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

Seeing Ling Xiao insist so much, Xie Wushuang did not persuade him anymore.

Master Heiyun also shook his head. In the end, he also selected a fairy stone, worth 900,000 fairy crystals, but it was the largest piece in the other courtyard of this place. It was more than a foot high, and it seemed vaguely like A humanoid statue exudes a dazzling fairy light.

This fairy stone is also the most expensive one.

Looking at the appearance of Master Heiyun's toss, he obviously did not put 900,000 fairy crystals in his eyes. Ling Xiao was also curious about the origin of Master Heiyun.

After all, Lei Ling was very familiar with some of the high-level and important figures of the ancient gods before in the ancient gods, but he had never heard of the name of the black cloud son.

"Did the Black Cloud Master actually buy that Fei Xian Shi? 900,000 Xian Jing, if it is scrapped, then it will hit your hands!"

Someone sighed in amazement and wondered.

"Since you know that this is Feixianshi, how could it be dismantled? I heard that Feixianshi was inspected by the elders of the Shi family in person, and there are vital signs out there, although it is faint, but it is also extremely precious. Become a Shenyu Immortal!"

"Yes, Fei Xian Shi is extremely precious, and Shijia is not sure about it, so it is placed in the Dzizi Bieyuan! Fei Xianshi should actually be placed in the Tianzi Bieyuan. It's more appropriate. 900,000 Xianjings are really not expensive. !"

"If there is any living thing in the fairy stone, it will definitely detonate the audience! With the luck of the black cloud son, I am afraid that I should be able to cut out the treasure?"


Master Heiyun bought Feixianshi with 900,000 fairy crystals, which attracted the attention of everyone in the Dizibeiyuan.

The people who can come to the other courtyard are rich or expensive, and all of them are expensive. They have all seen Fei Xian Shi, but they are not sure, so no one touched Fei Xian Shi.

However, everyone is also curious about Feixian Stone, what kind of treasure can be cut out of Feixian Stone.

"Flying fairy stone?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and the power of the **** filled his eyes, instantly seeing through the interior of Feixian Stone.

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange look.

This Feixian stone... is really unusual.

"Crack the stone!"

Xie Wushuang said lightly.

Although her calcite technique is extremely high, it is obviously impossible for her to come down to calcite in person on this occasion, so she was handed over to the calcite master of the Shi family.

"Miss Wushuang, why not explain my Fei Xian Shi first? You can see that everyone is very curious about Fei Xian Shi. I also want to know what is in this Fei Xian Shi!"

Hei Yunzi smiled slightly.

"Fei Xian Shi? The breath in this Fei Xian Shi is neither life nor death. It's very weird. I've checked it, but I can't make up my mind! Do you really decide to solve Fei Xian Shi?"

Xie Wushuang's eyes fell on Feixian Stone, and he said slowly.

"I believe in my vision, this flying fairy stone will surely be able to solve the treasure!"

Master Black Cloud insisted.

"Since that is the case, let's undo the flying fairy stone!"

Xie Wushuang nodded, and she was also very curious about Feixian Shi.

"Master, this black cloud son looks really annoying. If he let the treasure out of his flying fairy stone, he would be in front of Miss Wushuang again!"

Skybiter said bitterly.

"It's his luck that Feixian Stone can solve the treasures. It doesn't matter if you don't show the limelight. You forget what we are here for?"

Ling Xiao laughed dumbly.

"Master, not to mention whether we can really unearth real treasures. In the Shiyuan Qianyuan Shifang, although there is a high probability of unearthing treasures in the fairy stone, there are also a few that are scrapped! And, Are we really going to make trouble in Qianyuan Shifang?"

Skybiter said with some guilty conscience.

"Aren't you known as the treasure hunter? You also have to look at these fairy stones to see if you can find some treasures, I can all count on you!"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

A look at Ling Xiao's The Skybiter became more guilty, and he coughed and laughed quickly: "Where is this master? Although I am a treasure hunter, I can't see the stone of the fairy stone Pi, but let me try, and try to choose more fairy stones that can solve the treasures, so as not to let the owner suffer too much!"

Ling Xiao's noncommittal smile, his eyes fell to the distance.

Shijia's calcite has already begun to calcify!

Feixian stone is the treasure of the town courtyard among the other courtyards of the land. It is worth 900,000 fairy crystals. It looks strange, ancient and mysterious, surrounded by the dazzling fairy light, and even the faint sound of the road is filled. Out, extremely extraordinary.

The Shijiajie Shishi's palms radiate a bright light, become fierce and unpredictable, lingering around the mysterious runes, they begin to dissolve the stone.

Although the immortal stone is extremely hard, the hands of the stone resolver are like blades, cutting the skin of the stone, separating the texture of the immortal stone, breaking the breath of the gods and immortals, ingeniously ingenious, ensuring that the inside of the gods stone is not damaged treasure.

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