Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3021: War Sword Heart Son!

Ling Xiao didn't know that his battle with the sword-hearted Son had been projected into the countless void world by the void battlefield.

In his eyes, only the Son of Sword Heart remained. The Sword of the Sword Heart rose sharply, and his edge was unmatched, as if he had transformed into an invincible sword that has swept through the world from time to time.

As the saying goes, the swordsman is also sharp!

In the void all around, the swords were fierce and turbulent like the sea, which enveloped Ling Xiao and formed a powerful sword domain.

Although Ling Xiao and Jianxin Shengzi didn't fight, they had already launched an imposing confrontation!

Ling Xiao stood on the battlefield of the void, her body was full of blood and blood, and the vastness was like the sea. The immortal body of Hongmeng exuded a bright purple light, and the purple gas was magnificent for 30,000 miles.

The chaotic **** bones on his chest are intertwined with chaotic air, providing him with supreme power.

His eyes were bright and fierce, and his vast boxing power was spontaneous, strong, majestic, domineering and majestic.

He didn't make a punch, but it seemed to be a boxing shadow.


The two strong momentums collide with each other, interweaving a powerful Diwei, which forms a powerful storm between Ling Xiao and the Saint Child of Sword Heart, sweeping the four sides and making the void battlefields sound together.

Whether it is Ling Xiao or Jianxin Shengzi, they feel the strength of each other, so the fighting in the eyes is extremely powerful.

Although Jianxin Shengzi is not as powerful as Ling Xiao, he is Jianxiu, and he cannot fight hard with Ling Xiao.

Jianxiu, the most powerful is his sword.

What's more, the son of Jianxin now has Zhuxianjian in his hand. This immortal emperor of Zhuxianjian has clearly resonated with Jianxin and can explode the strongest power in his hands.

Although Ling Xiao has the sword of killing immortals, and has also practiced the technique of killing immortals, but he must be inferior to the son of Jianxin above the sword.

What Ling Xiao is best at is to press people with strength, break all methods with strength, let you do all kinds of supernatural powers, I will break it with one punch.

Therefore, the battle between Ling Xiao and Jian Xin depends on whether it is Ling Xiao who shattered Jian Xin's flesh first, or Jian Xin cut Ling Xiao first under the sword.

This is a battle that has attracted worldwide attention. Everyone can feel the power of Ling Xiao and Saint Heart Sword, and their eyes are full of expectation.

Who can be the king in this battle?


Ling Xiao and Sheng Xin Shengzi almost shot at the same time.

The energy around them rose to the extreme, and the body's strength was about to erupt like a volcano.

Ling Xiao threw a punch, Jianxin pierced a sword.

The fist is a fist of immortality. A punch blows out, and Ling Xiao's strength sways around him. The power of the source seems to have evolved a heavy ancient world. Under this fist, they are annihilated.

The sword of Jianxin is bright, bright, and lightning fast, as if there is no power to stop this sword.

No one can describe the style of that sword.

No one can describe how fast that sword is.

Time, space, world, everything.

Anything before this sword will be penetrated by this sword.


The violent momentum thinned out, and the void battlefield violently blew up.

Ling Xiao's huge and majestic fist was actually pierced by Jianxin Shengzi's sword, and the sharp sword light came out in the air, piercing Ling Xiao's fist, directly piercing his flesh, and then from him Pierced out of the bone.


On Ling Xiao's arm, crystal clear purple bones were exposed, filled with immortal luster, and when collided with Zhu Xianjian, there was a sound of gold and iron fighting.

Ling Xiao's skeleton was so strong that he couldn't even break the Zhuxian sword.

But the horrible Zhuxian sword came violently, and immediately followed Ling Xiao's arm, rushing towards him, trying to destroy all his vitality.


Ling Xiao's eyes were turbulent, and suddenly screamed, like a thunder exploding, shaking the void.

He seemed to have no pain at all, his fist was gushing out, and the punch punched by the sword heart was still blasting out of the air, even causing the flesh and blood on his entire arm to explode directly into a blood mist.


The only purple fist bone left in Ling Xiao, filled with a tragic breath, suddenly collided with the arm of the sword-hearted son holding the sword.

The sword-hearted son was shocked, his arm made a crisp sound, and his bones were broken instantly. The whole person was hit by an unmatched divine power, and then flew back.

Zhu Xianjian buzzed and trembled, and was caught between Ling Xiao's bones.


Ling Xiao strode forward, his body magnificent, staring at the Sword Son, regardless of the violent Zhuxian Jianqi in his body, his fists pushed out.

Jianxin Shengzi snorted coldly. Although his face was slightly pale, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The fight between him and Ling Xiao was dangerous and tragic.

It was just a trick. He penetrated Ling Xiao's arm and annihilated the flesh and blood on Ling Xiao's arm, but Ling Xiao even disregarded the sword and fisted the void directly, hurting his arm.

What's more, after Ling Xiao got a punch, the next step was a stormy attack. The violent punch was vertical and horizontal, as if he wanted to annihilate his entire body in punch.

He understood that Ling Xiao was trying to avoid his weaknesses and wanted to fight him closely. Once he fell into the supreme fist of Ling Xiao, his sword could not be cast, and he could only be defeated in Ling Xiao's hands.


Immortal light rises at the feet of the sword-hearted Saint Child, and the sky is empty, and he instantly casts the technique of shifting, appearing beyond the limit, and pulling the violentness between him and Ling Xiao.


There was a cold blast.

The Zhuxian Sword that was originally inserted on Ling Xiao's arm instantly radiated light, and the violent and terrifying pole Daowei exploded, making Ling Xiao unable to stop the power of Zhuxian Sword.

Zhu Xianjian instantly rose in the sky, the speed was almost extreme, and turned into a pair of Changhong, which fell directly into the hands of the sword heart sword heart son standing with the sword, the whole body's sword intention Instantly rising to the extreme, hundreds of thousands of sword lights spewed out, turning him into a king of swordsmanship, commanding the heavens and destroying the world.

"Zhu Zi Jian Jue!"

There was a scream in the mouth of Saint Heart of Sword Heart, Zhu Xianjian and his whole person seemed to be one, turned into a complete and supreme swordmand, and fell down towards Lingxiao.

Among the Zhuxian swords, it seems that some kind of power has been stimulated, making the power of the sword-hearted Son more and more scary.

Swords that slayed everything were rising around, as if a rushing wave swept through.

"Dazhu Xianshu? But why did he say it is Zhuzi Jianjue?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his fists had traversed the void, and collided with the sword of the sky, and in an instant a terrifying explosion exploded.

But in Ling Xiao's gaze, Zhu Xianjian was still dazzling, spurting toward his eyebrow, the sword was extremely sharp.

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