Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3023: 4 great Kendo avatars!

Saint Child of Jianxin always thought that Ling Xiao was taking the path of proving the Tao.

After all, Ling Xiao is so powerful and immortal that his bones can even compete with Ji Dao imperial soldiers, and his fist is vast and he is good at fighting close to the body. Even Ren Tianjue can't stop his punch.

But unexpectedly, Ling Xiao showed the power of space and time in a blink of an eye.

Space and time became extremely obedient in Ling Xiao's hands, and understatement, he settled the sword energy of the sky, buried the sword energy with the years, and then completely dissolved it with endless space.

This is easier said than done, but it is extremely difficult to do.

Saint Heart of Sword Heart can be sure that Ling Xiao's Avenue of Space and Avenue of Time must have comprehended the origin and condensed the Dao fruit.

In this way, what Ling Xiao condenses is actually a timeless space and time fruit?

Thinking of this, even the Son of Sword Heart couldn't help but envy.

That's the time-space Daoguo. The single time Daoguo and the space Daoguo are already extremely precious. Many people will find it difficult to comprehend the origin of the avenue throughout their lives.

But time and space Daoguo is a combination of time and space, both of which have realized the origin of the avenue, and then at the last moment, they will converge into the fruit of the avenue and become the emperor.

Even for the entire fairyland, for countless years, no one has ever heard of anyone who understands the realm of time and space.

"Among the three thousand avenues, the space-time avenue is second only to the four avenues of chaos, destiny, cause and effect, and reincarnation. Am I too high-profile?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange look.

Suddenly he felt that he still couldn't reveal so many cards. Time and space Dao Guo shocked Sword Heart Son. If all of his 15 Dao Guo were exposed, wouldn't he say that Sword Heart Son directly scared him to death?

Moreover, Ling Xiao feels that this void battlefield is a bit unusual. This looks a bit like a ring and a arena. Could anyone else see it?

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao felt increasingly unable to expose herself.

Otherwise, if it leads to the hidden great emperors of the fairy world, then he will really be finished.

In any case, fairy world really has the existence of fairy emperor.

The majesty of the immortal emperor of the eternal immortal dynasty is the real immortal emperor, and behind the nine major immortal gates, there is not necessarily no strong immortal emperor.

After all, Immortal Realm is much stronger than Demon Realm. Demon Realm has three Devil Emperors. What about Immortal Realm?

"Time and space Dao Guo? Lei Ling, you are hiding deep enough, it seems that I still underestimate you! However, only then, you deserve to become the enemy of my sword heart!"

Jianxin Shengzi stared at Ling Xiao, his eyes full of incomparably powerful fighting intent.

Ling Xiao's strength not only made him fearless, but also had a high fighting spirit, which made him extremely excited.

"Jianxin, since you know that I have condensed the time and space Daoguo, if you don't take out the cards again, you must not be my opponent!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

He became more and more curious. What would the ultimate strength of the sword-hearted Son be?

"Leiling, as you wish!"

The blade of Saint Kennedy's eyes shone sharply, and there was a terror of unparalleled strength all around him.


Holding the Zhuxian sword in his hand, he instantly rose to the sky, and the vast sword was violent, so that his whole breath began to skyrocket.

The Sword Son was originally a cultivation practice of the Triple Heavens of the Fairy King Realm, and at this moment, there was a kind of fluctuation to break through the bottleneck and be promoted to the Four Heavens of the Fairy King Realm.

"Lei Ling, let's try my slaughtered four-character array!"

With the screaming of Sword Son, his whole person was divided into three avatars in the void, and together with the body, each occupied one side, and each person exuded a peerless sword intention.

Slaughter the sword!

Kill the sword!

Sword fall!

Sword of Extinction!

He even used his own power to evolve the Supreme Sword Array of the Heavenly Emperor, and erupted in a terror of unmatched power.


At this time, even the sky sword in the void seemed to produce a reaction and began to tremble violently.

"This is... one gasification and three cleansing techniques?!"

The gloom of Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, recognizing that the sword-hearted Saint Child was performing, but it was a kind of supreme immortal technique that was about to be lost in ancient times.

One gasification and three clearings can make three main avatars out of the ontology. These three avatars have almost all the fighting power of the ontology.

In this way, it is equivalent to the four great swordsman saints besieging Ling Xiao.

It turned out that this is the ultimate strength of the sword heart son?

The fighting intent of Ling Xiao's eyes rose, and the powerful threat made his bloodline start to boil.

Ling Xiao shook the whole body, spraying an infinite amount of light, the breath was terrifying, and between the mouths, he was vomiting the sun and the moon, as if he were the ancient ancestor of the earth, and his power was unmatched.



Ling Xiao and Sheng Xin Shengzi both screamed at the same time. The colliding eyes were as if they were the essence, inspiring a bright thunder in the void.

The four great sword-hearted saints, blooming innumerable sword-like sharpness, then killed Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao's fist was turbulent, filled with chaotic light, and the power of pure flesh exploded, making this punch power terrifying.

A huge fist print bloomed in the void, instantly traversing the sky dome, smashing countless sword qi, and then suppressed towards the sword-hearted Saint Child.

Ling Xiao's body began to skyrocket, and suddenly turned into a huge giant, standing upright and terrified.

He was surrounded by the immortal and eternal light. Although it seemed to be besieged by the sword-hearted Son, Ling Xiao had a tendency to kill nine days and destroy the invincible world.


Sword qi is millions of miles, a sword is cold and cold!

The four dazzling sword lights like come from all directions towards Ling Xiao, each sword light is extremely long and unmatched, can destroy everything.

By all means, the Son of Sword Heart is extremely fast, he strikes in the air, one sword after another falls, the mighty and turbulent like a river, the terror is to the extreme.

There are countless figures of the sword-hearted saint appearing in the sky, the kind of swordsmanship that extinguishes everything makes people extremely desperate.


Blood was pervasive, Ling Xiao's fist print and sword spirit were intertwined, although his flesh and blood was strong, but it was still torn in an instant, leaving only the bones of Sensen.

Ling Xiao's skeleton is purple glazed, crystal clear, not stained with dust, and contains immortal light.

Jian Qi collided with Ling Xiao's fist bones, and the sound of Zheng Ming broke out, crisp and sweet.

"Jian Xin, your sword is indeed very strong, but you cannot defeat me at all, kill!"

Ling Xiao drank indifferently, and the light in his eyes was blazing, and Hengkong took the initiative to kill the sword heart saint.

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