Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3025: Dominating eyes, insight into all things!

"That won't happen! Lei Ling will be defeated without a doubt, and the killing fairy sword will eventually belong to my hand to the Tianxian Gate, but the sword heart is sincere and the house is kind, I am afraid that I will not kill this Lei Ling!"

Ning Wuji smiled indifferently.

"Then wait until after this battle!"

Taiqingzi said noncommittally.

"Taiqingzi, Ning Wuji, I think Lei Ling won this battle! This kid is decisive, and Jianxin will die in his hands. I hope you won't feel distressed!"

Gu Tongtian said indifferently.

"Gu Tongtian, you are full of confidence in Leiling, but if this son of God falls into the fairy demon cave, what can your **** clan rely on?"

Ning Wuji sneered.

"My Protoss never relied on anyone! This is true of the Twelve Ancestors, the Emperor Tongtian, and Lei Ling as well! The power of my Protoss is never the power of a certain person, even if Lei Ling fell? But, you pass the Heavenly Gate Now there is only Jianxin left? If Jianxin falls, then the Heavenly Immortal Gate will be destroyed!"

Gu Tongtian smiled proudly, standing with his hand down, his domineering domineering permeated.

Hearing the conversation between these three peerless monarchs, the elders of the Supreme Master are all flashing in their eyes.

Ning Wuji's complexion turned instantly blue.

Gu Tongtian's words just hit his heart.

Just now, the disciples of the Tongtian Immortal Gate ordered dozens of cards in succession, and Ning Wuji speculated that Lei Ling did it all out of ten.

Therefore, he hoped that Jianxin could cut Leiling.

But Gu Tongtian's words just expressed the worry in his heart. If Jian Xin died in the hands of Lei Ling, then Tong Tian Xian Men would really vomit blood this time!


At this moment, in the piece of ruin space where the ancestral **** spring is located.

Thirty-six **** generals, full of vitality, terrified to the extreme, mighty, as if they could break the world.

If it were not for the barriers of the ancestors and fountains, I was afraid that this space that was about to be destroyed would simply not be able to withstand such terrible fluctuations in their momentum.


After Ling Xiao opened the blood imprisonment for them, coupled with the majestic power of the ancestral fountain, the thirty-six gods will accumulate and survive the emperor robbery successively. territory.

The unconscious Tai Xuan was also shocked by the terrifying breath.

As a result, the thirty-six **** generals and Tai Xuan all saw the scene of the war emerging from the void.

"Sir of God, you will win!"

Fujiyama's body was full of blood and blood, and his breath was filled with enthusiasm. His eyes were full of fanaticism. He knelt down on one knee in the air and said firmly.

"Sir of God, you will win!"

Thirty-six gods will shout in unison, sound like thunder, shaking the void.

This pool of ancestral ancestral springs that has been stored for countless years has been completely absorbed and refined by them.

And they also seemed to be reborn, one after another, with a terrible atmosphere all over.

Since then, the thirty-six disciples of the ancient **** religion have become the thirty-six **** generals under the seat of the son of God!

Taixuan was frightened, staring into the void, and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "Lei Ling, even fighting Jianxin? This battle is really fierce!"

He naturally understands the strength of Jianxin, especially Jianxin even performed the technique of one Qi and three Qing in their Taiyixianmen.

In Taixuan's view, even the eldest brother, Taiyuan, who exhibited the technique of gasification and sanqing, it is difficult to win.

But Tai Xuan always felt that the final winner might be Leiling.

"Lei Ling, if you defeated the Son of Sword Heart, my elder brother would be miserable!"

Tai Xuan's eyes were turbulent, not knowing what he was thinking.

But he was very tragic to find that the thirty-six gods would show no signs of leaving here, but they were extremely faithful and stayed here while watching him, as if waiting for Ling Xiao's return.


Void battlefield.

The battle between Ling Xiao and Jian Xin Sheng Zi has lasted thousands of moves.

Ling Xiao can feel the strength of the Sword Son, which is truly a peerless genius born for the sword, and can only be compared with him when he is alone.

But Sword Heart Son is a tragedy.

Because he met Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's flesh is too perverted and has become so desperate.

Combining the two great chaotic treasures of the Wushu Tianshu and the forged jade dish, plus the chaos **** bone in his chest, the Ling Xiao's bones can hardly resist the imperial Taoist soldiers.

Although the Saint Child of Jianxin is strong, and he has the immortal sword Zhuxianjian in his hand, he can't break Ling Xiao's defense at all.

On the contrary, Ling Xiao's powerful flesh brought him a very powerful sense of oppression.

The unmatched fist print seems to be able to annihilate everything, and every blow comes with great power, which makes the son of Jianxin shocked and was greatly affected.

Moreover, Ling Xiao condenses time and space Taoguo, time and space in Ling Xiao's hands, such as arm command, you can control the power of space and time as you like.

Although the cultivation of the Son of Sword Heart exceeded that of Ling Xiao, the force of time had little effect on the Son of Sword Heart, but the combined force of time and space caused him a lot of trouble.

Most importantly, Ling Xiao has an unpredictable speed.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Ling Xiao is inseparable from Jianxin Shengzi, but in the view of Jianxin Shengzi, he has fallen into a disadvantage.

"How could such a wicked person appear in the Protoss?"

The Son of Sword Heart shook his heart and thought with some sigh.

Such a character, once grown up, will definitely be extremely powerful, so powerful that it makes people feel horrified.

"Jianxin, take me a punch!"

Ling Xiao suddenly shouted.

His eyes are extremely sharp, as if with a strange light flashing, mysterious and indifferent, as if he can gain insight into everything, so that the Son of Sword Heart can't help but be cold.

Dominating eye!

Ling Xiao's dominating eye is a coincidence of his chance, formed by the fusion of chaos, destiny, causality and reincarnation in his eyes.

The dominating eye can see everything, see the three thousand worlds, and reflect all things in the sky.

Even the fairy stone can see, naturally can also see everything in the body of the strong Ling Xiao is using the eye of the master to perceive the flaws of the sword-hearted son, and then look for a killing blow.


His fist prints are unparalleled, and the sky is blasting, as if the endless void is oppressed, and at the same time contains the mysterious fluctuations of the years.

He merged the power of time and space to make this fist unmatched, and completely locked the sword-hearted Son.

At the same time, among Ling Xiao's pupils, the operation of the original power in the four sword-hearted saints, the concentration of sword qi, the mystery of immortality, and even the tattoos on Daoguo emerged clearly.

It's just that seeing the Sword Heart Son with the eye of the master has a huge load on Ling Xiao, so it's only a moment.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao's fist seal has also reached the front of Jianxin Shengzi, and then burst open!


The saint son of Jianxin in front of him was directly bombed by Ling Xiao!

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