Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3033: Please enter the urn!

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The Fairy Demon Conference is more tragic than ever.

Only ten days have passed, the Protoss has fallen by 80%, and only a hundred people have left.

Moreover, these hundred and ten people were still besieged by the people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates, and there was a danger of the entire army annihilating at any time.

As for the people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates, although they also suffered a lot of deaths and injuries, there are still more than 300 people until now.

In addition, Taiyuan Shengzi sits in the town, as well as Dongbai, Fang Qingxue and other sons and daughters, which constitutes a very powerful force.

However, now the Protoss and the Immortals have formed an extremely delicate balance, and did not immediately start a war.

All people of the Protoss are trapped in a world of ruins. This is a trap set by the Immortals, or an upright Yangmou, waiting for Ling Xiao to enter the urn.

At the moment, what Taiyuan Shengzi didn't know is that Ling Xiao has been watching here for a long time.

Ling Xiao refining and transforming the sky sword map, smelting the new swallowing sword, took less time than they thought.

After Ling Xiao came out of the Tongtianjian figure, he originally wanted to lead the thirty-six gods to kill the four sides, and kill all the fairy families.

But what he did not expect was that the Nine Great Immortal Gates had taken the lead and besieged all the Protoss people.

"The people of the Nine Great Immortal Gate? It seems that you are really looking for death!"

Ling Xiao's eyes had a cold killing intention. He saw the corpses of many Protoss along the way, and he could feel that the Protoss suffered heavy casualties.

And the fairy family has not damaged the foundation. Until now, there are more than three hundred people, one by one murderous, the eyes cold and cold, as if waiting for something.

Ling Xiao understands that they are all waiting for Ling Xiao to appear.

"Cough, Lord Leiling, if you want to save the six gods, maybe you can exchange it with me! My eldest brother loves me the most, and he will definitely release those gods!"

Taixuan felt Ling Xiao's killing intent, he could not help shrinking his head, and coughed.

"In exchange for you? Do you really think your elder brother will care about your life?"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"Of course! Our family has two unique seedlings, only my elder brother and me, our brothers and two people have very deep feelings! Not to mention the hundreds of protoss strongmen, even if you want my elder brother's extreme emperor , My eldest brother will give you too!"

Tai Xuan smiled proudly, full of confidence.

"What a silly boy!"

Ling Xiao gave Tai Xuan a pity.

Although this guy's head is not very easy to use, but his talent is superb, especially his accomplishments on the way, it is extremely amazing, which makes Ling Xiao think of the old goat.

But this guy is extremely naive.

Ling Xiao can feel that Tai Xuan's nature is not bad, just a spoiled child.

Today, just teach him what is a sinister heart!

"The gods will listen!"

Ling Xiao looked indifferent, glancing at the thirty-six gods behind him.


Under the leadership of Fujiyama, the thirty-six gods will kneel to Ling Xiao on one knee, their eyes full of fanaticism.

"Follow me to kill, kill all the nine immortal gates, and rescue your robe!"

Ling Xiao said indifferently.


Thirty-six gods will greet the promise, the eyes of the eyes are bright, the originally suppressed atmosphere explodes suddenly, and the mighty sky rises.

The eyes of each of them are full of strong fighting intentions and murderous opportunities.

As if Leiling's words, they can let them die.

And they did suppress the endless anger in their hearts, and they wished to rush down immediately, killing all the people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates.


Ling Xiao and the thirty-six gods will no longer suppress the breath of their bodies, and they will be immediately noticed by the people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates.

Han Dongman flashed among the eyes of Dongfang Bai, and sighed coldly.


Ling Xiao came to the sky in an instant, the whole body was radiant, the eyes were full of indifferent looks, the momentum was immense, the emptiness of the Quartet was trembling.

"Taiyuan, don't you want to find me? I've already come!"

Ling Xiao said indifferently, the sound was like thunder, shaking the four wild.

Behind him, thirty-six gods, their breath seemed to condense together, and turned into a vast volcano of smoke rising, terrified to the extreme.

These thirty-six **** generals are all the emperors of the emperor's realm, and Ling Xiao opened the blood line for them, so that their blood line is pure, the breath is condensed, and the whole body is one. The power of everyone seems to be connected to each other, forming a military formation The trend of killing is terrifying.

With the power of thirty-six gods at this moment, even if the strong man of the emperor's realm is invaded, they will be torn into pieces instantly.


Dongfang Bai was shocked, and his eyes suddenly showed a very bitter look.

Their four sons and virgins besieged Ling Xiao, not only failed to kill Ling Xiao, but were killed by Ling Xiao, Wu Xingchen and Nin Tianjue, and Dongfang Bai also felt a great shame.

"Leiling? Are you really dare to come?"

Taiyuan's eyes are bright and sharp, said indifferently.

They formed a siege against the people of the six gods without attacking, which was a conspiracy, and their purpose was to force Ling Xiao to appear.

There are traps here, I am afraid that even a fool knows it well.

But Ling Xiao still came!

"I'm here! Taiyuan, with the disciples of the six great gods, how about you and us being upright?"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his eyes fell on Taiyuan's body, and his eyes were unmatched.


The eyes of the two of them collided in the void, as if they were materialized, bursting out a fierce dazzling light, making the void tremble slightly.

"Brother, save me!"

Taiyuan stood beside Ling Xiao. At the moment, Taiyuan saw Taiyuan. His eyes were full of surprises, and he couldn't help shouting.


Taiyuan's brow furrowed. He also found Taixuan beside Ling Xiao, and suddenly felt a little tricky.

Seeing Tai Xuan's appearance, he has been sealed by Ling Xiao and he has become a prisoner of Ling Xiao's order.

"Lei Ling, UU reading released my younger brother! Otherwise, all of your Protoss will die without a burial place!"

Taiyuan stared at Ling Xiao coldly, his murderous intentions surging in his eyes.

"Taiyuan, I just said that it would be better if you let go of the disciples of the Six Great Protestants, I let go of your brother, and then you and I have a fair fight, how?"

Ling Xiao said with a smile, and then repeated it again.

His eyes were full of interesting expressions, and he wanted to know how Taiyuan would choose?

The eyes of the Nine Great Immortal Gates also fell on Taiyuan, each with a different look.

Taiyuan's heart is very entangled.

That was his brother, how could it not be saved?

But letting him release the disciples of the six great religions, he was full of unwillingness.

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