Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3042: Tai Xuan's life and death!

War Dust They found a relic world in the fairy demon cave, and there is an ancestral spring in that relic world.

   But at the entrance of the world of relics, there is a torn imperial array, powerful and unmatched, able to inspire the destruction of fairy light and destroy everything.

   Before, a disciple of the God of War was mistakenly entered into the world of ruins. Although it was eventually strangled by the Emperor's Array, the Yuanshen also passed the news of the Ancestral God Spring to War Dust before it was broken.

   If it is not impossible to enter that world of ruins, War Dust and Wu Chen and others have already brought the disciples of the six great gods into the world of that ruin, avoiding the chase of the fairy clan.

   "Incomplete imperial array? Let's go and see!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said slowly.

  Under the leadership of war dust and Wuhen, the crowd tens of thousands of miles, and finally came to a huge waterfall.


   The waterfall in front of me flew straight down from the high cliff, hitting the water pool below, and a deafening roar burst.

   And the entrance to the world of relics is just behind the waterfall.

   Lingxiao stood up and came to the waterfall. After seeing the water waves behind the waterfall converging, the light was shining and the fairy light was lingering. There seemed to be a huge seal between the vagueness, leading to an ancient world.

   Ling Xiao noticed the extremely powerful formation fluctuations.

   This is the entrance to the world of ruins!

   But at the entrance, there is a great dignity and pervasiveness. Although it seems a bit crippled and chaotic, it is indeed an imperial array.

   "This is a formation under the immortal emperor's formation! But there will be an ancestral **** spring in the world of ruins, is this a battlefield between an immortal emperor and an ancestor god?"

   Ling Xiao thought secretly.

  Although this incomplete imperial array is extremely powerful, the raging pole Daowei has burst into a blazing radiant fairy light, and can even destroy the powerful in the fairy kingdom.

   But if Ling Xiao attacked with swallowing the sky sword, he was confident that he could completely break this incomplete imperial formation!

   But if the violence breaks through, this ruined world will be destroyed instantly.

   This incomplete imperial array is connected to the world of relics. There is no way to break the array violently, only by virtue of the skill of the array to break through the large array.

   "The breath above this emperor formation is somewhat similar to the breath of Taiyuan. Will this fairy emperor be the fairy emperor of Taiyi immortal gate?"

   Ling Xiao's heart moved slightly.


   With a wave of his sleeve, he immediately summoned Tai Xuan, who had earned his income into the small world.

   "Where is this? Leiling, my elder brother?"

  Taixuan stared at Ling Xiao and asked.

   "Your brother has been killed by me!"

   Ling Xiao said slowly, the voice was very calm, and did not hide too much.

   "You killed my big brother?!"

   Tai Xuan was in shock, and his eyes were full of incredible anger.

   "Yes, I killed your brother! Now, I need you to break this formation for me, if you can't break, I will kill you too!"

   Ling Xiao said lightly.

Although Taixuan didn’t look bad, and Ling Xiao didn’t want to kill him, the hatred between the Protoss and the Immortals was not right or wrong at all. This is a blood feud between races. It must be eliminated by one side’s extinction. .

   Ling Xiao appreciates Tai Xuan, but if Tai Xuan is of no value, he will devote himself to kill Tai Xuan.

   After hearing Ling Xiao's words, Tai Xuan couldn't help but startled.

   "Lei Ling, I will avenge my brother!"

   Tai Xuan red eyes, staring at Ling Xiao said.

   "Do you know that your eldest brother took you into the fairy demon cave, but just wanted to use your formation method to accomplish it, he used to kill me, and he was not willing to save you!"

   Ling Xiao said calmly.

   "I know, but he is my elder brother, if you kill him, I will avenge him!"

  Taixuan's expression was a little stubborn.

   "Revenge? Of course there is no problem! But isn’t your most important thing to survive now? Only if you are alive, can you have the chance of revenge! Help me open this imperial array, and I will not kill you!"

   Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

   "I help you open the formation, will you let me go?"

   Tai Xuan looked at Ling Xiao Road.

   "Of course not, you are my captive! But I will not kill you, as long as you have been useful to me, I will keep your life! This is a fair deal, isn't it?"

   Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

   "Okay! I will help you open the formation!"

  Tai Xuan took a deep breath, depressed the sadness and anger in his heart, and raised his head to say calmly.

   "You are indeed a smart man!"

   Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

   He gave up the space, and then released Taixuan's imprisonment.

  Feeling the powerful power flowing in the body, Taixuan really wanted to kill Ling Xiao now and avenge his brother.

   But he understood that he was not Ling Xiao's opponent, and now he shot Ling Xiao, he would really die.

  Taixuan's eyes were slightly closed. After a while, when he opened his eyes again, any emotion in his eyes had disappeared, leaving only incomparable concentration.

   In his eyes, it seemed that there was only the formation in front of him, forgetting everything.


  Tai Xuan's body was radiant and imposing, his hands quickly sealed, and a brilliant rune was imprinted in the void, and flew towards the imperial array in front of him.

   The Emperor's Array shook slightly, exuding a dazzling immortal light, as if yin and yang flowed, Tai Shang was unified, and the breath of Tai Xuan's body was the same as the same ancestor, and very similar.

   "Is it really the formation left by the fairy emperor of Taiyi Xianmen?"

    Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in his thought secretly.

   Tai Xuan really did not disappoint Ling Xiao. The talents of the formation he showed were extremely stunning. The incomplete imperial array that was extremely complicated in front of him became extremely organized in Tai Xuan's hands, and was soon smoothed out.

   Each rune returned to its place, the brilliant fairy light converged, and finally the power of destruction slowly converged. In front of Taixuan, a void channel appeared.

   He opened the big formation!

   "Good, Tai Xuan, you survived!"

  Ling Xiao said with a smile, then flexed his fingers, and once again imprisoned Tai Xuan's whole body for his cultivation.

   But this time, he did not include Taixuan in the small world, but prepared to take Taixuan to the world of ruins. Since he was the immortal emperor of Taiyi Immortal Gate, Taixuan entered it, and there may not be any surprises.

   "The world of ruins has opened, follow me in!"

   Ling Xiao's voice sounded indifferent, but it clearly passed into the ears of every **** clan.

   Zhanchen, Wuhen and Fujiyama were all shocked, and their eyes showed a look of extreme surprise.

   The son of God was really shocked before he was absolutely gorgeous. Such a complicated imperial array was opened by him.

  Everyone rose into the sky, followed Ling Xiao, and stepped into the world of ruins.


   The divine light is shining brightly, after entering the world of relics, the first thing that comes into sight of Ling Xiao is a vast and huge ancestral spring!

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