Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3068: Gu Tongtian's frankness and domineering!

The faces of Ling Xiao and the leaders of the Six Great Protestants became instantly ugly.

The creatures in the strange black mist are so strange, as if they leave the strange black mist, there is no way to survive.

This made Ling Xiao want to explore the source of the strange black mist by grasping the creatures in it, and it fell through!

"This strange black mist should have something to do with the behind-the-scenes hand that left the blood of the Protoss. I have a hunch that the strange black mist will reappear. By then, this seat must be immersed in the strange black mist. !"

Gu Tongtian's eyes flickered and said slowly.

The squid monster turned into a fly ash, as if it had never appeared, but Ling Xiao's expression was extremely dignified.

Why did the twelve ancestors of the Protoss die?

So the powerful Protoss, will it fall completely because of the betrayal of the Immortals?

What might be the powerful character behind the strange black mist?

The truth behind this heavy fog may be shocking and frightening.

Ling Xiao suppressed the thoughts in her heart, and her eyes fell on the top.

In any case, the blood imprisonment of these one billion gods has been completely broken. They have been reborn and no longer have any shackles, and they will be able to fly into the sky in no time.


The Dingding Ding burst into a bright light, and one billion gods flew out of the Dingding Ding and fell around the Ancestral God Mountain.

The one billion gods in front of me, although it seems that cultivation base has not changed, but the spirits of each one have been qualitatively improved.

They are like a reborn, their body and blood are rising, the vastness is like the sea, and a powerful force of luck is gathered above the head, and they are integrated into the God Seal.

The Protoss printed in the cloud surrendered, the luck was rising, and the Quartet was vacant, as if it could break everything.

Feeling that more and more powerful Protoss luck, Ling Xiao's heart is also extremely satisfied.

He can feel that the God Race luck can not only control the two treasures of God Race Seal and Fortune Ding, but also enhance Ling Xiao's physical strength.

"Meet Lord God!"

"Meet Lord God!"


One billion gods, slammed down.

Their eyes were full of extremely fanatical colors of worship, and their voices were like thunder rolling, shaking this side of the sky.

One billion Protoss, completely converted.

At this moment, even the five major religious leaders were discolored slightly, and Gu Tongtian was a little silent.

No one dared to despise Ling Xiao.

Although Ling Xiao is only the cultivation of Emperor's Realm of the Second Heaven, but the powerful fighting force he has shown before has already convinced countless people.

Not to mention, Ling Xiao's hands also have two divine emperor soldiers, the Protoss Seal and the Fortune Ding. If the Prosperity Dignity is urged by the Protoss luck, it is enough to kill the Peerless Fairy King, even if it is an ancient Tongtian, I am afraid to say Can block the power of the fortune.

"Everyone please!"

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and lifted up, and suddenly a vast force of luck rose, lifting all the one billion gods.

"You, I need to retreat for a while, and the Protoss will hand over to you!"

Ling Xiao's eyes turned to Gu Tongtian and other six religious leaders, and he smiled slightly.

"it is good!"

The six major teachers nodded.

Gu Tongtian was silent for a moment, then said to Ling Xiao: "Lei Ling, I have something to tell you!"

"Oh? By coincidence, so am I!"

Ling Xiao also said with a smile.

The other five major bishops all left very consciously. Although the six major divine religions are still in name, they still existed nominally before Ling Xiao did not conquer the six major bishops.

They need to organize disciples of the major religions to explore this side of the world, extract resources, and build cities. Of course, the most important thing is to improve cultivation.

The temples are so vast that they are almost inferior to the world of one side.

This is the legacy left by the Twelve Ancestors.

Nowadays, for the one billion gods, it is not only their best refuge, but also a place where they concentrate on practicing.

At the top of the ancestral mountain, only Ling Xiao and Gu Tongtian were left.

"Lei Ling, what I want to tell you is that before you entered the Immortal Demon Cave, I had thought that when you left the Immortal Demon Cave, you would be killed, and your bloodline, luck, and **** bones would be taken away! "

Gu Tongtian was extremely frank when he spoke.

It's just that the sadness in these words makes Ling Xiao frown slightly.

"Oh? So, did the leader change his mind now?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

Mrs. Fu Yao had reminded him before that Gu Tongtian would be detrimental to him. Ling Xiao also felt the killing intention from Gu Tongtian, so he was always alert to Gu Tongtian.

But he did not expect that Gu Tongtian admitted so frankly!

"Yes! I used to think that you can't afford the burden of the Protoss. Only the ancient Prosperity can revive the Prosperity! My ancient Prosperity will also be the true progenitor of the Protoss after the Great Emperor Tongtian, and also lead the Protoss to strength and hope. The only candidate!"

Gu Tongtian said faintly, but there was a very strong wave of confidence in his voice.

This is a person who is proud to be in his bones!

"what about now?"

Ling Xiao asked.

Although he is alert to Gu Tongtian, he can understand Gu Tongtian's ideas.

After all, Gu Tongtian was so stunning that Ling Xiao, a powerful and unmatched combat force, had also seen it. Such a person with a determined heart, how could he willingly submit to his junior?

Such a person must be extremely proud.

"Now, I still don't think you can take on this important task! But I am willing to believe that you have this possibility, so I am willing to gamble! Next, I will leave the Protoss and embark on the journey of the Eternal Emperor Road If one day I preached, the Lord of the Protoss would be me!"

Gu Tongtian's eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, sharp and overbearing, with a hint of scrutiny.

"Leave the Protoss and embark on the Eternal Emperor Road? Isn't the Eternal Emperor Road only going to the young Tianjiao..."

Ling Xiao's words were not finished yet, and I felt a little embarrassed.

The predecessor Tongtian does not seem to be old.

"Young Tianjiao? It seems that you still know nothing about the Eternal Emperor Road! This is the Eternal Emperor Road, but it is also the road of transcendence. With the strength of a fight, I will embark on the road of God! Why do I not embark on the road of eternal emperor?

Gu Tongtian smiled proudly, with a clamor in his voice.

"What about the other five leaders?"

Ling Xiao is a little speechless. This ancient sky is really overbearing.

But such a peerless figure is also a blessing of the Protoss. .

"They? They are old, not old, but old! They have fear in their hearts, they have lost their edge, and they have no heart to die. How can they prove it? They will not go to Eternal Road , It is their duty to stay here to protect the Protoss!"

Gu Tongtian said lightly, without concealing the sarcasm in his eyes.

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