Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3079: Gore Demon Tyre VS Chaos Doyle

   "Yueyao fairy is the real master of the blood prison Tianyang?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine awn, and instantly understood.

  Yueyao Fairy saw the mighty power of Chaos Celestial Palace, so he took the lead to resist the Chaos Heaven Palace with the Blood Prison Tianyang and prevent the Dark Lingxiao from using the power of the Chaos Heaven Palace.

   But the dark hills also have their own arrogance.

  Yueyao Fairy does not need Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, and naturally he will not use Chaos Tiangong.


   His whole body was like a rainbow of blood, the vastness was like the sea, the chaotic light spewed out, facing the Dawei blood prisoner of Yueyao fairy, he punched out in the air!

   Chaos fist print is unparalleled, with the power to break everything.

   The dark and chaotic demon body is indestructible and immortal. Let him hit it at once, all containing the power of terrifying terror.


  The palms intersect, the void violently shakes.

  The endless void chaos was swept away, and the **** palm print was bombarded by the dark Lingxiao.

   But the five fingers of Fairy Yueyao were like five **** heavenly pillars, and each was constructed into a **** hell, imprisoning Ling Xiao.

  The **** sky pillar is sturdy and unmatched, and contains the power of the road. Rao is the dark Lingxiao with a strong physical body, and he can't break it for a while.


  Yueyao Fairy came out from the sky, and the original holy breath instantly became evil.

   The endless blood is surging and the vastness is like the sea. In a flash, the dark sky is enveloped, as if a **** giant cocoon has been formed instantly.

   Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

   Among the **** giant cocoons, the **** tentacles, like the chain of order gods, instantly penetrated the void and penetrated into the body of the dark Lingxiao.

  Yueyao Fairy sat on the blood-colored giant cocoon, and the whole body was violently bloody, and the vast and terrifying cultivation was suppressed, so that the blood-colored giant cocoon burst into a terrifying terror of power.


  Blood giant cocoon, as if it were like a soul, through the blood tentacles, began to devour the blood energy in the dark Lingxiao body.

   "This is... this is a blood fiend?"

   In the distance, Yuehua Mojun was shocked, and his eyes suddenly showed a very jealous look.

  Blood Demon Road is the supreme treasure of the Blood Slayer Demon Sect.

   According to rumors, the blood demon was born by the blood **** emperor, and was able to suppress all creatures and refine it into blood demon puppets.

  Yueyao fairy as the master of the blood demon, not only can devour all the vital blood of Dark Lingxiao, but also can get all the inheritance and treasures on his body, and then refine the dark Lingxiao into the blood demon puppet.

   It seems that Yueyao fairy also sees the great potential of Dark Lingxiao, and covets the inheritance of Chaos Demon in Dark Lingxiao.

  Yuehua Mojun is extremely jealous.

   Speaking, outsiders did not know that although she and Yueyao Fairy were sisters, the relationship was not good.

  Yueyao fairy is indifferent by nature, never mind the life and death of the sister Yuehua Mojun.

  If this is not the case, Yuehua Demon tempted with the inheritance of the Chaos Demon Clan, whether Yueyao Fairy would come to rescue this younger sister, it is unknown.

   Yuehua Mojun naturally hopes to surpass this sister, but unfortunately her talent is much worse than Yueyao fairy.

   Therefore, now she is only the elder of the Blood Sect Demon Sect, but Yueyao Fairy has become the Deputy Sovereign of the Blood Slayer Demon Sect!

   "Blood Demon Road tires, can you really refine Ling Xiao? If both of them lose both sides, it would be better!"

  Yuehua Mojun's eyes showed a fierce color, and his heart was not malicious.


   That **** giant cocoon is the blood demon road tire.

  Blood Demon Road fetus is invisible and intangible, extremely strange, even the dark Lingxiao is not aware, it has been shrouded in Blood Demon Road Fetus.

  The **** tentacles surged in the blood demon corpse. Those **** tentacles were so sharp that they pierced the flesh of the dark Lingxiao without any effort, and then began to devour his vitality madly, wanting to draw his blood.

   "Want to count me? Well, let's see if you can devour me, or if I refine you!"

   Dark Ling Xiao's eyes showed a cold indifference, and thought secretly in his heart.


  In his body, the chaotic light burst out suddenly.

  The endless chaos rises like the earth, the mysterious breath surges, making everything tremble violently.

   Dark Lingxiao was running the ancient chaotic scriptures, and his chaotic demon actually shattered in an instant.

   The chaos was turbulent, his body condensed into a rune of chaos, ancient and mysterious, and innumerable light blew out in a flash, then enveloped the blood demon road fetus.


   Chaos embraces everything and devours everything.

   While the blood demon corpse devoured his flesh, Yueyao fairy didn't even think that Dark Lingxiao also began to reverse refine the blood demon corpse.

   This is a chaotic road tire!

   is not only a kind of supreme mystery in the ancient Chaos, but also a gifted magical power of the chaotic demon.

   Dark Lingxiao can be transformed into chaotic Taoist fetus, transforming tangibility into intangibility, the flesh and blood veins of the primordial gods all become a chaotic gas, as if to open up the earth, devouring all things and refining everything.

   Today's dark hills, without the flesh and soul spirit, became a chaotic gas, and the blood demon road tire instantly lost all its goals.

   Moreover, the power in the blood demon road tires began to be swallowed by the chaos road tires of the dark Lingxiao!


  The endless blood is surging, the blood demon road is connected with the life of Yueyao fairy, and it contains the source of extremely pure and majestic blood.

   At this moment, those pure blood sources were infested by the gas of chaos, and even disintegrated instantly, and then became part of the gas of chaos.


  Fairy of Yueyao could not help but change his change is beyond his imagination.

  Originally, she intended to refine the Dark Lingxiao into a blood demon puppet with the blood demon road tire, and then get the Chaos Demon inheritance in the dark Lingxiao body.

   But she didn't even think that such a change would happen.

   "Blood Prison is coming, suppress the Promise!"

  Yueyao fairy bit her teeth, spit out a very obscure syllable, and the whole person came out of the **** light.

   She has long, **** hair, a tall figure, and her skin is like jade. There is a perfect breath all over her body.

   Her face is exquisite and perfect, a pair of eyes is like a dazzling starry sky, let people look at it, they can't help sinking into it.

   The most important thing is that she has no clothes on her body.

   The perfect body, so that anyone will see the blood boiling, can not help but admire this is a woman preferred by the creator.

   But it was just a glance at Jinghong.

   After she got rid of the **** envelope, she instantly entered the blood demon road.

   Her whole body was turbulent with blood, and the vast Jidao Emperor Wei spread out, vaguely seemingly condensed into a very mysterious figure.



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