Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3088: Pig Yuen Long surrender!

   Everyone's eyes showed a shocked look.

   Pig Yuen Long, Patriarch of the Pig Demon Clan, peerless emperor.

  The great emperor can't come out, the peerless emperor represents the invincible existence.

   Dark Lingxiao is nothing but the cultivation of the emperor's realm, even if it is against the sky, it can be retrogradely slaughtered, but it cannot be an opponent of the peerless emperor.

   And this so-called magic armor, let the dark Lingxiao burst into such a terrifying power!


  At the same time, the atmosphere of the dark Lingxiao rose, and the whole person's cultivation behavior also skyrocketed rapidly, and then broke like a certain kind of bottleneck.

  Triple of Emperor's Realm.

  After refining the magic armor, the pure original magic power contained in the magic armor allowed the cultivation of Dark Lingxiao to directly reach the triple heaven of the emperor's realm.

   "What a powerful magic armor!"

   Zhu Yuanlang wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, his eyes full of extremely hot look.

   This is the supreme treasure of Chaos Demon Race.

  Originally, the strong man in the second realm of the emperor's realm, even if there are extremely imperial soldiers, cannot defeat the peerless emperor.

   But the magic armor did it.

   The power of the magic armor is beyond the ordinary Ji Dao soldiers.

   "Magic armor is indeed strong, but it is far from what I can bear today!"

   The eyes of the dark and dark eyes are also dazzling, and they are also extremely excited, and they sighed.

  His cultivation practice did indeed break into the triple heaven of the emperor's realm.

   But everyone didn't find it at all. His body was already heavily burdened at this moment, and the meridians, flesh and bones in his body were cracked, as if they would be broken at any time.

   With the help of the magic armor, Dark Hill can indeed erupt a terrible combat power, but it will put a great burden on itself.

   Like the punch just now, Dark Lingxiao can only explode two punches at most. If a third punch is forcibly exploded, I am afraid his flesh will collapse directly.

   Dark Lingxiao has condensed the chaotic body, and the magic armor will cause such a terrible burden. If it is not a chaotic body, it is difficult for Dark Lingxiao to explode.

   "This magic armor, could it be that the Chaos Demon Clan Emperor could explode all its power?"

   Dark Ling Xiao secretly guessed.

   He can feel that the magic armor is not a super soldier.

  The magic armor does not have the extreme power of the extreme powers, but a very ancient and mysterious power.

   This is an extremely mysterious treasure.

   "Is it Chaos Treasure? But it is not like it!"

   Dark Lingxiao secretly thought.

   "Congratulations to Lord Demon Lord, get the Demon Armor to recognize the Lord, and dominate the world from now on, invincible!"

   Pig Yuen Long's extremely respectful salute.

   "Congratulations to the master, great deeds, great cultivation!"

   Pig stout is also extremely excited, as if he never thought he had become the head of the pig demon clan.

   On the contrary, he feels that he can recognize Ling Xiao as the most correct choice.

  Although everyone is envious of the power of the magic armor, but no one will be jealous, because this magic armor is inherently prepared for the Chaos Demon Race.

   Only the Chaos Demon Clan can explode the mighty supernatural power among the magic armor.

   "Pig Yuen Long, you are good!"

   Dark Lingxiao smiled indifferently, and his deep eyes fell on Zhu Yuanlang.

   Pig Yuen Long shuddered.

   He understood the meaning of the dark Lingxiao.

   Perhaps before, he was able to pretend to be confused, but now he has to make a choice.


  Zhu Yuanlang gritted his teeth, and another nine-color light mass flew out of his eyebrows, mysteriously, containing powerful and unmatched spiritual fluctuations.

   "Master Demon Lord, Zhu Yuanlang is willing to present the imprint of the original God of Life and recognize you as the Lord. From then on, you will be faithful Master Lord, and you will never die!"

  Zhu Yuanlang kneeled on one knee towards the dark Lingxiao and said seriously.

   Dark Lingxiao was slightly surprised.

   He did not expect that Zhu Yuanlang would choose to recognize the Lord.

   It stands to reason that every peerless emperor may break into the realm of the emperor at any time, which can be called a quasi-emperor.

   But the hopelessness is extremely slim, it is very likely that there will be no breakthrough in a lifetime.

  Peerless emperors have their own arrogance, it is impossible to recognize anyone as the master.

  Even a great emperor, it is difficult to conquer a peerless emperor.

   This patriarch of the Pig Demon Race is very interesting. Even such a neat choice, I believe that the dark Lingxiao is the main.

   After all, even if he doesn't agree, Dark Lingxiao can't force him.

  In this case, the dark Lingxiao is not polite, directly put away the nine-color light group and integrated it into Yuanshen.

   Suddenly, between Zhu Yuanlang and Dark Lingxiao, a mysterious connection was established, as if it were a thread of destiny, connecting the two.

   As long as Dark Lingxiao thoughts, he could destroy the Yuanshen of Zhu Yuanlang.

   "Since this is true, then Mr. Yuen Long will be the guardian of this seat!"

   Dark Lingxiao smiled lightly.


   Pig Yuen Long nodded respectfully.

   used to be a pig demon who surrendered to Dark Lingxiao, but now it is a pig Yuan Langchen who surrendered to Dark Lingxiao. There is a big difference in meaning.

   With the protector Zhu Yuanlang, the three emperors of the Devil Realm can't come out, and the dark Lingxiao can already be said to be rampant.

  Yueyao fairy, Yuehua demon, Yuanling saint, and light saint, the four daughters, looking at the dark Lingxiao, are full of worship.

   They left this ancient world and returned to the Demon Lord's Hall.

   "Patriarch, it's not good! Someone from the Bozen Demon Clan came, and it seems that the comers are not good!"

   After seeing Zhu Yuanlang and Zhu Ganglie, a pig elder's super elder suddenly showed an extremely anxious look and said quickly.

   "Bozen Demon Clan? Who is the comer? Dare to brag about my Pig Demon Clan That's it!"

   Pig's strong brow furrowed slightly.

   This is a very familiar name, no matter in the God of War Realm or in the Devil Realm, Ling Xiao has never dealt with the Devil Clan of Boxun.

  Boxun Demon, is one of the top emperors in Demon Realm

  Because the Bozen Demon Clan once appeared a stunning and supreme emperor, the Bozen Devil Emperor.

  Boxun Devil Emperor took his own name as his surname, which made Devil Realm a powerful race.

  Boxun demon in the demon world, known for their arrogance and domineering, other demon are not willing to deal with them.

"People Qijun, whose name is Poxun Sha, is the younger chief of the Poxen Demon Clan, the most dazzling peerless pride of the Poxen Demon Clan! We are the elders of the Pig Demon Clan who have been wounded by him Hey! He claimed to be coming from Wushuang Order, let us pig demon clan, surrender to Boss Wushuang Master!"

  The elder Taishang explained.

   "Bo Xun Mushuang?"

   After hearing the name, Zhu Yuanlang was shocked, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

   "Who is Boxun Musou?"

   Pig Ganglie asked with some doubts.


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