Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3097: 9 Emperor Yuan body!

God Realm, the sea of ​​origin. Mad sand net

Nine huge stone monuments stand in the sea of ​​origin, and each exudes great divine power.

A young man in a golden armor looks majestic and handsome, sitting elegantly in the sea of ​​origin, vomiting the power of the vast origin.

Among the nine monumental stone tablets, the mysterious and vast divine emperor is intertwined, like the chain of order, wrapped around the young man's week.

On top of his head, the power of luck is like a sea of ​​clouds soaring, transforming all kinds of mysterious scenes.

He sprayed a thin chaotic light around him. Among those powers of luck, it seemed that countless ancient ancestors came from the blue strands of the road, singing and jumping, self-improvement without stopping, exuding powerful and unmatched spiritual fluctuations.

It seems to have been blessed by countless ancient ancestors, so that the man in the gold armor looks more majestic and mysterious, and the king is coerced.


There are fiery thunders around him, and every thunder is like a thunder dragon, showing a variety of magical scenes.

His breath is vast and unmatched, as if blended with the entire sea of ​​origin.

His crystal clear, like glazed glass, pure and immaculate, the nine huge stone tablets, and the entire sea of ​​origin, as if it were an oven, which was tempering him.

This refining seems to have passed for a long time.

When the sea of ​​origin suddenly shook, a mysterious and vast wave swept away, and the man in the gold armor suddenly opened his eyes.

The bright light beam instantly penetrates the void!

His eyes are mysterious and majestic, as if he can penetrate everything, and at the same time there is a kind of indifference that regards all beings as ants.

"Eternal Emperor Road, will it open?"

He said softly.

"Yes! The immeasurable amount of calamity is coming, and the only vitality is the Eternal Emperor Road, which has not been proved. If you want to get rid of the world, you must step on the Eternal Emperor Road! Zhao Tian, ​​that's where you want to go!"

An old voice rang in his ears.

"Eternal Emperor Road, Ling Xiao should go?"

Zhao Tian is the man in the golden armor.

There was a strong war in his eyes.

"The successors of the Wordless Book of Heaven will inevitably embark on the path of the Eternal Emperor! But you are not the same as his mission. You now bear the luck of the human race, converging the origins of God Realm, destined to become the emperor of the human race, you are The real tenth emperor!"

The second uncle sighed softly.

"Second Uncle, you know! I don't want to carry the luck of the human race, I just want to defeat Ling Xiao! The guy in Ling Xiao is the son of the natural selection. I think he is more suitable for carrying this mission!"

Zhao Tian smiled bitterly.

"But, the Nine Emperor of Human Race chose you!"

The second uncle said slowly.

"I think that the Nine Emperor of Human Race must be wrong, why is it me? Although Zhao Tian is talented, I am afraid that the Tenth Emperor of Human Race is still not my turn? Even if it is not Ling Xiao, what about Emperor Jiang Yuyang?"

Zhao Tian said a bit depressed.

"Emperor Jiang Yuyang, he had the opportunity to become the tenth emperor of the human race, but he had missed the best chance when he was born! Therefore, he is only the emperor and cannot become the tenth emperor of the human race!"

The second uncle explained patiently.

"Since that is the case, okay! Whether I can become the tenth emperor of the human race, I think after this time, Ling Xiao should not be my opponent? Just take this opportunity to repair him!"

Zhao Tian's eyes were full of eager look.

Before, the second uncle took him to the sea of ​​God's origin.

Only he Zhao Tian can come here.

Because he was not only the son of Heavenly Emperor, but also recognized by the Nine Emperors of the human race, he was able to be recognized by the Sea of ​​Origin.

In the Sea of ​​Origins, Zhao Tian's cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds, not only broke through to the realm of the emperor, but also with the help of the Nine Emperors of the human race, he tempered the most powerful body of the origin.

Nine Emperor Source!

That's right, Zhao Tian's not only merged the original strength of the human clan nine emperors, but also condensed the human clan luck, thus condensing the nine emperor source body in one fell swoop.

This is the strongest origin of the human race, bearing the hope of the nine emperors of the human race.

Since then, Zhao Tian is not only indestructible, immortal, but also able to practice the godlessness of the Nine Emperor of Humanity at will.

It can be said that Zhao Tian is the spokesperson of the Nine Emperors!

His Nine Emperor's source body was fully consummated, and his cultivation base also reached the peak of Emperor's Realm Triple Heaven. Only one step away, he could step into Emperor's Realm Triple Heaven.

Therefore, he jumped and tried to find Ling Xiao a shame!

"God, your opponent is not just Ling Xiao, but the stars and sea, the heavens and the world, and the countless days of arrogance and evil spirits from ancient times!"

The second uncle smiled faintly: "This time the Eternal Emperor Road is different from the past, but it is the most tragic and terrifying Eternal Emperor Road since 108 epochs! In legend, this time the Eternal Emperor Road Among them, not only the chance of becoming Emperor, but also the secret of detachment!"

"The secret of detachment?"

"Yes! Countless emperors, the secret of eternal life that they pursue throughout their lives! As long as they achieve detachment, from now on, everything, time and space will no longer be any limit, you can travel through the years, cross the universe, and never die. !"

There are also some complicated fluctuations in the voice of the second uncle.

"The secret of detachment?"

Zhao Tian's eyes lit up suddenly.

"It turns out that the emperor is not the ultimate, is detachment the eternal?"

Seeing Zhao Tianyue's look, the second uncle smiled and said, "This secret of detachment is not so easy to obtain! Since 108 epochs, there are so many amazing emperors, who can detach? Eternal Emperor? Although the road has this legend, you have to face the ancient arrogance that is so amazing!

Their cultivation base is stronger than you, their accumulation is deeper than you, their horizons are wider than yours, their understanding of the avenue is deeper than yours, and it would be a great challenge to overcome them! "

"Challenge? Zhao Tian likes to challenge me the most! But the second I have a hunch that the end of Eternal Emperor Road can only be reached by me and Ling Xiao, and maybe we will have the ultimate when we get there One battle!"

Zhao Tian said indifferently, but his eyes were full of powerful fighting intent.

"You are a little too high to look at that Ling Xiao, he is not as good as you!"

The second uncle shook his head.

"Second Uncle, we have come all the way from the God of War Realm, I am afraid you know the potential of Ling Xiao better than me? Zhu Tian Wan Jie, who can be regarded as my opponent by Zhao Tian, ​​is Ling Xiao alone!"

Zhao Tian smiled proudly.

"That's what you don't know, he may not be able to take the last step!"

The second uncle sighed softly in his heart, he did not say this sentence.

However, to see Zhao Tian full of warfare, he was also very pleased in his heart.

Zhao Tian must be able to shine on the journey of the Eternal Emperor Road.

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