Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3116: Candle Dragon Emperor City!


Ying Yilong was extremely angry and his face became very ugly.

But he didn't dare to turn his face with Jinghong Fairy. Although the cultivation practice of Jinghong Fairy was different from him, he was also a high-level emperor, but this time, among the feathers, there was an extremely amazing ancient Tianjiao.

That ancient arrogance, even if it is placed in the heavens and the world, is also the most shocking and exquisite existence, should not be offended by Jinglong fairy.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have a relationship with the Yu clan, but hiding behind a woman, what is your skill? If you wait for me, I don't believe that Jinghong Fairy can always protect you!"

Ying Yilong glanced at Ling Xiao gloomily, the killing intention in his eyes was as if it were substance.

"let's go!"

The Eight Dragon Kings were all ugly, and their bodies were full of murderousness. They rode the Golden Horned Dragon Beast, turned around and left, heading towards the Candle Dragon Emperor City.

"I really don't know them!"

Ling Xiao sighed inwardly and touched his nose, feeling a little innocent.

Why is this extremely mysterious feather family treating him differently?

Is it because he is too handsome?

At this moment, Jinghong Fairy stepped towards Ling Xiao, her eyes were very cold, with a little scrutiny, she looked at Ling Xiao.

"You are Ling Xiao?"

The ethereal and cold voice sounded.

Ling Xiao froze for a moment: "Do you know me?"

He didn't expect that the Jinghong fairy of the Yu clan could really speak his real name.

"The son of Tianxuan Ling Xiao, with heavenly luck and luck, is hailed as the most promising person in this era to prove his success, but now it seems to be a bit disappointing!

There are too many geniuses who have not grown up. If you are not as good as the Nine Dragon Kings, you should not provoke provocations, otherwise, if you die on the road of the Eternal Emperor, it will be a big joke! "

Jinghong fairy said indifferently.

The meaning in her words was very clear. In her view, Ling Xiao could not be the opponent of the Nine Dragons, so she should be tolerant, and should not take the initiative to provoke, otherwise, she would only end up dead.

Although it is good intentions, why does this sound so harsh?

"Jinghong Fairy, although I don't want to refute your face, I still want to tell you that even if you don't show up, they can't help me!"

Ling Xiao said very calmly, his eyes clear and indifferent, as if he was stating a fact.

Originally he was talking about facts.

If there is no Yu clan, perhaps Ling Xiao can use this battle to allow Xiu Wei to break through to the Emperor's Realm.

The so-called Nine Dragon Kings, despite their extraordinary strength, do not pose a great threat to Ling Xiao.

But what he said in the ears of many women of the Yu clan was a bit ignorant, which made their faces a bit cold.

"What a guy who doesn't know anything! If the eldest sister stopped Ying Yilong, you would have died in the hands of Nine Great Dragon Kings, and now you dare to speak bluntly?"

A pretty-looking girl glared at Ling Xiao.

"Yes! You are nothing but the cultivation of Emperor's Realm San Chong Tian. Even if you luckyly killed the Jiulong Jun, would you really think that the eight dragons were so vulnerable? As you say, the elder sister saved you, instead Have you been delayed?"

Another girl from the Yu clan sneered.

"That's what it is!"

Ling Xiao whispered to herself, the voice was unsearchable.

"what did you say?!"

Ling Xiao's words seemed to poke the horse's honeycomb, and instantly made the women of the six feathers blow up, and the chill on each face was heavier.

"Forget it! Since he doesn't listen, let him do it! Ling Xiao, I hope you can do it yourself!"

Jinghong Fairy stopped the six feathered women, and then said to Ling Xiao lightly, turning around and leaving.


Ling Xiao stepped forward and stopped Jinghong Fairy.

"What else?"

Jinghong Fairy frowned slightly.

"Jinghong Fairy, dare to ask where did you know my name?"

Ling Xiao looked directly at Jinghong Fairy's eyes and asked.

"No comment! But I have one last sentence to tell you, there is no absolute strength on the road of the Eternal Emperor, so you must be careful, so as not to offend people who should not offend, and end in death, Let the old man worry about you!"

Jinghong Fairy said lightly.

"Old friend?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved.

Sure enough, as if he was guessing in his heart, there should be someone he knew well, who told him about the deeds, so Jinghong Fairy would come forward to protect him.

I just don’t know, which old man?

Seeing that Jinghong Fairy was reluctant to say more, Ling Xiao didn't force her, she arched her hand with a smile, and watched them go towards the Dragon City of Candle Dragon.

Many testers looked at Ling Xiao's eyes with a few uncertain expressions, but no one dared to step forward and say something to him.

Whether they are Yinglong or Yu, they are not able to offend them, so the best way is to stay away from Ling Xiao to avoid suffering from the fish pond.

After all, Ling Xiao beheaded the Jiulongjun, and the eight dragon kings would certainly not let Lingxiao pass.

Ling Xiao did not care, the light flashed in the palm of his hand, and a black Dao fruit emerged, with a strange light.

"Should it be a dragon fruit? It's a pity that this dragon fruit is a bit crippled and not perfect, otherwise it would be my nineteenth dragon fruit!"

Ling Xiao said to herself.

"Master, what the eight dragon kings condensed must be all Yinglong Daoguo. If you slaughtered all the eight dragon kings, the nine Yinglong Daoguo would become a perfect Yinglong Daoguo. !"

Evil thought eager to try.

"Slaughter the eight dragon kings? It's cruel. We are not robbers. How can we do such a thing? If they don't provoke me, I don't mind letting them die!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly.

"Hypocrisy! You even slaughtered the other nine It's strange that people can let you go!"

The evil thoughts slandered, but there was no guts to speak out.

"Let's go! Let's see, what is the test in this candle dragon emperor city!"

Lingxi smiled indifferently, a hint of fineness appeared in his eyes.


The candle dragon emperor city is located on the road of eternal emperor. The chaos is filled with fog and the thunder is intertwined. It looks magnificent.

The closer to Zhulong Dragon City, the more you can feel that the vast coercion emitted by Zhulong Dragon City makes Ling Xiao feel a little palpitations.

The walls of the candle dragon emperor city are gray-brown, but they can't see what the material is. There is the power of mottled years, but there is no decaying atmosphere, eternal and immortal. .

"I don't know who built the Dragon City of Candle Dragon?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

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