Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3120: transaction!

Zhu Chenchen's eyes lighted up, and immediately, he put away the original source Danhe directly, then opened the jade box and checked Yinglong's source beads, which revealed a very satisfying smile.

"Very good! Brother Ying is really refreshing, you can rest assured, I will arrange this, the kid will definitely not live tomorrow!"

Zhu Chen smiled indifferently, then waved his hand in a fan, and left very chicly.

Seeing that Zhu Chen left, the faces of the seven dragon kings were all a little ugly.


One of the dragon kings could not help speaking.


Ying Yilong stopped him quickly, then waved his hand, and suddenly a huge enchantment enveloped the box.

"Brother, why did you directly give him the 100 billion Yuanyuan Dan and the perfect quality Yinglong Benyuanzhu? Even if you want to give it, you have to wait for him to kill the kid?"

A Longjun asked with some doubt.

"You don't understand! Zhuo Chen is the favorite great-grandson of the guardian. He has extraordinary talents and is worthy of our enthusiasm! Moreover, I will give him things now, and he must do his best to kill the kid!"

Ying Yilong said slowly.

"Brother, there is one thing I don't understand! Why do we want to start with that kid now? Three days later, it was the test of the Candle Dragon Emperor City. At that time, the Yuzu did not have time to protect him. We killed him then. Isn't it better?"

Another Longjun asked.

"After three days? Not to mention if there will be any accidents after three days, do you really think that kid is so good to kill?"

Ying Yilong sneered.

"It's not easy to kill? The territorial emperor's realm is triple. I can kill him without my brother's shot!"

An emperor's dragon king who was in the fivefold heavens was a little dissatisfied.

"You? You can't kill him, and it is very likely to die in his hands! Because his name is Ling Xiao, but he is the son of the natural selection of this era!"

Ying Yilong said lightly, there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

"The Son of Heaven? Ling Xiao?"

The other seven dragons were all shocked, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

The four words of the Son of Heaven seem to have some magic power, so that they are all a little silent.

"Even if he is the Son of Heavenly Choice, but...his cultivation is...only Emperor Realm Triple Heaven!"

A Longjun said dissatisfied.

"Emperor's Realm Triple Heaven? Can the Son of Heaven be measured by cultivation behavior? Have you forgotten the former Emperor?"

Ying Yilong sneered.

"Emperor Emperor? Unverified, and Emperor Slaughter... How can Ling Xiao compare with Emperor Tian?"

Erlong Jun, who has been silent, said hoarsely.

"Then how do you know that he can't compare with Heavenly Emperor? He is the Son of Heaven, and it can't be overestimated! Moreover, Jiudi was killed by his second move, so we have to be cautious. It’s good to pay some price to let Zhu Chen try his strength!"

Ying Yilong said slowly.

"If Ruochen Chen is not his opponent?"

"Zhu Chen is not his opponent?"

Ying Yilong's mouth showed a smile: "Isn't that better? Then he offended the candle dragon clan, and offended the guard, even if he was a child of heaven, do you think he will be the opponent of the guard? ?"

"Offended the guard, he will definitely die!"

"As a result, we should be able to kill the enemies only if the Dragon Clan pays some price!"

"Brother is really smart!"


Ling Xiao strolled around in the Dragon City of Zhulong again. In the end, he was extremely disappointed to find that apart from the chemical building, among the shops, the origin of the inferior, middle and upper grades is quite a lot, and the origin of the quality is perfect. The bead does not have one.

There is only one shop, with a perfect quality of the source beads, and it is also regarded as the treasure of the town shop. Seeing Ling Xiao wants to be a lion's big opening, the price is 100 billion yuan source Dan.

Ling Xiao left without looking back.

At this time, he knew how much luck he had bought ten perfect quality source beads in the chemical building.

"Twenty-eight Dao fruits are enough for my cultivation to reach the ultimate level of Emperor's Realm Triple Heaven. Now I still lack a strong opponent!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

The ten Taoist fruits have been merged into the sea of ​​Yuanshen by Ling Xiao, which is being slowly refined by him. The powerful source of power flows all over the body, making his whole person's breath stronger and stronger.

Ling Xiao felt that it should not be long before he could break through.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao was stopped by an uninvited guest.

"You are Ling Xiao?"

A cold voice sounded.

It was a young man dressed in black, with a strangely shaped sword on his back. His face was cold, and his whole body exuded a fierce breath.

His appearance is ordinary, but his eyes are extremely sharp, like a fiery sword.

A powerful and unmatched sword intention emanated from his body, locking Ling Xiao in front of him.

"I am Ling Xiao, who are you?"

Ling Xiao's brow furrowed, and felt the unkindness of the comer.

"I'm going to kill you! Do you dare to fight with me in life and death?"

The youth in black said slowly.

"kill me?"

Ling Xiao froze for a moment, he didn't even think that this young man in black said this when he spoke, and said plainly that he would kill him, and he would also join him in the life and death ring.

However, Ling Xiao didn't feel any killing intention from the young man in black, but felt that there was a anger covering him.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in a life-and-death ring, please let go!"

Ling Xiao said lightly that she would turn around and leave.

"You have to follow me to the death ring!"

The speed of the young man in black was extremely fast. His body flashed and stopped in front of Ling Xiao again, stubbornly said.

"Why? Do you want to use strong?"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

Fighting is forbidden in this candle dragon emperor city, but there is indeed a life-and-death Only on the life-and-death ring can they be able to fight, otherwise they will be killed by the guards.

He didn't expect that there were people who wanted to force him to go to death.

"You have to follow me in life and death ring, as long as you agree, I can pay any price!"

The young man in black bit his lip and said hoarsely, even with a hint of pleading.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but move his heart. The young man in black in front of him was the cultivation of the sixfold heavens of the emperor's realm. The cultivation should be the source of the sword, but why did he have to pull him to the ring of life and death?

"Why do you have to pull me to the ring of life and death? Somehow, it's because you let you kneel and lose your dignity, are you willing?"

Ling Xiao sneered and said angrily. .

"Cause, I can't say it! But as long as you follow me to the ring of life and death, let me kill you, even if you kneel, I will!"

When the young man in black gritted his teeth, his legs were soft, and he fell to his knees directly in front of Ling Xiao.

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