Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3132: Funeral fruit!

"It really is an oasis, Tong Tong is so powerful!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

They swept over, and the oasis in front of them was actually a lake, with a small piece of land in the center, with green grass and a tree.

The tree had a peculiar shape, but it was tall, but the leaves were sparse. The branches coiled like a dragon, and a black fruit hung on the top of the tree.

The black fruit, with a black light, is filled with a deep life.

But Ling Xiao noticed a very pure source of life from it.

This is the funeral fruit!

"Brother, be careful, there are guardianships around the burial fruit, and the burial fruit has a magical effect on the wild beasts in the desert, and I suspect that the beast is in this lake!"

Ba Dao said slowly, there was a hint of fineness in his eyes.

"Brother is right, it's a black dragon crocodile with a length of one hundred feet, just five hundred and twenty feet in front of you!"

Tong Tong's eyes flickered and said softly.


Tong Tong's words just fell, Ba Dao shot instantly!

The light of the white sword bloomed, and his broken sword was sheathed, just like a long rainbow, containing a domineering and sharp sword, and fell directly down somewhere in the lake.


As if feeling the powerful threat of the sword, a roar sounded in the lake, and a black figure rushed out of the lake at the next moment, and the endless big waves rose toward the sword.

It was a huge crocodile that was hundreds of feet long. It was dark all over, with black dragon scales and mysterious dragon power. Its limbs were like dragon claws, with flashing sharp edges.

In the huge mouth, the sharp teeth are like long swords, as if they can penetrate everything.

Its eyes, like blood moons, are full of anger and killing intentions. It has always been a hunter. Now it is actually perceived as being where it is, and it directly shoots. How can it not be angry?

Facing the sword of the Ba Dao, it was swept with black light around it, and it turned out to be unavoidable. It opened a big mouth of the blood basin and rushed directly towards the three Ling Xiao!


The huge knife slashed on the body of the black dragon crocodile, and suddenly its extremely hard dragon scale shattered a few pieces, and a huge blood stain appeared on his body.

It screamed loudly, and it was faster under pain. It almost reached the three of Ling Xiao in an instant.

"I come!"

Ling Xiao stopped the Ba Dao who wanted to continue to shoot, and his eyes flashed, and then Fang Kong punched out.


The chaotic fist prints are unparalleled, and contain the fist of breaking all, like a storm sweeping away.

Before the fist arrived, the black dragon crocodile's mouth full of sharp teeth burst into pieces in an instant, and then shot into its mouth extremely violently, causing countless blood mist to spray out of its mouth.

The unmatched fist print fell directly on the head of the black dragon crocodile, a solid dragon scale shattered instantly, and the head of the black dragon crocodile was directly bombed by Ling Xiao.

Even the spirits in it could not escape, and the soul was completely gone.


The black dragon crocodile fell from midair and fell into the lake, hitting a huge spray, and the blood stained the lake red.

"Brother's physical strength, I am afraid that many wild beasts can't match you!"

Ba Dao exclaimed.

"Brother Ling Xiao, are you trying to prove your way?"

Tong Tong asks curiously with his head tilted.

"Is it to prove? Maybe!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

It is too difficult to prove the Dao. It is the invincible Emperor Dao that the physical body has to reach the ultimate, and then break the origin of the avenue and integrate into itself.

But Ling Xiao's goal does not stop there.

"Hurry up and collect the burial fruit, the blood is so rich here, I am afraid that it will soon attract other wild animals to come!"

Ling Xiao said.国幺赽蹽奇奇novel fiction|w~w~

"it is good!"

Ba Da nodded and then stood up instantly, flying towards the land in the middle of the lake.

He carefully took out a jade box, and then picked the burial fruit and placed it in the jade box.


At this moment, there was a bright golden light in the distance, lingering around the flames, and shot towards the ba knife.

It was an arrow, a golden **** arrow, which contained a powerful and powerful Diwei, and it roared. It reached its extreme speed, and in the blink of an eye it reached the sword.

"Brother be careful!"

Tong Tong's complexion changed greatly, he reminded quickly.


The blade of the blade of the sword was flashing sharply, and the cold blade of the whole body was instantly thinned out, and it seemed to be twisted instantly in the void of his body.

The arrow flew beyond Ba Dao's eyebrows, but it seemed to be solidified instantly, and he could no longer move forward.

With a palm knife slashing down, the arrow trembles violently, and a brilliant fire light blooms, as if it is extremely spiritual, and wants to fly back.


Ba Dao grabbed the golden **** arrow directly and let it oscillate in the palm of his hand. The shot Dao Diwei even pierced his palm, and there was Dao blood flowing out.

"Who? Get out!"

Ba Dao said coldly.

This golden **** arrow is the ultimate soldier!

If it wasn't for the critical moment, Ba Dao broke the hole and allowed it to solidify for an instant, otherwise the physical strength of Ba Dao could not resist this golden **** arrow.

The secret person actually wanted to kill the Ba Dao directly!

"I didn't expect you to be able to block my golden arrow? Not bad! It's worthy of being a sword. Sure enough, there are two brushes!"

A cold and proud voice sounded.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Kiki's novels are launched online

Several sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and a dozen or so figures from the distance came to me floating one by one in the void, bursting with a powerful and powerful atmosphere.

Headed by two young and magnificent young men, one wearing black armor, with a ruthless face and a glare like iron, full of cold killing intent.

It is Ying Yilong, the head of the eight dragon kings!

The other was wearing a gold armor, with a slender figure, a beautiful and proud face, a gold bow on his back, a simple and mysterious engraving with a mysterious pattern, and there was a great dignity of dignity.

It was him who just spoke!

Behind him, there are also a few young men wearing gold armor and carrying long bows. Their expressions are indifferent, arrogant, and their nostrils are sky-high.

"Brother, it's the sail of the God Arrow Race!"

Ba Dao retreated to Ling Xiao's side and said slowly.

"Shenjian Clan? Still really fate!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange look.

Speaking of the Divine Arrow Clan, they are inextricably linked to the Divine Clan of the Immortal Realm. After the Divine Clan declined, some of the people with the Blood Line of the Divine Clan left the Immortal Realm and formed their own families.

The Shenjian tribe is one of them.

The Divine Arrow Clan is born with a powerful talent for arrows. It is said that the Divine Arrow Clan uses stars as the target. The adult Divine Arrow Clan can shoot stars and match their power with horror.

This sail is the arrogant strongman of the generation of the God Arrow family. The cultivation of the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm condenses the origin of the arrow. Just entered the Dragon City of Candle Dragon, it has already made a great reputation.

"Ling Xiao, you killed my ninth brother, and let you pay for your blood today!"

Ying Yilong made no secret of the cold killing intention among his pupils, said coldly.

"Want to kill me? I will naturally accompany you! However, I am curious how did you find us?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly and asked with some curiosity.

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