Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3139: Who counts who?

   "Fantastic Fairy, thank you for your righteous speech, but today I am afraid you can't solve it, Zhu Chenchen has the heart to kill me! You should still step back, so as not to splash your blood!"

   Ling Xiao smiled at Jinghong Fairy slightly.

   "Are you sorry to say?!"

   Ling Xiao's words instantly made Jinghong Fairy blown up.

   "Ling Xiao, if it were not for you to cause trouble, how would it lead to a situation where the whole world is enemies? If you don't do it, you should be honest and honest. Why do you have to provoke the right and wrong? Did Zhu Chenchen afford you?"

   Jinghong Fairy stared at Ling Xiao with an angry voice, a look in her eyes that looked like iron and steel.

   "Jinghong Fairy, I don't want to cause trouble, but I can't be afraid of things? Some people just have nothing to do with things. Since that is the case, then I will teach him a lesson today!"

   Ling Xiao said with a smile.

   "Jinghong Fairy, wait until you remember not to leave us left and right, and rush out with us, otherwise if you die in the hands of buried ants, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

   Ling Xiao secretly transmitted a sound to Jinghong Fairy Road.

   "What? Bury the ants? Where are the burial ants?"

   After hearing Ling Xiao's words, the fairy suddenly stunned, and his eyes were full of vigilance, glancing around.

   Ling Xiao ignored her, but gave Tong Tong a look.

   "Brother Ling Xiao is at ease, everything is arranged! Since these guys do not know life and death, then give them a profound lesson!"

   Tong Tong said with a smile.


   In her little hands, the light was shining, and a sphere of light floated in the void, exuding a mysterious and shining light, which seemed to be flowing with viscous liquid.

  I don't know why, when Zhu Chen saw the light ball in Tong Tong's palm, he jumped in his heart and felt a strong danger.

   "Everyone goes together and kills them!"

   Zhuochen shouted instantly, his eyes full of fierce killing intent.


  The blazing light of his whole body rose, and a large fingerprint of the sky emerged, and came out vastly, just like an ancient god, suppressed towards Ling Xiao and others.


   "Kill them!"

   "Slash and kill the robbers!"

   Many test takers, Tianjiao, shouted with it, and their eyes were filled with extremely strong goodwill.

   There is still a trace of hot greed.

Almost all of them came to Ling Xiao by coincidence. Ling Xiao was the son of Heaven's Choice. He was born with heavenly luck. As long as he killed him, he could inherit the heavenly luck in him. This is for every tester. Say, are all unbearable temptations.


   Earthquake trembling, blazing divine light in all directions, one after another, Shenhong came out from the sky, containing extremely powerful attack fluctuations.

   Many testers, Tianjiao, exhibited powerful secret techniques and weapons, and even performed the atheistic technique, like a storm, coming towards the indiscriminate coverage of Ling Xiao and others.

   "I don't know life or death!"

   Ling Xiao sneered, screaming in his eyes.


   He rises into the sky, the chaotic light rises around him, and spreads in all directions in an instant, like a chaotic world, covering the universe, covering nine days and ten earths.

   He punched out with one punch, the unmatched chaotic fist print, containing the invincible fist print, immortal and immortal, facing the arrogance of many testers.


   The sky was shaking, and the four sides of the void were all twisting.

   Ling Xiao’s invincible fist seal of the world, instantly destroyed all attacks, and directly blasted dozens of testers out.

  In the endless radiance of divine light, Ling Xiao stood in vain, the whole body breath rose, and it was so powerful!

   "What?! Is he so strong?"

   Jinghong Fairy instantly widened her eyes, her eyes full of incredible look.

   This is the first time she saw Ling Xiao shot.

  Outside the candle dragon emperor city, although Ling Xiao killed the Jiulongjun with a single blow, she did not see it with her own eyes, and the low-level emperor was not put in her eyes.

   But nowadays, the invincible momentum displayed by Ling Xiao has made her, as a high-rank emperor, feel so incredible, and the beauty in her eyes is very splendid.

   "I know, this guy is not easy!"

   Biluo landlord Yan Ran smiled, his curiosity about Ling Xiao grew stronger.

   What kind of person is this?


   It was at this moment that the ball of light in Tong Tong's hands also exploded in an instant.

   The bright rain rained down, the golden light was shining, very mysterious, and exuded a strange fragrance, spreading in all directions.

   At the same time, there is a very old syllable that sounds as if it is calling for some kind of existence.

   that kind of syllable made everyone burst out of their hearts.

   And Zhuchen, after taking the first shot, has already quietly retreated, hiding from the crowd, his eyes full of extremely vigilant look.

   "Can it be..."

  Zhu Chen suddenly seemed to think of something, his eyes shrank suddenly, his face full of incredible looks.


   It was at this time that the great earthquake swayed, the void was distorted, and a very fierce and violent atmosphere burst out.

  Everyone was too late to shock why Ling Xiao's combat power was so terrifying, he was scared by the sight in front of him.

  Amidst the sky of yellow sand, an ant with only a few feet tall spread from all directions, like the tide.

Those ants exude extremely fierce grievances, eyes red and bloody, sharp limbs, with explosive power in their bodies, especially on their limbs, the blades of flashing black strange light, filled with an extremely powerful poisonous mist, It makes people tremble.

  Most of the ants are black, but there are also hundreds of silver ants. Those silver ants are bigger, stronger, and more fierce.

   Bury the ants!

   Everyone's heart, these three words emerged coincidentally, and the look of extreme fear appeared on his face in an Bury the ants, the most terrifying existence of the burial desert!

   is not to say how strong burial ants are. The existence of burial ants in the desert is more dangerous than that.

   But the number of burial ants is extremely terrifying, and every time they come from all over the world, like the tide, endless.

   Moreover, the poison of the burial sky is unsolvable. Once the poison of the burial sky is hit, it can be said that it will definitely die.

Among ダ  buried ants, the black ones are soldiers, the silver ones are generals, and the golden ones are kings!

   Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone almost passed out.

  Hundreds of thousands of burial ants, of which there are hundreds of silver general burial ants, this is the rhythm to blow them all together?

   "Damn! Why are there so many burial ants here?"

   "Hurry up! If we don't, we will all die!"

   "Escape? How to escape? The ants are buried in all directions, and the ants can also shuttle through the void. We can now say that there is no way to heaven, no door to the ground!"


   Many testers, Tianjiao, had a terrified look on their faces. They could not understand why so many burial ants appeared here.



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