Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3147: Abi Hell Burial Sky Sword!

   Taboo Sword Spirit floats in the void in front of Ling Xiao and Ba Da Sword, and it looks as if it is a powerful creature who is practicing in a closed gate.

   But this is not a real creature, but the sword of the taboo, which is powerful and immortal.

   Ling Xiao also has an incomparably hot eye taboo knife, but the Ba knife cannot be taught to him, so it is also a pity to him.

   Now, Taboo Dao Ling appeared in front of him.

  However, it is not an easy task to integrate the taboo sword spirit and pass the test of the sword spirit.

   Ba Dao was a fusion of the taboo sword spirit, and the practice of the taboo sword was also a nine-death life, and it almost disappeared.

  After Ba Dao told the taboo sword spirit, Ling Xiao stepped towards the taboo sword spirit.

   Taboo Sword Spirit floats in the void, surrounded by chaotic fog, green light rising, powerful breath of life sprayed out, accompanied by unfathomable vast expanse of sword.

   When Ling Xiao walked towards Taboo Dao Ling, Tabu Dao Ling seemed to be awake like a bright blade, stab at Ling Xiao.


   For a moment, Ling Xiao felt as if the world was opening up. The dazzling blade of man, dazzling, separated the world and fell towards him.

   The knife seemed to penetrate through time and space, invisible and immaterial, and fell directly towards Ling Xiao's Yuanshen.

   The eyes of Ling Xiao burst into glory, the power of the magnificent Yuanshen rose up, and the dozens of original Taoist fruits around them were intertwined with each other, just like a heavenly net, covering his Yuanshen.

   And, the origin of the sword rises in an instant, like a sword of a primordial god, dazzling.


   Two swords collided in Ling Xiao's consciousness of the sea, and Mars was shining, making his consciousness of the sea violently oscillate.

  Finally, the sword annihilated, did not cause any damage to Ling Xiao's Yuanshen.

   But this is just the beginning.

   As Ling Xiao stepped towards the taboo sword spirit, the horror sword sent out by the taboo sword spirit resembled Huanghuang Tianwei, and suppressed towards Lingxiao.

   Ling Xiao's whole body, those strange green lights, suddenly turned into a tiny blade of awn, but it seemed to be able to destroy everything and cut towards Ling Xiao.

   Surrounding the empty space, the sword rises as if it has become a field of swords.

   Ling Xiao's eyebrows were shining brightly, and the origin of the knife emerged, letting him sway across the body, constantly welcoming towards the surrounding sword.


   Ling Xiao walked towards the taboo Dao Ling extremely hard.

   The horror of sword spirit exuded by the taboo sword spirit actually made Ling Xiao feel stronger than the taboo sword of hegemony sword.

   The green sword awn has even broken through his flesh and blood, and poured into his body, trying to cut all his vitality.

   He could even feel that the green blade was chopped on his bones, making a clear sound.

   Ling Xiao felt that his whole person seemed to be completely broken in the field of this knife.

   "A sword spirit, dare to devour the Lord?!"

   Ling Xiao's tongue burst into thunder, his eyes were sharp, his whole body was surrounded by chaotic light, exuding a wave of extremely terrifying breath, and suddenly he broke through the sky, suddenly rushing towards the taboo sword spirit.

   All around him, Dao Guo emerged one after another, letting him radiate a kind of undulation that would not invade.

   The vast swallowing power rose up, swallowing all the green blades.

  The atmosphere of Ling Xiao's whole person is getting more and more fierce, just like a stubborn stone, gradually being beaten into a peerless sword!

   Ba Dao stood in the distance to protect Ling Xiao, his eyes were full of expectant looks.

   "The taboo knife has appeared second. When the four taboo swords appear, should it be the time for the secret of detachment?"

   Ba Dadao secretly thought.

   This time the expedition of the Eternal Emperor Road is destined to be the most tragic one in ancient times. The countless days of pride and demon gather in this life, not just to prove the emperor but to detach.

   Since the 108th epoch, the supreme realm that countless great emperors and strongmen, and countless supreme beings, will pursue is about to appear in this life.

  Badao Dao's heart is naturally incomparable expectations.

He watched Ling Xiao walk towards the taboo sword spirit step by step. The horror sword emanating from the taboo sword spirit could not cause any harm to Ling Xiao. Instead, he seemed to become a whetstone. The sharper.

   Eventually, Ling Xiao walked to the taboo sword spirit.

"You came!"

   Taboo Dao Ling's eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body and said calmly.

"I'm coming!"

   Ling Xiao nodded, his eyes indifferent.

   The taboo in front of him is so strange that he even has a sense of autonomy, but he can only exert powerful power if he is attached to the strongest.

  I don’t know how powerful the legendary transcendental person is. Even the remaining four-style sword technique can evolve his own spiritual wisdom.

   "The taboo knife is a character and a fate, I hope you can finally touch the secret of detachment!"

   Taboo Dao Ling looked at Ling Xiao deeply.


  Not waiting for Ling Xiao's response, he exploded in an instant, and turned into a vast green light, containing the majestic essence of life, pouring into Ling Xiao's body.

  At the same time, among the magnificent essence of life, there is an extremely sharp knife.

   comes from nothing and cuts into nothingness.

   That is the power of the taboo sword.


  Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea is like chaotic development. In an instant, seven ancient and mysterious characters arranged one another, forming a peerless sword.

  Abi Hell Burial Sky Sword!

The seven characters are sharp and sharp, so Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea is violently oscillating, exuding domineering, terror, darkness, evil and ancient power fluctuations, as if to break Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea~www.wuxiaspot .com~Abi Hell Burial Sky Sword? Is this the taboo knife? "

   Ling Xiao thought secretly.


   He was enveloped by an unmatched sword, the green light around him rose, the source of life gathered, and there was a flash of thunder and fiery eye-catching.

  Lingxiao began to merge the taboo sword spirit, and realized this taboo sword!


   Just when Ling Xiao and Ba Dao strayed into the forest of taboos, and Ling Xiao began to merge with the spirits of taboo swords, a breathless figure appeared in the desert of Burial Heaven.


   It was a huge wild beast like an ancient god. The golden light was shining all over the body, and the golden flame was flowing. The breath was terrifying.

   This turned out to be a burial ant, but the breath is much stronger than that of the burial ant king. At this moment, the eyes like blood moon are full of monstrous killing intentions.


   A trembling roar sounded, causing the entire burial desert to tremble violently. All the wild beasts in the burial desert were trembling with fright and fled around.

  The most powerful overlord of the burial sky desert, burying the queen ants, has arrived!


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