Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3161: Snatch the Heavenly Seal!

   "Brother Feng, this King of Fighters is very strong. How about killing him first when he joins hands?"

   Ying Yilong's eyes flashed with a fine glance, glanced at the sail, and smiled slightly.

   Behind Ying Yilong, there were only three remaining in the Eight Great Dragon Kings.

  In the desert of burial days, Ling Xiao attracted the ant colony of burial days. Ying Yilong, Fengfan and Zhuchen Chen all killed desperately, but also suffered great losses.

  After returning to the Zhulong Dragon City, they had planned to leave the Zhulong Dragon City directly and set off toward the next imperial city, but they did not expect that the guards made Zhujiu Yin dead.

   Both of them had special ideas.

  If you can hold the heavenly seal and become the guardian of the candle dragon emperor city, is it better than killing and killing on the eternal emperor road?

  Under the call of both of them, many testers Tianjiao gathered around them.


   The eyes of the sail flickered and nodded.

  The King of Fighters made both of them feel a great threat.

   The kind of fierce fist print seems to be able to annihilate everything. It is worthy of being the emperor of fists, so that they are in a trance, as if they have an illusion of facing the sky.

On one arm of the King of Fighters, with a black boxing glove, a mysterious light flowed, and the cold fire was everywhere, so that the King of Fighters had an extremely terrifying combat power. , Posing a powerful threat.

   The formation of the guardian's mansion was bound up. Without the suppression of the guardian Zhujiuyin, it could not withstand the attacks of many testers.

  Especially, some powerful testers, Tianjiao, not only practiced powerful imperial techniques, but also possessed extremely powerful imperial soldiers.

  Under such a violent bombing, the formation enchantment soon became dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Among the eyes of the King of Fighters, there was a crazy killing intention burst out. At the next moment, he stood up, his body was full of blood and blood, and the unmatched punches gathered, making his arms swell violently and turned into a huge punch. , Hengkong suppressed.


   The fist seal, like a falling star, is almost at its extreme, and contains the power to penetrate everything, instantly blasted on the formation enchantment, and directly exploded the formation enchantment!

  Tao runes exploded and turned into bright light and rain, and the formation enchantment was broken.

  Tianjiao, the testers outside the guardian's mansion, all showed a look of extreme surprise in their eyes, and quickly rushed towards the guardian's mansion.

   "Get out of here!"

   The king's indifferent voice sounded, he swept away with a punch, and immediately threw back the coughing blood of the dozen testers who stood in front of him. His eyes were full of anger but not words.

   "Tian Dao Yin is mine, and those who stop me die!"

   The King of Fighters said in an overbearing way, his sharp eyes swept across the crowd, and no one dared to face him.

  The King of Fighters seemed to be very satisfied with the result, and turned and strode toward the inside of the mansion of the guardian.

   "Unauthorized entry into the ancestral land of the candle dragon clan, killing without amnesty!

   The cold voice came from the mansion of the guardian. The powerful dragons of the candle dragon clan were full of fright and anger, and they all came towards the king of fighters.

   "Only you?"

   The King of Fighters sneered, his footsteps didn't stop at all, the speed was still very fast, facing the powerful Zhulong Dragon clan rushing towards him, he punched directly.


   Unmatched fist prints suppressed the Quartet, like the earth and earth, containing the supreme divine power. In an instant, the powerful dragons of the Candle Dragon Clan were shattered and exploded into a blood mist in the void.

   Boom! boom! boom!

The King of Fighters stepped forward, like a tiger entering the flock, the fist of the fist print was extremely horrifying, suppressing the Quartet, those strong Zhulong dragons who rushed towards him were either directly bombed or torn, and no one was his one. The enemy.

   Many testers, Tianjiao, also got into the mansion of the guardian, while fighting against the powerful dragons of the candle dragon clan, while looking for the place of the heavenly seal.

   The entire guardian's mansion fell into a sea of ​​blood.

Zhuijiuyin is the strongest of the Zhulong dragon clan, and Zhuchen Chen is the arrogance of the Zhulong dragon clan. When they entered the burial desert, they brought a lot of Zhulong dragon clan emperors and strongmen, but all fell into it, and no life was left. .

   Now that the candle dragon clan is extremely empty, where is the opponent of those powerful testers?

  Despite the fearless death of the Candle Dragon Clan, constant rushing and **** battles with those who tried, the huge gap still allowed the Candle Dragon Clan to continually fail and retreat to the depths of the mansion.

   In the center of the palace of the guardian, there is a huge altar, which exudes nine colors of light and is filled with vast heavenly prestige.

  On the altar, there is a mysterious ancient seal floating, just like the supreme power of billions of souls, which is daunting.

   Heavenly Dao Seal!

   No one needs to explain. Suddenly, the same idea appeared in everyone's mind, and the eyes became extremely hot.

   This is the authority given by Heavenly Way, Heavenly Way Seal!

  As long as he can refine the Heavenly Dao Yin, he can control the candle dragon emperor city and become the guardian of the candle dragon emperor city. This is an irresistible temptation for many people.

  At this moment, the only remaining clan of the candle dragon clan has retreated to the surrounding area of ​​the nine-color altar, and the look of despair is revealed in all his eyes.

   Could it be that the Candle Dragon Clan is going to be wiped out today?

   "Go away! Heaven Seal is mine, and stop me from dying!"

The King of Fighters' eyes were fierce, his voice was like thunder, his fist was like a dragon, and everything was broken. The strong dragons of the candle dragon clan that stood in front of him were all bombarded by him, even those who were unable to dodge the tester, Tianjiao~www.wuxiaspot. com~ all suffered from the pond.

   The King of Fighters seemed to kill his red eyes, striding toward the altar with a large stride, whether it is the people of the Candle Dragon Clan or the tester, all died in his hands.

   The thick **** gas permeated, with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and the guards turned the mansion into a Shura hell.

  The King of Fighters came to the Nine-Color Altar, and his eyes fell on the Heavenly Dao Yin, becoming extremely hot.


   But at this moment, a sound of breaking the sky sounded, and the speed was almost to the extreme.

   It was a golden arrow with fiery and dazzling arrows. Wherever it went, it seemed as if the void had solidified. It contained all the power to penetrate through and shot directly at the king's eyebrows.


   clang sounded, shaking the four sides of the void, four powerful and unmatched figures, holding a black war gun, also towards the King of Fighters.

   "Look for death!"

   The eyes of the King of Fighters boiled in the eyes of the King of Fighters.

   That golden arrow had reached the king’s eyebrows, but at the moment it was like being twisted by some kind of force, and flew straight out, but still left a blood mark on the king’s face!



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