Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3197: Peep in the Huangquan Shenghe!

Ji Feixuan and Ba Dao left.

They understand Ling Xiao's current situation. Although they worry that Ling Xiao will be in danger when crossing the chaotic wilderness, they believe Ling Xiao more.

They all believe that Ling Xiao will be able to cross the chaotic wilderness and meet them at the end of the Eternal Emperor Road.

They met and met in the Chaos Imperial City.

Chaos Emperor City is the head of the Twelve Emperor City and the end of the Eternal Emperor Road. Legend has it that the Chaos Emperor Town is under pressure, on one side is the Eternal Emperor Road, and on the other is the endless chaotic void.

When you come to the Chaos Emperor City, you can be considered to be on the top of the Eternal Emperor Road.

The little black fat man finally didn't get away from Ling Xiao's clutches, and looked at Ling Xiao's eyes full of grudges.

"Ling Xiao, I will be killed by you!"

The little black fat man said with a sad face.

When he thought of the horror of the chaotic wilderness in the legend, his heart was very hairy.

This **** Lingxiao, he was about to take him to the chaotic wilderness together.

"Are you reluctant? If you don't want to, now you go, but I heard that you and my reputation have spread to all the emperor cities, I am afraid that now the guards will see you immediately, and you are sure you can Passing the Imperial City without fail?"

Ling Xiao glanced at the little black fat man with a smile.

"You are bluffing me!"

The little black fat man was a little dissatisfied, and some had no confidence, hummed.

"You can try it if you don't believe it! But when you are rejected, you want to come across the chaotic wilderness with me, I am afraid there will be no chance!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

The little black fat man was crying with a sad face, and doubted Ling Xiao's words, but he didn't dare to gamble.

He knew that he was very famous in Kunpeng Emperor City. Before that, Yun Kongzi issued a chase order to him, and all the guards knew him.

If Yun Kongzi's death had anything to do with him, I'm afraid all guards would believe it.

Speaking of which, he really is the culprit. If it were not for him to confuse Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao might not have come back to face Yun Kongzi.

"Ling Xiao, you are such an asshole!"

The little black fat man's face was pale, and he believed 90% of Ling Xiao's words.

"I was kind enough to take you through the chaotic wilderness, since you are not willing, then you go!"

Ling Xiao glanced at the little black fat man and smiled indifferently.

"Go? Where can I go? Ling Xiao, can you cross the river and demolish the bridge!"

The little black fat man was excited and said quickly.

"Cross the river and demolish the bridge? Obviously you don't know good people, now I don't want to take you! Where do you love to go!"

Ling Xiao said.

"Ling Xiao, Brother Ling Xiao, Grandpa Ling Xiao! Can't you be like this, I can't listen to you anyway? As long as you take me through the chaotic wilderness, let me do anything!"

The little black fat man was immediately anxious, rushed straight up, hugged Ling Xiao's thigh, and howled.

He was nothing but the cultivation of the emperor's realm Mie Tian, ​​and he wanted to cross the chaotic wilderness alone, just to find death.

In the chaotic wilderness, it is not fast, it can be safe.

There are too many crises in the chaotic wilderness. When thinking of all kinds of legends about the chaotic wilderness, the little black fat man scared his scalp and his face pale.


Ling Xiao asked with a smile.

"You can do anything!"

The little black fat man gritted his teeth.

"Then you must be my mount!"

"Ling Xiao, you deceive people too much..."

"Then let's go!"

"Ah... I fight with you..."


When Ling Xiao and Xiaohei Fatty were making trouble, they didn't pay attention. There were a pair of eyes in Huangquan Shenghe, who passed through the chaotic fog and watched Ling Xiao.

Those eyes were bright and deep, extremely complicated, and the gaze of Ling Xiao was full of reluctance and nostalgia, but in the end was replaced by indifference.

A slight sigh sounded, and those eyes also disappeared into the fog of chaos.

"Strange, it seems that something is watching me?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, and looked deep into Huangquan Shenghe.

"What? Don't scare me! There are dead bodies in the Holy River of Huangquan, and I don't know how many thousands of years have passed away, and I have never been alive!"

The little black fat man clutched Ling Xiao's sleeve, his face full of vigilance.

"I don't know! See what you're doing! I'm going to retreat next, refining the source Dao Guo, you protect me!"

Ling Xiao shook his head and stared at the little black fat man with some anger.

"Retreat? Do you have to retreat here? There is a holy river flowing through the Yellow Spring, which is an ominous place!"

The little black fat man looked at Huangquan Shenghe Road in the distance.

"It's the safest here! If you leave here and are discovered by the guards of Kunpeng Emperor City or those trialers, do you think you are their opponent?"

Ling Xiao said angrily.

"What's so scary? Lao Tzu has eaten the sky clock!"

The little black fat man said smugly.

"You've refined the Sky Devourer before you talk!"

Ling Xiao ignored the little black fat man, sitting on a barren mountain in the distance, and began to refine the 108 original Dao Guo's body.

One hundred and eight original Dao fruits, and that group of Heavenly Dao luck are extremely precious treasures for Ling Xiao, and may be able to make his cultivation go further.

Moreover, Ling Xiao was curious about the heavenly fortune of the Taoist, what was the difference between the heavenly fortune of the guardian and the guardian?

One hundred and eight original Dao fruits are integrated into Ling Xiao's Yuanshen Zhihai, but it is a pity that most of these 108 original Dao Guos of the **** overlap with Ling Xiao's original Dao fruits Too.

In the end, Ling Xiao just got forty original fruits of perfect quality.

In Ling Xiao's Yuanshen knowledge of the sea, the original Dao Guo also reached an astonishing two hundred and twenty!

Refining and cultivating the original Dao Guo is not difficult for Ling Xiao, and all of Ling Xiao's attention is placed on that mass of heavenly luck.

"Fusion of this group of heavenly luck, perhaps it will be able to condense heavenly beads?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Heavenly is that Heavenly Dao's luck is so strong that the Heavenly Daozhu formed in Yuanshen Zhihai can sense heaven's truth, see the heavens, penetrate the eternal Emperor's Road, and even ten thousand. Law does not invade.

Ling Xiao is the son of Heaven's Choice, plus the two great guards engulfed a lot of Heavenly Dao luck. As Dao luck is today in Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea, it is like a mist and a ray of light. .


As the mass of heavenly luck merged into Ling Xiao's eyebrows, Ling Xiao's Yuan Shen Zhi Hai Cha shone brightly.

Those celestial luck of heaven and earth were originally integrated into Ling Xiao's Yuanshen. At the moment, they were all trembling, like boiling, and they were gathered together.


The vast celestial luck is like a sea of ​​clouds, transpiring, merging with each other, radiating a dazzling light, and a super yet mysterious atmosphere permeates.

In that piece of heavenly luck, there seems to be a bead to condense out!

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