Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3317: Face the Chaos Great Emperor!

"So, did you choose to refuse? You don't know anything about the detached, and even more about me!"

Chaos Great stared at Ling Xiao, said indifferently.

"Defeat me! If you can defeat me, maybe I will consider surrendering to you. If you can't even defeat me, why talk about surrendering me?"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his eyes showed a very powerful fighting intent.

"So, then I will fulfill you!"

Chaos Great said quietly.

His whole body was filled with chaotic light, and the whole person seemed to be a chaotic void, integrated into this ancient world, but he seemed to be everywhere.

As soon as his words fell, there was a chaotic imprint of chaos, which was suppressed towards Ling Xiao.

This palm fell, as if turned upside down, the world was completely broken, and returned to chaos, all vitality ceased to exist, leaving nothing but nothingness.

This palm touches the fist of Ling Xiao's epoch, and has the same merits.

"Come well!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are unmatched, facing the palm of the Chaos Emperor, his whole body is mysterious and immortal, and the power of the master is gathered on the fist, the unmatched fist marks explode!

A huge fist print instantly penetrated the void, like breaking the time barrier of the ancient times, and punching furiously towards the chaotic emperor.

Epoch Fist!

This is a pure punch of killing and a fist of destruction that Ling Xiao has comprehended. To break an era with a new era, to reopen a new era, contains the great power of destruction, and the undying vitality!


Fists intersect, and the void trembles violently.

Ling Xiao felt that a force of chaos was coming, and the whole person was shaking all over, and could not help but step back.

And his whole body seemed to turn into a piece of white, a chain of order gods filled with chaos and color, and he wrapped around his body in an instant, wanting to extract his power.

The imprint of the palm is immortal and instantly turned into tens of thousands of Dao, colliding with Ling Xiao's era of fist, erasing everything, and constantly falling on Ling Xiao's flesh.

Even though Ling Xiao's physical body is immortal and the power in his body has condensed into the power of the master, the chaotic imprints of chaos still make him feel severe pain.

It felt like he was torn apart.

Moreover, the ancient and vast chaotic artistic conception seems to be rushing into his Yuanshen from his sea of ​​knowledge, and completely assimilate his Yuanshen into boundless chaos.

"Break me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were as sharp as swords, and he threw out hundreds of fists one after another, directly tearing the palm print of Chaos Great Emperor, and emerged from that vague mood.

"A powerful and powerful chaotic artistic conception is worthy of Chaos Great Emperor!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched and said slowly.

The Chaos Emperor in front of him is indeed powerful and unfathomable. It is just a ray of incarnation, but the feeling to Ling Xiao is stronger than the previous Undead Devil Emperor.

If it weren't for Xiao Xiao's refining the origins of the lives of those great emperors, the fusion of Dadao reached 70%. I'm afraid that he will not be able to follow.

"You actually walked out of your way? You did not live up to the secret of detachment, but without testimony, you are still too weak after all!"

Chao Chao stared at Ling Xiao faintly, and there was a blazing light rising in his palm. It was a supreme sword with chaos unfolding, and he fell towards Ling Xiao with mighty power.

Jian Qi is unparalleled, as if to completely wipe out this small world.

Between heaven and earth, only a white piece was left.

Ling Xiao could see that this sword seemed to freeze both space and time, and fell towards his brow.


Ling Xiao screamed, only heard the sound of a sword, the four sides of the sky were trembling violently, and hundreds of millions of sword qi burst from the vast explosion in all directions.

Swallowing the sword radiates a blazing glare, looks ancient and mysterious, contains a peerless edge, and instantly appears in the palm of Ling Xiao.


Swallowing the sword buzzing and trembling, containing joy and powerful fighting intent, the sword shining on the world in ten directions and slashing down toward Chaos Great Emperor.

Ling Xiao's eyes are very cold, full of powerful killing intentions.

He turned out to be unavoidable, and let the sword light of Chaos Great Emperor fall down, and at the same time swallowing the Sky Sword was also slashed towards Chaos Great Emperor.

His physical body is immortal and extremely powerful, comparable to the extremely imperial soldiers. Even if this sword spirit is hardened, he is not afraid.

On the other hand, Chaos Great Emperor, a ray of incarnation occupies the flesh of Chaos Son, the flesh is stronger than Ling Xiao.

His sword spirit may be able to hit Ling Xiao, but if he hits Ling Xiao's sword, he may be immediately cut off into an incarnation and completely annihilated.


As if it was aware of Ling Xiao's intention, the sword gas in the palm of Chaos Great Emperor turned back suddenly in a very strange angle, blocking it in front of Tian Tianjian.


Sword Qi Zhengming, like a storm, swept across the Quartet.

Under a sword, the division between Ling Xiao and Chaos Emperor instantly reversed.

After Ling Xiao's first move, without any hesitation, the swallowing sword in his hand suddenly exploded hundreds of thousands of sword lights, and he was slain towards Chaos Great Emperor.

The strength of Chaos Great Emperor is indeed terrifying, the source of life is boundless, and the understanding of Chaos Avenue can not be compared with Ling Xiao.

But he didn't really come, and this is his biggest disadvantage.

Ling Xiao came out of the road of eternal emperor, got the secret of detachment, and embarked on the road of unity of ten thousand ways. The general trend has been cultivated. Although he has not yet proved to be an emperor, he has developed an invincible trend.

Even the Chaos Great Emperor, it is not so easy to want to overcome Ling Xiao with a ray of incarnation without the true body being close.


Ling Xiao held Tian Tianjian in one hand, and his sword energy stretched hundreds of millions of miles. In one hand he pinched the invincible fist. The fist of fortune and the fist of the master came out alternately, exploding the strength of the fierce physical body to the extreme.

Although his battle with Chaos Great Emperor seemed unpredictable, it was actually extremely dangerous, and when a war broke out, he immediately pointed at the other party.

White dragon horses have some scalp tingling.

Although he was extremely fast and protected by Ling Xiao, the invincible charm of Chaos Greatness still made him feel breathless.

"Ancestor, what should I do? Ling Xiao and Master Domination are inseparable from each other, can't even Master Doom kill him?"

Many emperors and emperors have a look of uncertainty in their eyes, looking at the Destiny Patriarch and saying.

"Don't panic, everyone can dominate the power of the adults, and we must be able to kill Ling Xiao! However, in order to prevent unexpected events, we should take the initiative to help a group of masters!"

The Destiny Patriarch looked at the war in front of him, and his face was pale, and he gritted his teeth.

"How to help?"

Everyone asked.

"Continue to show off all battles and kill the dragon horse! Dragon horse has the speed, and it is also the confidence that Ling Xiao can fight the master. If you kill the dragon horse, Ling Xiao's strength is greatly reduced, I am afraid that He will die in the hands of the master!"

A strange light flashed in the eyes of Destiny Patriarch, staring at the white dragon horse coldly.

"Kill the dragon horse? Good idea!"

"Yes! That's it. That dragon horse has a speed, even the emperor is hard to reach. If he is killed, Ling Xiao will die!"

"Everyone shot together and slaughtered the wicked dragon horse!"


Everyone's eyes lit up, and all said indignantly, their eyes full of extremely excited expression.


Under the leadership of the ancestor of fate, many strong men were screaming, and at the same time they condensed into a large array of extinction, and the ten great imperial soldiers radiated a blazing glory at the same time.

In the chaotic temple, another ancestor came out to urge the chaotic clock, replacing the position of the chaotic son.

The ten strongest men urged the ten great imperial soldiers, like a beam of light, forming a prison and killing them at the same time towards the dragon horse.

"Asshole, do you really think Grandpa is a soft persimmon?"

When the white dragon horse saw that everyone had united in all directions, when it came to kill him again, it suddenly became furious, and its eyes were full of monstrous killing intent.

These assholes, his mother's bullying and fear, not daring to face Ling Xiao, even came to bully Lao Tzu?

It seems that Lao Tzu doesn't give you some lessons, you don't know Lao Tzu's power!

"Ling Xiao, kill them!"

The white dragon horse's eyeballs turned around and finally shouted at Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao's eyes were indifferent, full of powerful fighting intent, and he didn't even look at Destiny Patriarch and others, but after hearing the words of Bailongma, he still beheaded with a sword.


The blazing sword light runs through everything, falling down with mighty force, colliding with the scepter of destiny ancestor.

The blazing light was blooming, and the scepter of fate was buzzing and trembling, as if it would break apart at any time.

"good chance!"

The white dragon horse's eyes lit up, and immediately shouted, the Tianma meteor fist broke out, and the huge horseshoe kicked directly on the chest of the destiny ancestor.


Along with a scream, the chest of the destiny ancestor collapsed, the bones were broken, and blood spewed out of his mouth, flying straight out.



"Damn Ryoma, have the ability to challenge us!"

Everyone shouted and scolded, and many imperial emperors greeted the white dragon horse continuously.

But Bailongma was very slippery. After kicking the hoof of Destiny Patriarch, he immediately received it and returned to the protection scope of Ling Xiao.

The powerful soldiers of the Ji Dao were strong, but they were all blocked by the aftermath of the battle between Ling Xiao and Chaos Great Emperor. Occasionally, they were cut off by Ling Xiao with a sword, and the white dragon horse looked at the opportunity and continued to play the black hand. It's a black hoof.

But the white dragon horse has a very fast speed, almost able to penetrate time and space, every time the imperial imperial soldiers are leaped by Ling Xiao, he will kick the hooves with accurate, stable and ruthless feet. Shouting mother, screaming again and again.

The White Dragon Horse has the blood of Zulong and Tianma. Not only does it have a speed, but the flesh is also extremely terrifying. Without the protection of the extremely emperor soldiers, where can those emperors and powerful people block the White Dragon Horse?

The so-called siege of the White Dragon Horse is a joke.

"His mother, this despicable dragon horse, has been hiding next to Ling Xiao, and he has never come out to fight us alone, we can't kill him at all!"

Many emperors and emperors were so angry that they were all stunned.

No matter how they shouted and how to yell, but Bailongma just didn't come out, he only kicked his hoof to make up his sword when Ling Xiao shot.

Thief his mother's frivolous.

"Just like you bastards, but also want to deal with grandpa me? Go home and feed!

Bai Longma sneered, his eyes full of arrogance.

It’s cool to have a backer!

If he himself faced with the destruction of all directions, I'm afraid that he would have run out of fright.

But Ling Xiao is here, and the so-called Great Destruction of All Fangs is a joke. Even if the Ji Dao imperial soldiers recover, they cannot withstand Ling Xiao's blow.

At the time when Bai Longma made up for the knife, two uninvited guests also moved into the chaotic world.

"Unexpectedly, the Son of Chaos actually turned to Chaos Emperor? What a shameless and shameless person, such a person is simply a shame for the human race!"

The old goat looked at the chaotic emperor who was fighting against Ling Xiao in the distance, his eyes full of contempt.

"The Chaos Great Emperor is really powerful! But it's just a ray of incarnation. If we take action, perhaps Ling Xiao can suppress this ray of incarnation with no effort!"

Said thoughtlessly in the eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist.

The two of them separated from Ling Xiao and sneaked into the small chaotic world. No one found the trace of them.

After hearing the words of the unscrupulous, the eyes of the old goat suddenly brightened.

"What way? If Ling Xiao can suppress this incarnation, then refining souls and souls, check the details of Chaos Great Emperor, maybe you can find the whereabouts of Chaos Great Emperor, and then start to be strong and kill this bastard!"

The old goat said eagerly.

"Why is Chaos the Emperor so easy to kill? However, Ling Xiao now lacks a large number of sources of life. Although this is a ray of incarnation, if Ling Xiao can refine it, he will certainly be able to obtain a large number of sources of life!

Do you see that chaotic temple? If I expected it to be That's where the Chaos Emperor cultivated the incarnation! Although it is a ray of incarnation, I am afraid that it has been cultivated for countless years. The majestic origin of life, even the ordinary emperor, is far from comparable!

We may be able to find a way to destroy that chaotic temple, and even when the ray of incarnation is undead, it will be hit hard and will be suppressed by Ling Xiao! "

There was a hint of wisdom in the eyes of Wuliang Dao, and he said slowly.

"Destroyed the Chaos Temple? Hahaha, generous! But that Chaos Temple, even if it is not the Ji Dao Imperial Soldier, I'm afraid it's almost the same as the Ji Dao Imperial Soldier, we want to destroy it, not so much easily!"

The old goat said with excitement and distress.

"Relax, I have a way, come with me!"

Wuliang Taoist glanced at Chaos Great Emperor and Ling Xiao, his eyes full of confident smiles, pulling the old goat silently toward the Chaos Temple.

Three heads

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