Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3330: Peerless battle! (10,000 words

"Everyone, there is only one Wan Dao Jin Dan, how do you divide so many of you? It is worse than you to win and lose first, and then decide who belongs to Wan Dao Jin Dan, how?"

Ling Xiao's eyes swept over Chaos Emperor and others, and smiled slightly.


His thunder was blazing and the flames were rising. Although the flesh was burning, the fire of life was like a sea of ​​fire. The whole person seemed to be about to reach the end of life.

But in his body, that golden dandan, which is as dazzling as the sun, is rapidly merging with the roots of the ten thousand dao, and is sublimating to the utmost.

The breath on Ling Xiao's body is getting stronger and stronger, and the fluctuations of the detached things are permeating, so that everyone around him is shaking and palpitation.

Even some emperors, looking at Ling Xiao, are full of dignity.

Ling Xiao embarked on a completely different road from them, the unity of all paths and the convergence of the roads, the whole person was sublimated as if to reach a certain level of legend, terrified to the extreme.

"Ling Xiao, is it too late to think about provoking separation at this time? Isn't it too late? Since you are not willing to submit, go to die!"

The murderous opportunity pervades the eyes of the Chaos Great Emperor, and the horrible chaotic light from all over comes violently, as if Ling Xiao is to be buried in endless chaos.

"Ling Xiao, don't do fearless struggle! I will give you a chance to give you a thousand golden pill, I will protect you from dying! Even the three of them don't want to hurt you!"

The Emperor of the Years looked at Ling Xiao calmly and said.

Including the Great Emperor of the Years and the Great Emperor of Cause and Effect, the body of the Four Greatest Strongmen exudes a terrifying atmosphere.

The four biggest Xeons, at the same time locked Ling Xiao.

In their bodies, the divine power was pervasive, the divine light was surging, and the avenue was open to heaven and earth, as if it were an eternal beam of light, strong enough to the extreme.

They were all waiting for Ling Xiao's reply, as if as long as Ling Xiao dared to refuse, they would immediately shoot and kill Ling Xiao completely.

"Hahaha... You are so confident, are you sure about me?"

Ling Xiao laughed loudly, his eyes calm and deep, the flames around him were turbulent, and his breath became more unfathomable.

Facing the four strongest men, he did not hesitate at all, but he had a strong and unmatched war in his eyes, as if he could break the world.

"If you don't fall, you die!"

Chaos Great said indifferently.

"Hahaha... It seems that only four of you are in your early days. If you want a great deal of money, then it depends on your skills! Since that is the case, then you go together, why am I afraid of Ling Xiao?"

Ling Xiao laughed loudly, the sound was like thunder, exploding in the four heavens.


His white clothes win the snow, his white hair is flying, his vast and mysterious atmosphere is surging, the endless chaotic light blooms from his eyes, as if to open up a mysterious world.


He shot instantly!

An unmatched fist seal instantly condensed 108 immortal lights, containing all kinds of mysteries of the avenue, and instantly penetrated the void, bursting the time, and came down to suppress the emperor.

At the same time, Ling Xiao's body was surrounded by chaotic light, as if in an instant in the void, thousands of figures were differentiated, roaring, and slaying towards the four strongest.

Every figure has supreme combat power.

Ling Xiao seems to have rid himself of the fetters of this world, even if he burns the fire of life, as if he is going to fall into the ruins completely, but he still erupted in a terrible war.

"court death!"

The opportunity of the emperor's eyes flashed.

He is the supreme ruler who has been in charge of the years and long rivers. He proclaimed that in the ancient times, no one could understand the time avenue, otherwise he could not survive the battle of the emperor's fall.

Nowadays, Ling Xiao shot directly at him, giving him an instant killing intention in an instant.

"Ling Xiao, I once intercepted a time-destructive index to give you self-defense. Today I will show you what is the real time-destructive index!"

The emperor's voice was ruthless and ruthless, and at the same time a fierce and bright finger, blooming in the void, and then fell towards Lingxiao.

That finger fell, as if there was endless light, it seemed that the years and rivers appeared in it, as if a mysterious world appeared.

The finger is bright and immortal, but the power of terror contained in it is like the destruction of heaven and earth, penetrating everything.

That is the power of years.

Bury everything over the years.

In the long river, there seems to be an endless world of life and death, countless gods and devil blood, all beings fall, the world is broken, and there are also endless vitality manifested, one after another reincarnation, one after another era.

No one can escape time and years.

Unless it is truly detached from the Three Thousand Avenues and is not stained with dust, it will be buried by the years.

This finger is sublimated as much as possible, allowing Ling Xiao to see the power of the real years of destruction.


The supreme fist seal collided violently with the years of destruction.

Ling Xiao's supreme fist seal contains the ultimate power of the immortal flesh, which is sublimated to the utmost, and can destroy everything, but in front of the years of destruction, it is like a bubble, bursting and bursting.


The blood was permeated, Ling Xiao's palm was pierced by the finger, and the sound of gold and iron struck, and a bright light bloomed.

Ling Xiao was repulsed by the Great Emperor of the Years!

"Okay! It's true that it is the real age destruction index. Great Emperor, you have integrated the power of heaven into the age destruction index? But unfortunately, although you want to embark on a special way of detachment, but If you want to integrate the ten thousand roots with the years, you can't do it at all!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his eyes were very calm.

His palm had a pale golden blood drop, and the pain was full, but Ling Xiao's expression was extremely bottleneck, full of admiration.

This is the true term of age destruction, or the new atheism formed by the great emperor of the age and the power of heaven.

The original years of destruction refers to the power of the years, which embodies the source power of the avenue of the years, and can bury everything.

But the Great Emperor of the Years, but integrated the power of Heaven and Dao into it, attempting to merge the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues with the Avenue of the Years, in Ling Xiao's view, it failed.

Although the power of the year extinction index has been increased ten times and one hundred times, there are only a few dozen types of avenues that are integrated into the year extinction index.

"When the Emperor kills you and wins the Golden Dao, it will naturally be able to merge with the Heaven Dao and truly detach!"

The emperor's complexion faded slightly, his eyes were indifferent, Sen Han said incomparably.

Despite being smashed by Ling Xiao, he still did not shake at all. The light of the whole years was surging, and the sky was suppressed towards Ling Xiao.


That imprint of unmatched palms fell, as if the four poles of the world, were contained in it, and no one could escape.

Ling Xiao is no exception.

But Ling Xiao did not think of running away, and the fighting in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

boom! boom! boom!

He threw three punches in succession, three unmatched punches, like the bright sun, blooming on the nine days.

Three days later.

Epoch Fist!

Fist of Nature!

Domination Fist!

This is the moment when Xiao Xiao enlightened and united all the ways, and walked on his own supreme avenue, he learned the supreme boxing fist. At the same time, he displayed it at the same time, and the power of terror broke out in an instant.

The fist of the era is the fist of destruction.

The fist of creation is the fist of creation.

The fist of **** is a fist of 10,000 ways.

The three supreme fist seals emerged in the void, and they merged in an instant. They became a mysterious fist filled with the light of nothingness. They were unpredictable and suppressed towards the emperor.

"Year Emperor, you also took me a punch of detachment!"

With the indifferent and calm voice of Ling Xiao, the mysterious fist seal directly broke the unmatched palm print, and then slammed down towards the emperor.


The emperor's face changed slightly, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Although none of the three fist seals were put in his eyes, the fusion of the three fist seals formed a fist of detachment, as if some kind of qualitative change had occurred, exuding to make him feel extremely palpitated. Breath fluctuates.


The emperor shouted.

A long river emerged throughout his life, and in a flash like a rainbow, he gathered in his palm, and then greeted Ling Xiao towards the sky.


Endless divine light bloomed, sweeping the chaotic void around.

If it had not been for them to have reached the sky above the continent, far away from the continent, and surrounded by vast starry sky, I was afraid that under this blow, the continent would have been bombed into nothingness.

Even the strongest who watched the battle from afar, all shook their bodies, their faces pale, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

Such distant fluctuations made them feel a deep sense of powerlessness, and they could imagine how terrifying the fluctuations in the center of the war were.


The mysterious and unpredictable long river is filled with immortal luster, but after colliding with the fist of detachment, it is like being cut by hundreds of millions of sword qi, and there is a crack, which finally burst into pieces.

The unmatched fist prints shattered everything, and then slammed fiercely on the chest of the time emperor.


The great emperor of the years shook his chest, his chest collapsed, his blood was filled with light, and a huge blood hole appeared. The whole person coughed up blood and flew away. His eyes were full of shock.

Under one blow, the time emperor was shot and flew out!

"This is the power of the detached person?! Impossible, you haven't even condensed the golden alchemy. How can you master the power of the detached person?"

Years Emperor looked at Ling Xiao's eyes, full of incredible looks.


At the same time, the avatars transformed by the sky and the sky were shattered one after another. Although the avatars possessed the power not weaker than that of Lingxiao, they were quickly attacked by Chaos, Destiny, and Cause and Effect. Was swept away.

"In years, I couldn't even take Ling Xiao's fist, and tried to **** ten thousand Golden Pills here? I really don't know life or death! Even if you are stolen, you are just a waste at the end!"

The Chaos Great Emperor looked at the time when the Great Emperor was flying away, and said indifferently.

"Chaos, Ling Xiao's punch can't even be taken by you! That's the power of the transcendental. I didn't expect that he would grow up here!"

The emperor's eyes were full of dignity, he said slowly.

"The power of the detached person? He didn't even condense the golden dandan, where is the power of the detached person? I think, it's just the ruins he got in the detachment scroll!"

Chaos Great Emperor sneered, his deep and indifferent eyes fell on Ling Xiao.


The Chaos Great Emperor drank lightly, the whole body of Chaos light condensed, and turned into an unmatched fist print, which was suppressed towards Ling Xiao across the sky.

Chaos represents everything. It is the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues, the birthplace of sentient beings, and the intersection of reality and nothingness.

But trying to prove the emperor with chaos is extremely difficult.

Chaos is the head of all Dao, commanding all Dao. It stands to reason that if you can use the Chaos Avenue to prove the emperor, it is also the most hopeful to integrate the origin of Wan Dao.

Therefore, even if Ling Xiao knew that he had cut the incarnation of Chaos Great Emperor, the power of Chaos Great Emperor was still beyond doubt.

The chaotic fist was printed, and the endless chaotic light enveloped the Quartet, as if the heavens and the earth had fallen into the state of chaotic return to the ruins again.

The power of crushing everything contained in this fist makes Ling Xiao feel extremely powerful pressure.


Ling Xiao's eyes were dazzling, and he punched out into the air, welcoming towards Chaos Great Emperor.

But as the Chaos Great Emperor expected, he was able to fuse the era, creation, and **** of three fist seals to form a fist of detachment, not his own strength, but the remains from the detachment scroll.

The punch hit him, and he was also bitterly bitten by himself. The flesh was almost broken, and the whole person's breath was weakened a lot.

Despite knowing that this was a very difficult battle, Ling Xiao did not expect that this battle was so hard. The strength of the four greats is still beyond his imagination.


The chaotic light exploded as if one side of the world was shrouded in chaos, countless supreme stars broke apart at the same time, and the four poles of heaven and earth fell into the state of return to the ruins.

Ling Xiao's body flew back and forth, trembling violently, and the spider web cracks on his body increased a lot, as if it would burst at any time.

"Hahaha... Worthy of being Chaos Great Emperor! Worthy of being the head of the Three Thousand Avenues, Chaos Great Emperor, who wants a thousand golden pills, is not enough alone!"

Ling Xiao laughed loudly, and seemed extremely happy.

Despite his pale face, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He stopped the backward figure abruptly, and then, like a flash of lightning, he came to the Chaos Great Emperor again.


In the void, a lingering Buddha sounded softly, melodiously like a bell, and it rang through the world in an instant.

The causal emperor sitting on the thirty-sixth-grade golden lotus blossomed an endless buddha light around him, and suppressed it with a palm towards Ling Xiao.

This palm seems to contain the power of nothingness, between reality and illusion, and a mysterious flame rises, and at the same time there is a line of cause and effect, intertwined like a chain of order and God, and turned into a prison cage, Trapped Ling Xiao in it.

boom! boom! boom!

A huge column of causal light, like a golden pole metal casting, permeated with immortal luster, instantly penetrated the world, trapping Ling Xiao in it.

In the golden prison, intertwined with the fire of cause and effect, enveloped towards Ling Xiao's whole body, and at the same time a huge palm print descended from the sky.

That palm print seems to become an immortal Buddha, mysterious and immortal, containing the wrath of the Ming King, to punish the world and suppress everything.

Ling Xiao raised his head, his eyes were like swords, sharp and unmatched, as if he could pierce the sky, bathed in the sky of causal fire, he was also punched out.


The fists and palms intersect, the Void Earthquake, the huge Buddha, coming across the sky, suppressing Ling Xiao in the prison, as if it is going to be completely turned into powder.


The Great Destiny Emperor's body was full of mysterious light, mysterious and shining. With his hands pulled, a crystal clear sword light burst out, and then he was cut towards Lingxiao with a sword.

The sword qi is unparalleled, filled with immortal light, but it is sharp to the extreme, the void is cut in an instant, and the endless chaotic light comes out.

This sword, chopped from nothingness, contains the power of mysterious destiny, and turned down directly towards Ling Xiao's fate, wanting to smash Ling Xiao's fate.

"Give me!"

The blazing light of Ling Xiao's whole body was raging, and a roaring roar came from his mouth.


Endless flames rose out, and the golden pill in his body, at this moment, burst into endless flames, just like the sea of ​​fire.

Surrounded by a prison of god-like gold, the flames rolled into nothingness.

Even the immortal and mysterious Buddha was completely refined in flames.

Ling Xiao was bathed in the flames of the sky, and his eyes were sharp to the extreme, facing the sword of fate, a mysterious light gleamed out in the palm of his hand.

Ling Xiao cast a counter-life technique, and the endless light shrouded the sword of fate in an instant.


The sword of fate was buzzing and trembling. In the end, the violent tremor was like a bright light, flying backwards and slaying towards the emperor of destiny.


In the mouth of Destiny Emperor, there was a voice of great surprise and longing.

His hands were sealed, and a ray of light gathered. In front of him, a mysterious defensive border was formed, just like the seal of the world.

Faced with this sword, the Great Destiny turned out to be extremely important, and he did not hesitate to shoot.


The enchantments were broken down one after another. After the sword was blessed by the life-changing technique, it seemed to become more terrifying and fierce. Until the last power was exhausted, it completely dissipated.

If not, this sword may really cut into the body of the Great Destiny!

"Ling Xiao, I don't want a golden pill, give me the life-changing technique, I will retreat immediately, how?"

The voice of the Great Destiny sounded in Ling Xiao's mind.

"Come on!"

Ling Xiao sneered, categorically refused.

The flames around him are both the fire of the origin of the Tao and the fire of his sublimation. Although Ling Xiao feels that his life is getting weaker, his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

In the face of the powerful and unmatched four supreme emperors, Ling Xiao did not have the slightest fear, the terror of the whole body was surging, and he constantly launched a powerful counterattack.

"Ling Xiao, I take a step back! Give me the life-changing technique, I will take you away from here, and help you get rid of it, how? Your strength is strong, but the state is too weak, close to the support of burning life, you support Not long!"

The Great Destiny didn't give up, he still said.

"If you want to go back to life, get it yourself!"

Ling Xiao responded indifferently.


He rose to the sky, facing the causal emperor sitting on the thirty-sixth-grade golden lotus, and punched out with a punch!

The emperor of cause and effect lowered his eyebrows and swayed his eyes, and the whole body of the Buddha was surging, and a palm print was taken. The palm of the Buddha light suppressed everything and flew Ling Xiao out.


Chaos Emperor's face was indifferent, the sky was empty, and the fist of chaos suppressed everything, as if heaven and earth had strengthened all the way, and they were just overbearing to the extreme.

Ling Xiao's arm tremored, a crack appeared on his body, blood sprang out, and his snow-white clothes were dyed red.

The Great Emperor of the Years has been around the long river, and his shot is approaching the extreme. It contains the power of the years. Although he can’t really locate Ling Xiao in Ling Xiao’s whole body, he is like a muddy swamp, which limits Ling Xiao’s speed.

Moreover, the fierce fingers and sword light, as if to separate the time and time, constantly coming towards Ling Xiao around the vital point.

Seeing Ling Xiao categorically refused, Emperor of Fate naturally showed no mercy in his shot. A sword of light spread across the empty space, unpredictable, and continued to fall towards Ling Xiao.

The four strongest players shot at the same time. Although Ling Xiao is now fighting against the sky and is powerful, he fell into the disadvantages instantly.

His body was infested with blood, his body shattered, and there was bright red blood on the corners of his mouth, and his face was extremely pale.

But the fighting intention in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

Despite being besieged by the four biggest players, he is still counterattacking.

The war has become more and more tragic, there is a tragic atmosphere filled.

"Ling Xiao, are you really going to die?"

Someone said in a low voice that his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

"The three masters are the first emperors of the first era, and they are the most powerful people in the Honghuang Continent! The strength of the Great Emperor of the Years is also extremely invincible. The four of them shot at the same time. ?"

Someone shook his head.

"Ling Xiao was awe-inspiring. His talents turned against the sky. He had great chance and great fortune, and he also had great perseverance and great wisdom! He came from the realm of the world and rose all the way against the heavens.

He is the Son of Heaven, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Lord of Emperors, the most arrogant arrogance of the human race! Even Zhao Ritian, the son of the Emperor of Heaven, was eclipsed in front of him. Only the former Emperor of Heaven could be compared with Ling Xiao.

But it is such a character who embarked on the road of detachment and caused the covetment of the strongest. Today is going to fall here, why is it unfair? "

Someone sighed lightly, recalling all the things that happened to Ling Xiao, it was even more amazing and emotional.

People always sympathize with the weak.

Especially like Chaos Emperor, Destiny Emperor, Causal Emperor, and Time Emperor, this old antique monster will besieged a young man, self-degraded, self-degraded, and deeply despised.

Although they dare not talk about these four strongest men, they will inevitably sympathize with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao takes the cultivation of the emperor's realm as a district, fights against the sky, and fights the four emperors alone. How can such a spirit make people disrespect?

"I'm not as good as him!"

Looking at Ling Xiao above the void, Rulai whispered softly.

His body was filled with buddha light, crystal clear like glass, and the heart of a buddha was not stained with dust, but at this moment, there was a slight wave.

Ling Xiao's skyward and powerful, beyond his imagination.

What shocked him more was Ling Xiao's choice.

Ling Xiao could not choose to go this way, or even choose not to take the last step, and not to condense a million golden dans.

Although Ling Xiao noticed those behind the scenes, he still had no fear and took the last step, sublimating to the utmost.

Even in the face of the legendary Xeon, he still has no fear at all, and he still fights hard.

As he knows, he can't do it.

"Damn it! I can't help it anymore. These shameless people, who have lived for so long, don't understand, how can it be so shameless?"

In a small world, looking at the projection in the void, projected various scenes of the war. Both the old goat and the white dragon horse were about to be blown out.

Their eyes were red, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

In this small world, many of Ling Xiao’s old people are here, including the **** of war Liu Baiyi in the Temple of War, Wuliang Taoist, Pangu Tiangang and others.

This is the belief world pioneered by the great emperor Yuan Qitian. It is hidden in the beliefs of all beings, and even the strongest four cannot be found at all.

Ling Xiao entrusted these old people to Yuan Qitian and let Yuan Qitian protect them.

When Ling Xiao decided to take that last step, he had already arranged all the escape routes.

He has to face all this with his own strength!

"Enough! Letting you go, besides killing you, besides distracting the master, what else can you do?"

Yuan Qitian's face sank, and he said in an unprecedented tone.

Although he was connected with Ling Xiao's destiny and was extremely worried, he was only able to calm himself at the moment, believing that Ling Xiao could face all this.

Otherwise, if Ling Xiao falls, I am afraid that these people will be angered by the strongest ones, and there will be no good ending.

"Chaotic Emperor, Destiny Emperor, Causal Emperor, Reincarnation Emperor, and Time Emperor, I remember you! One day, I will kill you!"

The old goat said word by word, his eyes full of blood and tears and hatred.

"The reincarnation emperor did not shoot..."

Bai Longma said weakly, but was suddenly choked by an old goat's gaze, daring not to say anything.

"I'm going to retreat, I don't prove to be an emperor, I will never go out! Even if they are extremely powerful, but as long as we are alive, there is hope, hope to revenge and hate Ling Xiao!"

The unscrupulous Taoist also said coldly.

Everyone's face was filled with a sad emotion and atmosphere. Most of them guessed that they were afraid that Ling Xiao was really going to die in this battle.

Their hearts were filled with hate, staring at the four strongest men as if they were to be carved into their bones, and they will one day kill them and avenge Ling Xiao.


In the endless chaotic void.

The emperor of Kunwu Mountain and the emperor Jiang Yuyang stood side by side, and the ancient mirror in front of him reflected the scene of the battle between Ling Xiao and the four strongest men.

Jiang Yuyang's face was full of intolerance.

"Emperor, do we really not shoot? Ling Xiao is probably not their opponent!"

Jiang Yuyang sighed softly.

"Do you think we can change what we can do?"

Emperor Kunwu said quietly.

"I can't change anything! After all...they are too powerful! But do we really want to watch Ling Xiao die?"

Jiang Yuyang smiled bitterly.

His eyes fell on Chaos Emperor and others, and no one knew the power and horror of Chaos Emperor better than him.

Before an era, Heavenly Emperor was absolutely stunning, traversing the ages, and the strength was so extreme that no one dared to show up, and many Devil Emperors were completely slain.

But it was only because of Chaos Great Emperor's shot that the Heavenly Emperor fell.

Now, does the Terran have to follow in those days?

"The four of them, their strength is indeed strong! But the strongest is not them. Among the four masters, the Chaos Great Emperor has proved the Chaos Avenue, which is the head of the Three Thousand Avenues, but it is the most wasteful one. And there are also the spirits of the wordless book, which can be said to be the ten greatest treasures of chaos, and all heeds his orders.

Emperor Samsara and the spirit of Wushu Tianshu, do you think they will ignore Wandao Jindan? Maybe at this moment, where are they hiding! This catastrophe is a disaster that Ling Xiao must go through. However, he will definitely die! Only through this robbery can he meet the weathered dragon and truly transform! "

Emperor Kunwu Mountain looked at the situation in the ancient mirror and said slowly.

"If you really say that the reincarnation emperor and Wuzi Tianshu's spirit is more powerful, then how difficult is it to want to survive this robbery?"

Jiang Yuyang sighed softly.

"It's really difficult, and it can even be said that there is no death in ten years! But Ling Xiao has his own way to go. No one can help him, only rely on himself!"

Emperor Kunwu said slowly.

"Hopefully a miracle will happen!"

Jiang Yuyang smiled bitterly.

Although he also knew that it would be extremely difficult to have a miracle.

Ling Xiao wants to see that even the four great Xeons can't stop it, how can they resist the reincarnation emperor and Wu Zi Tianshu's instrumental spirit?


Outside the void, in the middle of the battlefield.


Chaos Great's unmatched fist prints suppressed it, causing Ling Xiao to tremble, and his body seemed to be completely destroyed.

"Ling Xiao, don't bear the stubborn resistance! Hand over Wandao Jindan, maybe you can still stay alive, otherwise you will definitely die!"

Chaos Great said indifferently.

"So far, do you really think I don't know?"

Ling Xiao's mouth overflowed with blood and sneered: "Unsuccessful, you will become a benevolent! Today I come to this step. If I can't be truly detached, I will die completely. Undoubtedly! However, I can choose to explode the golden dan, and you may not get anything in the end!"

Although Ling Xiao's voice was calm, his eyes flashed with endless madness.

"How dare you?! Ling Xiao, if you dare to explode the Golden Dao, the emperor promises to put you down, so that you will never be superborn! And all your relatives and friends will not survive because of you. Can't be dead!"

Chaos Emperor's face sank, his voice cold.

What they are most afraid of is Ling Xiao detonating a million golden dans.

Self-explosion of Wan Dao Jin Dan, Ling Xiao may certainly die, but they can no longer get Wan Dao Jin Dan.

Despite their immense strength, they did not have absolute certainty and confidence, and were able to stop Ling Xiao when Ling Xiao blew himself up.

"Stupid, not yet detached, how could I explode the Golden Pill?" But your words have angered me completely! Chaos Great Emperor, I promise you will die extremely miserable, you will taste the great fear of death!"

Ling Xiao sneered a sneer, her eyes were extremely cold, like a blade, as if she could cut everything.

Chaos Emperor's words gave him an infinite killing intention.

"Kill me? Arrogant, the emperor killed you today!"

Chaos Emperor said indifferently, Chaos Avenue was vertical and horizontal, like a chaotic realm, and was looming towards Lingxiao.


Ling Xiao was once again flew out, his whole body was vaguely bloody, and his immortal and powerful flesh could not withstand such a horrible and violent attack.

His flesh and blood seemed to be completely refined, revealing the purple-gold skeleton, the primordial spirit ascended like a big sun, and the golden alchemy in his body was constantly morphing.

Ever since Ling Xiao took the last step and condensed the golden dandan, it has been irreversible.

Therefore, Chaos Emperor and others did not hesitate to give Ling Xiao a shot.

Even the complete bombing of Ling Xiao now does not affect the formation of Wandao Jindan.

They are also reluctant to complete the perfection of Wan Dan Jindan. If Ling Xiao really succeeds in detaching, it is difficult to say whether they can kill Ling Xiao completely.

Now, they are going to bomb Ling Xiao completely before Ling Xiao detaches.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The fist is surging and contains the origin of chaos; the sword is unparalleled and contains the power of fate; the light of the Buddha is diffuse, the huge palm print seems to be able to bury everything, and the Buddha suppresses the world, eternal immortality; the long river runs through the world and brings all vitality Buried in it...

The four strongest players shot at the same time, and the terror was extremely extreme, as if they could kill everything, making it unstoppable.

Ling Xiao was shocked all over his body, his body, Yuanshen, Yuanyuan, Dao Xin were all unimaginably hit hard. The whole person was like a candlelight in the wind, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

He has nearly ran out of oil.

However, the golden Dao in his body was more and more dazzling, illuminating Ling Xiao's pale face, unyielding and sharp eyes, and the murderous intent of the four great powers.


But at this moment, the fierce magic light above the sky dome rose, and a horrible figure came out of the sky, as if the ancient demon **** had awakened, exuding the horror and magic power.

The blood was turbulent, the sky was shaking, and an unmatched fist that suppressed the world, coming from above nine days, enveloped both Chaos Great Emperor and Destiny Great Emperor.

"court death!"

There was a murderous flash in the eyes of Chaos Great Emperor, as if recognizing the origin of that figure, Chaos Fist Seal greeted him.

The Great Destiny was also shot with a sword light, like a wave of water, permeating through nothingness, and falling towards that figure.


Like the sound of gold and iron clashes, the figure was dressed in **** armor, mysterious and immortal, even blocking the sword light of the Great Destiny.

The Chaos Emperor collided with him with a punch, and the violent shock of the void, both of them backed away at the same time!

"Hahaha... As the strongest, four people besieged one, and such people dare to claim to be the master? What a joke!"

That figure, standing next to Ling Xiao, was full of blood around the body, the mighty power, the black hair was flying, the eyes were indifferent, and the whole body exuded a domineering, cruel and majestic momentum!

It's darkness!

"That's right! They don't want skin, since the ancient era has lived until now, I haven't known what the skin is! But this world is originally a strong man, they are powerful, and even if they are shameless, no one dares to be too much. Say what!"

A hushed and indifferent voice sounded.

The light of the sky bloomed, as if a lot of golden lotus emerged from the void, the flower of the avenue bloomed, and the figure enveloped in the bright light stepped forward, suddenly in the void and the emperor and cause and effect The Great Emperor collided for a while, and then fell to Ling Xiao beside him.

It was a brilliant young man with brilliant golden brilliance and extraordinary magnificence. His whole body exuded a vast and magnificent Di Wei, also a great emperor.

However, he has the power of constant luck on his body, as if to be able to destroy everything, mysterious.

It is the belief in Xiaoxiao!

"You shouldn't come!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Both Dark Lingxiao and Faith Lingxiao have already proved to be the emperor, one is the light and dark demon emperor, and the other is the emperor of luck, and they have already born a complete self-consciousness when they prove to be the emperor.

In other words, they are no longer Ling Xiao's avatars. They are independent individuals. Even if Ling Xiao dies, they will not be affected at all.

But now, when they see Ling Xiao facing a catastrophe, they still come!

"Less nonsense! If you are such a waste of wood, if we don't come, don't you want to be killed by these despicable bastards?"

Dark Ling Xiao sneered.

"Although I figured out that there is no life and no chance of victory in this battle, but there is no way, I still come!"

Belief Ling Xiao also smiled indifferently.

"Ling Xiao, these are your two avatars? One is the devil and the other is the master of heaven. You will hide everyone! Originally, after the emperor wanted to cut you off, he went to kill you two. Doppelganger, cut grass and roots, did not expect them to come to the door!

Very good, since this is the case, I will send the three of you back to the west today, and I can be a companion on Huangquan Road! "

Chaos Emperor sneered a sneer~ The eyes were full of cold killing intentions.

The other three did not have the slightest surprise. Obviously, it was not a secret that Ling Xiao split the two avatars in their eyes. They already knew it.

And everyone was stunned.

Dark Lingxiao is the demon of the demon clan. Before that, he slaughtered the blood demon emperor, defeated the original demon emperor, and strongly proved that he became the emperor, and killed many of the strongest.

Not to mention the belief in Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao Tian Tian's battle, his strength is also obvious to all, and the Immortal Demon Alliance was repulsed by him.

They didn't even think that the legendary devil and the emperor were all Ling Xiao's avatars?

I am afraid that this news will completely boil the entire continent.

The two avatars have already proved to be emperors. What kind of legend is this?


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