Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3343: 3rd Nirvana Tribulation!

"This is the last part of the Transcendence Tribulation, called the Third Nirvana Tribulation, as long as you survive this tribulation, you will be completely detached!"

  Looking at the sky above the nine days, the blazing light is as if there is a mysterious breath of reincarnation. Zhao Ritian's eyes show a strange color and slowly say.

   "The Third Nirvana Tribulation? How do you know?"

   asked Ling Xiao.

Zhao Ritian smiled lightly, and did not directly answer Ling Xiao’s question, but continued to say: "The Third Nirvana Tribulation is directed at your third life, that is, the previous life, this life, and the future! Your third life is suffering at the same time. If you want to To survive, it is necessary for all three generations to survive successfully.

  If one life is wiped out, it will be defeated and the complete robbery will fail! By then, all traces you left in this world will be completely erased! "

   "Ling Xiao, do you know? It is very likely that you could not survive this robbery, but with my Zhao Ritian, you will be able to successfully detach!"

  Zhao Ritian stared at Ling Xiao seriously.


   asked Ling Xiao.


   Above nine days, the blazing brilliance is mysterious and unpredictable, as if divided into three ways, between real and unreal, incomparably vague, but it contains a deadly murderous opportunity.

   Even more terrifying than World Extinguishing Tribunal and Promise Fire Tribulation!

   The bright light fell from the nine heavens, like the eternal sun, illuminating the faces of Ling Xiao and Zhao Ritian, making their figure extremely clear.

   Ling Xiao can even see the faint smile in the corner of Zhao Ritian's mouth, and a trace of determination in his eyes!

   Ling Xiao's heart suddenly had a bad hunch.


   The vast and impressive Nirvana came!

   is like a huge lightning that penetrates the heavens and the earth, instantly splitting the sky dome, breaking the earth, dividing the ocean, dividing the mountains and rivers, and becoming the eternal glory.

   In front of that infinite amount of light, everything becomes extremely small.

  Even the great emperor who watched Ling Xiaodu robbery from afar, all trembling, his eyes full of terrified look.

   The terrible breath seems to be able to break everything. Even the great emperor still feels like ants.

   "Infinite Shield!"

  Zhao Ritian suddenly shouted.


His fiery and dazzling Jinxia bloomed all over him like a mysterious golden shard, quaint and mysterious, converging with each other, appeared on the nine days, and turned into a huge golden shield, which covered the sky and the sky. Zhao Ritian was shrouded in it.

   The golden shield seemed to have swallowed the power of the endless continent, and it was connected with the breath of the entire continent, containing a kind of immortal and mysterious power fluctuation.

   "Innumerable Hunger Shield? This is the supreme forbidden technique lost. Didn't expect it to fall into this hand?"

   The eyes of the reincarnation emperor flashed, and said slowly.

   "Can the infinite amount of Hunger Shield block the Nirvana of the Third World? Also, how did Zhao Ritian not be targeted by the detachment?"

  'S eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"Difficult! The indefinite flood shield, according to legend, is the method of opening the sky. It is the powerful defensive shield formed by the source of the flood land. The emperor is difficult to break! It is to protect Ling Xiao's present and future life, but it is difficult to protect his past and future life!

As for why Zhao Ritian was not targeted by the transcendence, it was because he had already merged the three worlds, the previous life, this life and the afterlife, the three worlds were all in one body, making him a fateless nirvana. For heaven, it seemed like lifeless Dead things are normal, naturally will not be targeted!

   I did not think that this Zhao Ritian had such courage, in order to help Ling Xiaodu robbery, he actually merged the three bodies and became the fate of nothingness. From then on, his cultivation was difficult to move forward, and there will be all kinds of robbery! "

   The reincarnation emperor sighed softly.

  It is not a secret for him to integrate the three bodies.

  He saw at a glance that Zhao Ritian had refined the Sansheng Stone, integrated the three bodies into one, and became the fate of nothingness, thus proving his way into an emperor.

   Therefore, he was only able to help Ling Xiao to cross the robbery at will.

   "Incorporate the three bodies? Cut off the way forward? Doesn't that mean that he has no future? Even if he has a good relationship with Ling Xiao, there is no need to pay such a price?"

   The words of the reincarnation emperor shocked Luoluo.

   "The answer is only known to him!"

   The reincarnation emperor whispered.


  The mysterious and unpredictable Nirvana of the Three Worlds fell, and the brilliance reached the extreme, as if distorting time and space, breaking the truth and hypocrisy, and forming a very mysterious scene.

  The tremendous tremor of the tremendous shield, the runes burst, and only a clear sound was heard at the end, and a crack appeared on it, as if it would be broken at any time.

   "Zhao Ritian, hurry up! I am Ling Xiaodu, when do you need you to intervene? Hurry up and get off!"

   Ling Xiao shouted, her eyes were red.

  Although the Countless Honghuang Shield blocked the Third Nirvana, in Ling Xiao's opinion, it could not be supported for a long time, and it would soon be completely broken.

  He didn't want Zhao Ritian to be involved in the transcendence, one accident, Zhao Ritian is probably the end of the dead place!

"Less nonsense! Ling Xiao, if you weren't as wasteful, would Laozi need to work so hard? I will try to protect your primordial spirit after the innumerable flood shield breaks down, but whether I can carry the Third Nirvana depends on your previous life Whether the body and the afterlife are strong enough!"

  Zhao Ritian drank a loud voice, his eyes full of rebellious looks.


   His words just fell, and immediately the tremendous tremor of the tremendous wildness shield shattered, and a series of runes collapsed, and then suddenly burst into pieces.

  The mysterious Nirvana of the Third World descended from the sky, and instantly covered Ling Xiao and Zhao Ritian.

   "Junling to the world!"

  Zhao Ritian suddenly snorted.

  He folded his hands, his body glowed with radiant glory, and the chaos was filled with fog, as if instantly opened up a mysterious world in the chaos, holding Ling Xiao in it.

   The three thousand avenues around are intertwined with their origins, and the power of the world rises, as if to contain the incomparable mysterious power. For a time, they have blocked a third Nirvana.

But Zhao Ritian knew that it was just one of them, aimed at Ling Xiao’s third-generation Nirvana, and the other two third-generation Nirvana were twisted in the void, and as if there were no obstructions in a flash, they did not enter Lingxiao’s body. Disappeared and disappeared.

"If I have an afterlife, I must be stronger than this time, and it is naturally not a problem to spend the third Nirvana Tribulation! And my previous life is only the cultivation of the Supreme Realm, how can I stop the Nirvana Tribulation III? The extremely mysterious light robbery is not necessarily a test for cultivation, maybe I still have a chance!"

   Ling Xiao thought secretly.

   He sat in the void, the whole body was radiant, crystal clear.

  Facing the vast and mysterious Nirvana of the Third World, Ling Xiao didn't do anything. He had to carry it, and there was no other way to resist it.

   Ling Xiao is now just hope that he can survive the Third Nirvana Tribulation.

   Otherwise, the previous merits are abandoned.


  In a mysterious light, Ling Xiao seemed to see his future.

   He sits in the endless chaotic void, with a height of hundreds of thousands of miles, the whole body is filled with immortal light, and he has the supreme power of earth and earth between his hands and feet.

   In his whole body, chaos rises, the scene of the world's birth and death continues to emerge, all the creatures spit blood, and the world is broken, as if everything no longer exists.

   Only he was left.

   It was a scene like an asura hell, as if through an endless **** battle, the world was finally destroyed, and the world returned to the ruins, leaving him alone.

   But his strength is beyond doubt.

  He was able to open up a world with his heart, and he could set off a chaotic storm if he took a breath.

  It seemed that there was infinite fire in his eyes, and there was a chaotic **** thunder dazzling between the hairs.

   It was at this moment that Nirvana III came towards him instantly.

  Ling Xiao saw that the figure of hundreds of millions of miles seemed to spit out a word in his mouth.

  In an instant, chaos shattered, and Nirvana of the Third World was transformed into nothingness.

   And the scene of the future is also exploded and disappeared without a trace.

   "Is my afterlife, have I survived the Third Nirvana?"

   Ling Xiao's mind secretly guessed, his eyes full of doubts.


   And a third Nirvana bloomed, as if a long river of endless years emerged, Ling Xiao's consciousness passed through the ages, and the various scenes of his previous life were manifested in the void.

   "My previous life was nothing but supreme cultivation, and it would be extremely difficult to survive the Third Nirvana Tribulation!"

   Ling Xiao thought secretly.

   a **** light bloomed in front of him.

   It seemed to be a scene of asura hell. Endless gods and demons fell, the grief of heaven and earth, blood and rain flew, the world was broken, and it was terrifying.

   A tall, heroic middle-aged man, standing in a chaotic void ~ ~ The whole body exudes a kind of invincible charm.

   Around him, there are dozens of breathless and terrifying figures, exuding a monstrous magic light and extremely dignified dignity, each seems to be able to kill hundreds of millions of souls, and is powerful and powerful.

   Next moment, he moved.

   A radiance to the ultimate light blooms, chaos rises, the sky oscillates, as if there are 3,000 worlds appearing at the same time in an instant, and the monstrous momentum is suppressed.

   A powerful and unmatched **** demon bleeds blood, the flesh shatters, the primordial spirit breaks down, the monstrous grief radiates, and he continues to die under his invincible fist.

  'S indifferent and majestic voice, like passing through the endless time and space, exploded between heaven and earth.

   "I am the Emperor of Heaven, to suppress all enemies in the world!"

   The mysterious voice is like the thunder of nine days, and it is like the law of heaven. It contains the power of speaking out the law, so that Ling Xiao is shocked, and his eyes are full of horror.

   "This is my past life?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes were full of incredible looks.

  His previous life was to swallow the heavenly supreme Ling Xiao. It was precisely because he got the wordless book that he could be born again.

   But why under the Third Nirvana Tribulation, his previous life was not swallowed by heaven, but a horrible figure like a heavenly emperor?

   And that figure, Ling Xiao was extremely familiar.

   It was because of his familiarity that he was unbelievable. Who would be his previous life?

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