Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3345: Zhao Ritian returns to the market!

"Zhao Ritian, what do you want to do?! Stop for me, I order you, stop for me!"

Ling Xiao roared, and his voice was extremely anxious.

He seemed to realize what Zhao Ritian wanted to do and wanted to stop Zhao Ritian.

But Ling Xiao was helpless to find that he could do nothing.

Zhao Ritian's bones are crystal clear, like gold casting, and Jin Xia is shining, forming Ling Xiao's skeleton.

Zhao Ritian's blood and flesh meridians, like blood mist, enveloped Ling Xiao's body and gradually gathered together to form Ling Xiao's flesh.

Chaos light rises, the three thousand avenues are intertwined, all infused into Ling Xiao's body, condensing an immaculate physical body for Ling Xiao.

The point is, Ling Xiao can't stop it at all.

Zhao Ritian's bones, flesh, origin, and so on, as if he had the same origin as Ling Xiao, confined his Yuanshen in it, and then condensed a supreme body for him.

In the void, only Zhao Ritian's immortal Yuanshen remains.

The dazzling immortal Yuanshen looks mysterious and unpredictable, like an illusory Zhao Ritian, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes at this moment, with an inexplicable light.

"This time, you won't abandon me again!"

Zhao Ritian looked back at Ling Xiao, his eyes gleaming inexplicably, his mouth full of bright smiles.

He gave Ling Xiao a deep look and turned away the next moment.


There was a blazing flame rising around him, exuding an eternal singular brilliance, his entire portrait began to turn into a bright rain of light, and amazing power burst out of it.

"Three reincarnations, endless life, with my primordial spirit, eternal perish!"

Zhao Ritian's voice is ancient and mysterious, and at the same time contains an indescribable decisiveness, exploding in the void.

"Do not!!!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were instantly blood-red, and there was a sudden roar in his mouth. Two lines of silent tears flowed from his eyes.

He seemed to suddenly get rid of some kind of imprisonment, the Yuanshen and the flesh were instantly integrated into one, and a breath of devastation burst out.

However, it was too late.


Zhao Ritian, like a dazzling sun, exploded in an instant, and the vast and eternal light swept the Quartet, as if it could destroy everything, and collided with Nirvana III in an instant.

Heaven and earth seemed to break apart in an instant.

The endless chaos, the distortion of time and space, and the terrible fluctuations swept through hundreds of millions of miles. The great emperors who were hundreds of millions of miles away were all trembling with blood in their mouths, and their eyes were full of terrified looks.

The aftermath of hundreds of millions of miles is so terrifying, what is the scene in the center?


Zhao Ritian is like a moth spitting fire, in exchange for life in exchange for endless power, Rao is the third Nirvana is extremely powerful, but still weakened by more than half.


In Ling Xiao's body, there seemed to be an ancient and mysterious power awakening. His whole body was blazing with light, causing the sky to sway, and the terror and unmatched fluctuations broke out, and turned into a fistless seal. .

Chaos permeated, three thousand worlds emerged, blessed on Ling Xiao's whole body, the horror reached its extreme, and instantly collided with the sky of Nirvana III.


The extremely illusory Nirvana III was bombarded by Ling Xiao with a punch!


The Nirvana of the Third World was like fragments of glaze. Light and rain flew into the body of Ling Xiao, shining the world like the day.

Ling Xiao fluttered with white hair, covered with blood, and his eyes were full of blood and tears, and a drop fell like a thunder, making the chaotic void sway.

Ling Xiao didn't know why he was crying, but the kind of sorrow and roar that came from the depths of the soul, the kind of painful tears pervaded the whole body.

He seemed to have lost the most important person.

Ling Xiao survived the Third Nirvana Tribulation, that is, the Transcendence of Transcendence.

Above nine days, that purple eye was full of unwilling looks, but it seemed to dare to disobey certain laws of the world and slowly dissipated.

Ling Xiao was surrounded by the bright light, as if two figures appeared behind him, and he wanted to be completely integrated with him.

Ling Xiao half-kneeled in the void, with a blank look, letting blood and tears fall.


Zhao Ritian has completely disappeared.

There is no trace left.

He dedicated bones, flesh and avenues to Ling Xiao, and then sacrificed his primordial spirit, burned his life, and even used the power of the Third World to rebirth the death of the Third World Nirvana. one strike.

Soul flying.

To be precise, it should be completely erased.

Since then, there is no trace of Zhao Ritian between heaven and earth.

"Dad, Brother Ling Xiao, has this survived the detachment?"

Luo Luo was excited and said sadly.

She knows the relationship between Ling Xiao and Zhao Ritian, so she feels extremely sad about Zhao Ritian's death.

The Third Nirvana was indeed terrifying. After paying a very painful price, Ling Xiao passed by.

In other words, Ling Xiao should have become a real detachment!

"He has survived the detachment, but his current state...strange!"

There was a hint of fineness in the eyes of the reincarnation emperor, and he said slowly.

He did not know that Ling Xiao's previous life was Heavenly Emperor.

So for Zhao Ritian's death for Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao had such a reaction, almost caught in the return to the general market, which made him very surprised.

But after passing through the catastrophe, Ling Xiao seemed to choose another way.

"He doesn't seem to plan to detach immediately, he wants to merge the three bodies! But where is it so easy to merge the three bodies? What does he want to do?"

The reincarnation emperor could not understand Ling Xiao anymore, his eyes flickered indefinitely, and his brow furrowed deeply.

"Incorporate the three bodies? Why did he do this?"

The drop was shocked.

"I don't know! But from the records in the ancient books, it seems that the integration of the three bodies can get more powerful power, but the fusion of the three bodies can't be detached. If you want to be detached, it is difficult to integrate the three bodies. This seems to be a paradox. Why did Ling Xiao do this?"

The reincarnation emperor is also full of doubts.

Today's Ling Xiao has survived the detachment, as long as he takes a step, he can completely detach.

But Ling Xiao seemed to have no choice to take that last step, and even wanted to merge the three bodies, this choice was puzzling.

"Well, Ling Xiao's current state, won't you let people take advantage of it?"

Luoluo asked with some concern.

"Yes! If an emperor attacked him, he would still die! Although I don't know why he made this choice, I'm afraid it's related to Zhao Ritian!"

There was a deep meaning in the eyes of the reincarnation emperor, and he said slowly.

The falling eyes were full of worries. She thought for a moment, and suddenly it seemed that she had made a decision: "Dad, can I protect Brother Ling Xiao here until he wakes up?"

"I'm afraid not!"

The reincarnation emperor shook his head and said: "You should know the situation of the dark realm, we cannot do without it! We have been out for so long, it is already an exception! Hurry back, as for Ling Xiao, someone will protect him!"

The reincarnation emperor looked at the chaotic void in the distance, and it seemed to mean something.


The falling eyes were full of worries, but after hearing the reincarnation emperor mentioned the dark realm, there was a trace of struggling color on his face, and finally nodded with difficulty.

In the distance, many powerful people in the wilderness continent are also watching Ling Xiaodu surpassing the catastrophe.

Everyone was shocked to see Zhao Ritian's soul scattered in the Third Nirvana Tribulation, completely wiped out, and Ling Xiao's white clothes with white hair and **** tears in her eyes.

"Ling Xiao... Is this through the detachment?! That is to say, from now on, Ling Xiao is the real detachment?"

Someone exclaimed, and the voice was full of excitement.

He is a strong human race. He is very excited and excited about Ling Xiao's ability to survive the transcendence.

"Yes! He has survived the Transcendence! But it is better to call it the Transcendental Emperor! He is the real Great Emperor, and those so-called Great Emperors are nothing but pseudo-Emperors!"

Someone said indifferently.

"Hush! Don't you die? Dare to say that the other great emperors are false emperors? Let those adults hear that you might die without a burial place!"

The person next to him quickly warned.

"What are you afraid of? Lord Ling Xiao has already proved that she is detached. From now on, she will be the Lord of Emperor and Emperor of Emperor. It is more appropriate to call it Emperor and Emperor! I am a human race. Who dares to deal with me?"

"Yes! In the future, the mainland will be the time when Lord Ling Xiao comes to the world!"

"I dare say that after Lord Ling Xiao went out of the customs, he must find the spirit of the Wushu Tianshu, the Chaos Emperor, the Destiny Emperor, the Cause and Effect Emperor and the Time Emperor!

"Yes! This time, Lord Ling Xiao became a real detached person, but suffered heavy losses! His two avatars are already dead, and even his best friend, Zhao Ritian, the son of Heavenly Emperor, has fallen!"

"When Lord Ling Xiao comes out of the border, I am afraid that the entire continent will start a **** storm!"


Among the flooded continent, many powerful people have talked about it.

The many strong men of the human race, as well as the friendship with the human race, are naturally extremely excited and excited, and those who have offended the human race, or even offended Ling Xiao, are extremely anxious, afraid that Ling Xiao will wake up and will proceed Liquidation.

However, some people found that Ling Xiao was not right.

"No! Ling Xiao has survived the detachment, and should immediately merge with Wandao Jindan to become a detachment! But he did not choose to merge Wandao Jindan, what is he doing?"

The emperor's eyes flickered among the eyes of a great emperor, and said with some doubt.

"It's hard to say! Could it be that he suffered irreversible injuries during the detachment, and now he has run out of lights and can't even fuse the golden dandan?"

The next great emperor suddenly guessed.


In his words, several great emperors couldn't help but see their eyes shine.

If Ling Xiao is really exhausted, does it not mean that they also have the opportunity to rob Wan Dao Jin Dan?

Although after robbing Wan Dao Jindan, you want to completely detach, and you need to survive the detachment, but is there any chance?

They were all a little bit emotional.

"Who will look at Ling Xiao's situation today?"

Someone suggested.

But everyone couldn't help but change their faces, and they all refused.

That's Ling The ruthless man who once slaughtered many emperors, who would dare to find death now?

Even if they suspected that Ling Xiao had a problem, no one dared to try.

If it caused Ling Xiao's anger, I am afraid that he will die in no time.

After all, Ling Xiao has now survived the Transcendence Tribulation. As long as he completely integrates Wandao Jindan and becomes a Transcendental, Ling Xiao will be the absolute master of the Honghuang Continent.

These emperors, indeed, are hypocritical empires, and they are like ants in comparison to the real emperor.

In the end, many strong men gradually dispersed.

But there are still some people who are unwilling to spy on a distance and want to explore Ling Xiao's reality.

But at this moment, a figure floated up and appeared beside Ling Xiao.

After seeing the figure, the people in the distance couldn't help but change their complexion.

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