Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3357: Count the Lord of Dark World!

The Lord of Dark World is full of shock and incredible.

Even if he saw Ling Xiao becoming a detached person, he was not so surprised, but after seeing Ling Xiao merged with the three bodies, the Lord of the Dark World was completely shocked.

Because, even if it is the Lord of the Dark Realm, it has not fully integrated the three bodies, it is only the fusion of the previous life, but the future body can not be integrated at all.

But the Lord of the Dark Realm knows better than anyone. After the fusion of the three bodies, how terrifying power will erupt.

That is to let detached people feel the power of fear!

"Never let him live, otherwise, he will become more terrifying than the Lord of the Flood in time, maybe I will die in his hands!"

The Lord of Dark World looked at Ling Xiao's gaze, and suddenly showed a very strong murderous opportunity.


The black divine light was rising around him, the emptiness of the Quartet was trembling violently, and the power of the entire dark realm seemed to be blessed on the Lord of the dark realm.

His body exudes a horrible atmosphere like chaos, gods and demons, as if it can destroy the world, surrounded by stars, the world is born and died, and all kinds of horrible scenes emerge.

His breath seemed to rise ten times and one hundred times in an instant!


The Lord of Darkness screamed, his eyes were indifferent, and there was a black divine light surging out of his palm, which was like a vast sea in an instant.

In the black sea, powerful strange creatures, like the wild beasts, are constantly rushing towards Lingxiao.

At the same time, the beams of black light contain the power to penetrate the Yuanshen, and they are intertwined like sword gas, shooting towards Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao felt a very strong threat from the Lord of the Dark World.

The strength of the Lord of the Underworld is indeed terrifying. After all, it is a detachment from the era of the Lord of the Flood. Although it has been suppressed for countless years, it is supplemented by the origin of the Dark World. The strength is terrifying and powerful. It is extremely powerful.

Rao Shiling is already a detached person, and even merged with the three bodies, but in front of the Lord of the Dark Realm, he still feels a strong threat.

But Ling Xiao did not have the slightest fear in his heart, but a powerful and unmatched fighting intention appeared in his eyes, the chaotic light rose around his body, the fist of the master suppressed everything, and he continued to blast towards the Lord of the Dark World.


The violent shock of the void, Ling Xiao and the Lord of Dark Realm are like a chaotic light group colliding with the dark light group. Each blow makes the world and the atmosphere broken, and the breath is terrible.

The figures of Ling Xiao and the Lord of the Dark Realm seem to have become extremely distorted, and they can't see the traces of the two of them at all, but the fluctuations of that kind of war swept away, which shocked the reincarnation emperor.

"Although Ling Xiao has merged the three bodies, but it is still impossible to defeat the Lord of the Dark Realm! Unless he can completely merge the Wandao Jindan..."

The eyes of the reincarnation emperor are full of deep worries.

But he can also understand that it is almost impossible to integrate Wandao Jindan completely at this time.

Ling Xiao's choice seemed almost stupid to the reincarnation emperor.

"Does he have other plans?"

The reincarnation emperor thought secretly.

He knew that Ling Xiao was not an impulsive person. Although Xue Wei came to the dark realm, he did not have any certainty and hurriedly went to war with the Lord of the dark realm.

Nowadays, both Ling Xiao and the Lord of the Dark Realm have erupted into their strongest fighting power, and even the reincarnation emperor is somewhat unable to get started.

But the reincarnation emperor can still see that Ling Xiao has fallen.


The black light surged violently, and a huge hand came across the sky, instantaneously penetrated the chaotic light, and directly hit Ling Xiao's chest.

Ling Xiao was shocked, and there appeared to be cracks on his body. In front of the invincible palm print of the Lord of Darkness, which could suppress everything, it seemed to break apart at any time.

But in Ling Xiao's body, Wan Dao Jin Dan radiated eternal and immortal light, and a star star continuously integrated into Ling Xiao's body, allowing Ling Xiao's flesh to recover quickly.

Those astral peculiarities contain the power of the origin of the avenue.

If you want to fully integrate the Ten Thousand Golden Pills, you must understand the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues and the Avenues to one, so as to have invincible power.

The power of the Lord of the Dark Realm is pure dark energy. Although it will cause extremely terrible lethal damage to Ling Xiao’s body, it seems that dark energy can be absorbed by Wandao Jindan, allowing Lingxiao to speed up refining Wandao. Jin Dan's speed.

Therefore, although Ling Xiao was hit hard, the breath did not weaken at all, and even began to skyrocket, and the unmatched fist marks continued to move towards the main attack of the dark realm.

"Want to use my power to fuse Wan Dao Jin Dan? I do not know life and death!"

The eyes of the Lord of Darkness said coldly, and said indifferently.


The vast dark energy in his body, accompanied by his powerful attack, kept rushing towards the ten thousand golden pill in Ling Xiao.

He saw Ling Xiao's plan at a glance, but he did not stop it, but a more violent attack broke out, trying to destroy Wandao Jindan and kill Ling Xiao.

As a detached person, the Lord of the Dark Realm is well aware that Wan Dao Jin Dan is extremely fragile, and Ling Xiao's move is tantamount to taking advantage of the fire.

If Wan Dao Jin Dan collapses, Ling Xiao may be repulsed in an instant and be directly hit!


The surging dark energy is constantly pouring into Ling Xiao's body. The original golden radiance of Wan Dao Jin Dan was shining, but at this moment it seemed to be infested by darkness, and it became dark, and there was even a sign of being assimilated by dark energy.

The dark light surged in the palm of the Lord of Dark World, as if a mysterious ancient rune surfaced, and it was imprinted towards the ten thousand golden pill in Ling Xiao in an instant.

"Break the seal, all methods return to the market!"

The obscure syllable sounded from the mouth of the Lord of Dark World. The ancient rune was twisted, containing the pure source of dark energy. It was imprinted on Ling Xiao’s chest in an instant, and it was extremely spiritual. Going towards Wandao Jindan.


Wan Dao Jin Dan buzzed and trembling, a strange black pattern appeared on it, and an extremely violent energy erupted from it, as if it would break apart at any time.

At this moment, Ling Xiao's mouth showed a cold smile.


He screamed suddenly, and suddenly the fist of the master burst into the sun, and collided with the master of the dark world.

At the same time, the golden golden dan in the body of Ling Xiao, the bright Jinxia sprayed out, the black dark energy and the golden positive energy intersect, and a terrifying breath burst out.


The whole dark world seemed to tremble violently at this moment.

The fiery and dazzling light bloomed above the golden mountains, and swept through the void of hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

Even the reincarnation of the emperor couldn't help but change his complexion. He was shocked by the force of terror, and he felt a huge shock. He suddenly spurted a bit of blood and was immediately hit.

"Ling Xiao, he actually... unexpectedly... exploded a million golden pill again?!"

The reincarnation emperor shook his body, his eyes full of unbelievable looks.

When the Lingxiao Ferry returned to the catastrophe, he once blew a thousand golden pills, hitting the Red Dragon God of War and Chaos Great Emperor and others.

But that is the missing Wan Dao Jin Dan, which needs to be broken and stand up, condensing into a flawless Wan Da Jin Dan.

And the flawless Wandao Jindan is the source of Ling Xiao's strength. Once it is completely destroyed, Ling Xiao's Dao foundation is damaged, just afraid that he will be seriously injured and dying in an instant.

How could he choose to explode the golden pill at this time?

"No! He didn't explode a million golden dans, that was... the power of the wild world and the dark realm?! This... how is it possible?"

The reincarnation emperor suddenly widened his eyes, his eyes full of incredible looks.

In the shining light, the black mist rises, but a golden dandelion intertwined with yin and yang, half is dark energy, half is the avenue origin of the wild world, one black and one gold intertwined, as if forming a kind of incomparable mystery Balance.

Among all the golden pill, a thin golden beam and a black beam were sprayed into the body of Ling Xiao, making Ling Xiao's breath more horrible and unfathomable.

At this moment, the reincarnation emperor seemed to feel that Ling Xiao's body had a breath similar to the Lord of the Dark Realm!

"Impossible! You are the creature of the wild world, how can you understand the source of dark energy?!"

The bright light dissipated, the Lord of the Dark Realm was extremely embarrassed, his hair was covered, his mouth coughed up blood, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

The kind of horrible power erupted in Ling Xiao just tolerated the power of the wilderness and the power of the dark realm, so that the master of the dark realm began to panic involuntarily.

"You don't understand what it means to integrate the three bodies! What's more, in the wild world, the dark world is one body, why can't I understand the source of dark energy?"

Ling Xiao looked extremely calm, staring at the main road of the dark realm with deep eyes.

He was indeed just using the Lord of the Underworld.

But it is not to use the Lord of the Dark Realm to fuse Wandao Jindan, but to devour the source of dark energy and make Wandao Jindan completely transformed.

Only when the source of dark energy is integrated into it is Wandao Jindan truly considered flawless!

This is also the secret that Ling Xiao obtained from the futuristic body after fusing the futuristic Today's Lingxiao is truly a transcendental person!

"And, who told you that Wandao Jindan is difficult to merge? That’s just because, you are merging the missing Wandao Jindan! And the perfect Wandao Jindan is the foundation of detachment, the cornerstone of the road, Why integrate?"

Ling Xiao said lightly, striding towards the Lord of the Underworld.

The black-and-gold golden alchemy became more and more blurred, and finally merged with Ling Xiao completely, and disappeared.

And Ling Xiao's breath also became subtle and aloof.

He stepped towards the Lord of the Dark Realm, as if there was an invisible general trend, and vigorously suppressed toward the Lord of the Dark Realm.


The face of the Lord of Darkness changed suddenly.

He felt a fatal crisis from Ling Xiao!

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