Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3366: Lord of the Famine!

Lord of the Famine!

The first thought that emerged in Ling Xiao's heart was the Lord of Floods.

The scene in front of me was very familiar, Ling Xiao thought of it, the layout here seems to be very similar to the detachment scroll.

Ling Xiao stepped forward.

Although the figure turned away from Ling Xiao, it exuded a powerful and unmatched breath, eternal and immortal.

But Ling Xiao did not feel any vitality from the figure.

Above the stone table is a chessboard.

On the chessboard, black and white are criss-crossed like two big dragons, so they are inseparable.

The figure was holding a white man, suspended in mid-air, and did not fall.

It was an elegant middle-aged man with a graceful and elegant face, and all his body exuded an ultra-smooth atmosphere.

"His spirit... disappeared!"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed in fineness.

Although the middle-aged man in front of him looked immortal and lifelike, his eyebrows knew the sea as if there was no Yuanshen.

Moreover, it is very easy to determine whether the middle-aged person in front of him is the master of the flood.

The light of Ling Xiao flickered all over the body, urging Destiny!

The body of the middle-aged man in front of him radiated the same light, which is also the breath of life-changing surgery.

"You can't be wrong, this is the Lord of the Flood!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly.

He found the Lord of the Flood, but he did not expect that the Lord of the Flood in front of him seemed to have lost any vitality, and the Yuanshen had disappeared.

"Lord of the Hunger? Looking at him, it doesn't seem to have experienced some kind of war, but playing chess incomparably, but how can his primordial spirit disappear?"

Qing Di's eyes were full of shock.

"That's hard to say!"

Ling Xiao shook his head.

I am afraid that the Lord of Honghuang had come to the ruins before 108 epochs. No one knows what happened in this long time.


The body of Honghuang is full of light, and a ray of light seems to be drawn by the life-changing technique. It flew out of the body of Honghuang and appeared in the air, turning into a transparent figure.

"His descendants from the ancient times of the Honghuang, Hello, I am the Lord of the Honghuang!"

That figure seemed to be the remnant left behind by the Lord of Honghuang. His eyes were deep and vicissitudes, falling on Ling Xiao and Qing Emperor.

"Lord of the Famine? Do you still have a sense of autonomy, can you talk to me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and asked aloud.

"This is a remnant that I left behind, so I don’t know who you are! But you got my inheritance of life-changing surgery, and it is also my disciple. I know that you came for reincarnation, so stay The next thought is to remind you!"

The remnant said slowly.

To Ling Xiao's disappointment is that this remnant has no autonomous consciousness, just to leave certain messages to Ling Xiao.

"Don't look for reincarnation, don't go!"

Suddenly, the voice of Candid Suddenly aggravated, as if he saw something terrible, his eyes became very dignified.


Both Ling Xiao and Qing Emperor were shocked, and did not expect that the Lord of Honghuang would say such a thing.

Don't look for reincarnation?

Why is this?

"Senior disciples, since you have inherited my life-changing technique, and you have come here, I think you should have succeeded in proving the detachment of the Tao! You want to look for the reincarnation species to make the Honghuang ancient world detached, but you are late !"

Canian continued.

"The reincarnation plant was infected with the unknown before 108 epochs. Rao is that I want to use my life to expel the unknown, refining the reincarnation plant, but I finally failed! My Yuanshen was Take away the reincarnation and sink the eternal life!"

"So, my younger disciples, you go back! This is a world destined to be abandoned, reincarnation will never appear, even if it appears, it will bring destruction, killing and despair!"

"If you believe me, you will immediately leave the ruins and return to the ancient wasteland! If you insist on walking alone, you will eventually be afraid to let the entire ancient wasteland be buried for you.

The remnant words were finished, and then they exploded into the void in an instant, and turned into a bright radiance, disappearing between heaven and earth.

"The reincarnation species is unknown? Will it bring destruction, killing and despair?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his whole body was shaking.

He didn't even think that after finding the Lord of the Famine, he would find such an incredible secret.

"Ling Xiao, this should be the traces left by the reincarnation, and there is still a faint reincarnation breath!"

The Qing Emperor walked to the other side of the stone table, where there is a lotus platform made of a chaotic stone, which looks simple and mysterious, with a groove in the middle.

Qing Di pointed to the groove.

Ling Xiao walked over and found that the groove was dark and there was a layer of black mist on it. It looked like a black hole.

"In this way, the Lord of Honghuang did get the reincarnation seed! But why would he say that the reincarnation seed is contaminated? Qing Emperor, what do you think?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said softly.

If you really obey the Lord of Honghuang, Ling Xiao should now leave the ruins and return to the ancient Honghuang.

But Ling Xiao instinctively felt something was wrong.

Qing Emperor's brow was slightly wrinkled, thinking for a moment, slowly said: "If the remnant is true, that is to say, before 108 epochs, although the Lord of Honghuang got reincarnation, he found that reincarnation has There has been a change that cannot be controlled by the Lord of the Flood!"

"Although the Lord of Honghuang tried his best to expel the unknown, he failed in the end, so that his primordial spirit disappeared with him, and even perished forever! What happened to that reincarnation?"

The Lord of Honghuang is a detached person, who wants to kill a detached primitive **** quietly, even Ling Xiao can't do it. Ling Xiao believes that in the whole market, no one can do it.

But the reincarnation planted by the world tree did.

This has to be suspicious.

"The reincarnation species is not contaminated. I am afraid that if I change this, I will not be able to get rid of the relationship with the world tree! Candid thoughts haven't made it clear. If I want to make it clear, I am afraid I can only find the world tree! Qing Emperor, does the world tree have self-awareness?"

Ling Xiao looked at Qing Di and asked.

"should not!"

After thinking for a moment, the Qing Emperor said slowly: "The world tree is the power of the world to return to the ruins, the supreme **** evolved by the vitality of hundreds of millions of souls. Although it is said to be connected to the world, it is suppressed by the law of the Avenue , It is impossible to give birth to self-consciousness!"

"Moreover, the world tree has existed here for countless years. If self-consciousness is really born, I am afraid that I have already left!"

"If the world tree does not give birth to self-awareness, will the reincarnation breed self-awareness?"

A glance flashed across Ling Xiao's eyes and asked about the key.

"This... is hard to say!"

Qingdi thought and replied.

He understands Ling Xiao's consciousness. If the self-awareness was born in the reincarnation, he would naturally not be reconciled to be refined by the Lord of the Famine, and I am afraid he will go against it.

But a reincarnation seed, capable of annihilating the primordial **** of the flood and abandonment, is also too scary.

"If you want to solve the mystery, it seems you still have to find the reincarnation!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"But the Lord of the Famine has reminded you that you should not look for reincarnation. Are you really not thinking about it?"

Qing Di asked.

"If we return to the Honghuang ancient world in this way, I am afraid that we will never find the hope of reincarnation! And innumerable robberies will arrive, and then the Honghuang ancient world and all the creatures will be wiped out, which is not what I want to see! "

Ling Xiao's eyes had a firm look.

Although the Lord of Honghuang had warned him, Ling Xiao felt that he could not return.

Qingdi was a little silent.

He understood Ling Xiao's meaning, but he also admired Ling Xiao very much.

After all, Ling Xiao has proved that he is detached. Even if the ancient world is annihilated, he will not have any danger, but Ling Xiao is willing to take risks for the detachment of the ancient world.

Qing Emperor seemed to have made an important decision. He suddenly looked up and looked at Ling Xiaodao seriously: "Ling Xiao, maybe there is a place that can help you!"


Ling Xiao was a little curious.

"The heart of the world tree!"

Qing Di said seriously.

"The heart of the world tree? Isn't the world tree not self-conscious?"

Ling Xiao was slightly shocked.

"I don’t know how to explain it to you. World Tree does not have self-awareness, but he does have a heart! And I was born in the heart of World Tree. It is a very strange place, very mysterious, and I believe , The reincarnation species should also be born there, and you might be able to find the answer there!"

Qingdi said slowly.

"How to get to the heart of the world tree?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"First find the trunk of the world tree, there is a bridge of heaven and earth, and when I get there, I know how to go to the heart of the world tree!"

Qing Di explained.

"In that case, let's go!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

After looking at this quiet and incomparable valley, and then looking at the flesh of the Lord of the Wild, Ling Xiao's eyes also had a trace of admiration.

He waved his sleeves, and suddenly a vast mighty force was coming. He directly collected all the valley and the flesh of the Lord of the Wild.

Although the primordial spirit of the Lord of the Famine has disappeared, his physical body should not stay He should return to the ancient world of the Famine.

Should, go home!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ling Xiao and Qing Emperor rose directly into the sky.

This vast continent is just a leaf of the tree of the world. God knows how many vast continents exist in this strange space.

If you want to go to the trunk of the world tree, you must first traverse the endless continent.


In the void, the wind bursts and destroys the intertwined thunder, like a huge enchantment, covering one side of the mainland.

With supreme supernatural powers, Ling Xiao broke through many enchantments, flew across continents, and flew towards the mysterious and majestic world tree in the distance!


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