Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3373: Dark faith reappears!

Qing Emperor's breath today has skyrocketed hundreds and thousands times than before?

He is now half-step detached.

Having swallowed part of the energy in the golden heart, he easily realized the power of the Three Thousand Avenues. If he can fully integrate the heart of the world tree, he can become a real detachment.

When the time comes, to urge the vast power of the world tree, even those who are detached, can easily wipe out!

The ancestor of Hongjun, although he also possesses the strength of half-step detachment, is not inferior to Chaos Great Emperor and others, but in this world tree, after all, he has been greatly suppressed, so he fought against the Qing Emperor. Almost fell into the downwind.

"What about your broken virtual sword? Take it out and let me see, how strong is the fairy sword refined by the heart of the world tree?"

Qingdi retired from Hongjun's ancestors with a boxing, his face was indifferent and sneered.

"Don't look, don't say! If you break out of the Immortal Sword again, that's when you die!"

Ancestor Hong Jun said indifferently.

"When I die? Then I want to see how long you can hold in my hands!"

Qing Emperor's eyes are unmatched. His chaotic storms are surging around him, like hundreds of thousands of blades coming across the sky, and he is heading towards Hongjun's ancestors.

"Huanyuan Yixian Daxianshu!"

The eyes of Hongjun Patriarch flashed, and a breath of fairy gas spewed out, instantly expanding in the void, as if turning into an ancient world, covering him.

Surrounded by a mixture of spirits, the fairy light is mysterious and unpredictable, as if it can melt everything.

The sky-long storm came across the sky, but when it touched the Hunyuan immortal gas around Hongjun's ancestors, they all burst quickly.


The Qing Emperor's repression in the air, like a chaotic chaos, to wipe out everything, directly shoot the piece of mixed world.

The ancestor of Hongjun was shocked, and a spit of blood spurted from his mouth, and the whole person flew out directly.

He is still injured!

Under the violent attack of the Qing Emperor, even the ancestor of Hongjun was somewhat overwhelmed.

"Hongjun Patriarch, you can die!"

The Qing Emperor's face was cold, his feet were steadily growing in lotus, and the whole body was chaotic and misty, and the horrific murderous intention locked Hong Jun's ancestors.

The ancestor of Hongjun wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, his face was very calm, and his eyes seemed to have a strange light.

It should be... coming soon!


Just when the Qing Emperor and Hongjun ancestors fought, in the golden heart, the chaotic Qinglian was still devouring the energy of the golden heart.

And the black, gold and two light clusters in the chaotic green lotus, after swallowing enough energy, were finally solidified completely.


Like the broken eggshell, the two figures flew out of the chaotic green lotus and appeared in the golden ocean.

A devilish monstrous sky, a gleaming golden light.

The face is very similar to Ling Xiao.

They slowly opened their eyes, as if there were two beams of light that penetrated everything, causing two large waves to burst apart in the golden ocean.

"Faith, long time no see!"

"Dark, long time no see!"

The two figures glanced at each other, and there seemed to be a strange flash of light in their eyes, and at the same time they said to each other.

They are the dark hills and the hills of faith!

Before, they died for Ling Xiaodu's detachment, and their souls were scattered, and their true spirits were broken. Even after Lingxiao proved that he was detached, there was no way to resurrect them.

However, Ling Xiao also found a piece of true spirits of the two of them. This time, when he went to the market, he was quietly placed in the chaotic green lotus.

Chaotic Qinglian contains endless vitality, and the origin of chaos can nourish their true spirit fragments.

The hands and feet of the detached person, even the Qing Emperor did not find it.

Ling Xiao originally thought that when he got the reincarnation, after reinventing the reincarnation, he used the power of reincarnation to gather their true spirit fragments and resurrect them.

But what I did not expect was that Qing Emperor turned out to be a reincarnation.

By chance, the spirit fragments of Dark Lingxiao and Belief Lingxiao became the backers of Ling Xiao.

When the Qing Emperor urged the chaotic Qinglian to devour the heart of the world tree, the reincarnation field emanating from it seemed to form a miniature reincarnation world, attracting the true spirits of all beings in the chaotic sea.

Of course, the true spirits who believe in Lingxiao and dark Lingxiao are also among them. They gradually merge and complete, and then resurrect with the power of the heart of the world tree!

As for the ancestor of Hongjun, he was also entrusted by Ling Xiao, and found here based on the true spirit of both faith and darkness.

The Qing Emperor was led out and fought against Hongjun's ancestors, and gave Dark Lingxiao and Faith Lingxiao the chance to resurrect!


The breath of the two of them is unparalleled and unfathomable. It is also the fusion of the original energy in the heart of the world tree, so that they not only broke through, but also reached the level of half-step detachment!


At the same time, the Qing Emperor also gave birth to the induction through Chaos Qinglian.

He did not expect that in the heart of the world tree, two powerful and unmatched creatures appeared.

"Who is it?"

The Qing Emperor was shaking, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

He hasn't figured it out yet, why are there two more strong ones appearing in the heart of the world tree?

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dark Lingxiao and Faith Lingxiao took one step, just like two blazing lightnings, flew out of the heart of the world tree in an instant.

"It's you?! How is it possible? You should be gone now...I understand! It's Ling Xiao again!"

Qing Emperor looked at Dark Lingxiao and Belief in Belief, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

But suddenly he wanted to understand.

Belief in Lingxiao and Dark Lingxiao were resurrected by the power of reincarnation.

It can be said that he indirectly helped Ling Xiao's two avatars come back to life!


The light flashed in the palm of Hongjun’s ancestors, and the Broken Immortal Sword appeared again, but now it seems that although there are nine-color fairy lights, there is a crack on it, as if it will break apart at any time.

"Don’t you ask me why I don’t sacrifice the Xianxian Sword? That’s because the Xuanxian Sword has only one If you can make you feel threatened, how can you get from the heart of the world tree In the middle? And they can’t be resurrected safely! Speaking of it, thank you!"

Ancestor Hong Jun looked at Qing Emperor and smiled indifferently.

Qingdi's complexion instantly became very ugly.

"Damn! These are Ling Xiao's followers? I didn't even think that he would even be in the chaos Qinglian! But what if they were resurrected? You wouldn't think that the three of you would be able to deal with it Get me?"

The eyes of the Qing Emperor were filled with cold killing intentions, and there was a crazy madness all over the body, like the blade-like eyes, sweeping the three people in front of him.

The heart of the world tree is his, no one wants to get involved!

The three people in front of me are all damn!

Qingdi hated Ling Xiao to the extreme.

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