Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3382: New wild world!

"That's how it is..."

The ancestor Hongjun glanced at the time and space master, and said with a wry smile.

Indeed, as the emperor of Kunwu Mountain said, they concealed Ling Xiao, and even said that it was sinister intentions.

If you want to reincarnate reincarnation, only the creatures in the chaotic sea can really do it. Otherwise, the ancestor of Hongjun and the master of time and space cannot help Ling Xiao wholeheartedly.

But after reincarnation and reinvention of reincarnation, although the wild world will be transformed into an eternal world, it will be connected with the eternal land and be sensed by the eternal heaven.

The original wild world is like a remote mountain village, and the eternal land is the imperial city of a country.

The small village was promoted to a town, and was noticed by the imperial city, and it would naturally be conquered and swallowed up by the state, and then governed by the laws of this country.

That Xiaoxiao is a person like the village chief of the small mountain village, which will naturally be cleared, and then be under the jurisdiction of the personnel sent by the imperial city.

Therefore, the world that has just penetrated through the heavens just nine days ago, and the eternal and immortal world revealed is the eternal land.

And if Ling Xiao reinvents reincarnation, then at the moment when the eternal law of heaven and heaven will come, his primordial spirit will completely collapse.

The time and space master and Hongjun ancestors concealed this, and naturally concealed the misfortune, and wanted to replace Ling Xiao's Yuanshen after it was broken.

After all, the Lord of the Eternal World, even in the Eternal Land, has a very high status.

But what they did not expect was that the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, also the Lord of the Famine, would even know this secret, but he would count it, not only to die for Ling Xiao, but also to suppress them with the power of the law of eternal heaven.

Today, their life and death are under Ling Xiao's control.

The ancestor of Hongjun and the master of time and space, naturally dare not conceal anything, and explained everything.

But the two of them were so disturbed in their hearts that they were afraid that Ling Xiao would be angry at them because of this, and beheaded them completely.

"I only ask you one question! Can the Emperor Kunwu Mountain be resurrected? If there is no way, you can also go with him!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold, staring at Hongjun Patriarch and Time and Space Master slowly.

Ling Xiao's words made both the ancestor of Hongjun and the Master of Time and Space tremble.

They saw that the wild world was detached, immortal, and connected to the eternal land, and they naturally did not want to die there.

But Ling Xiao's words made them understand that Ling Xiao was not kidding.

If the emperor Kunwu Mountain could not be saved, they would really die!

"Yes! Although the emperor Kunwu Mountain was crushed by the Eternal Heavenly Dao, but his true spirit was also brought to the Eternal Immortal Domain reincarnation. As long as he arrives in the Eternal Immortal Domain, he will be able to find him!"

Ancestor Hong Jun said quickly.

As if to fear that Ling Xiao did not understand, he explained aloud: "The eternal land can also be called the eternal fairyland and the origin continent! It is the greatest world, with hundreds of millions of races, endless creatures! and eternal fairy Compared to the realm, the Chaos Sea is a wild land!"

"The reason why we claim to be the fairy family is mainly to remember that we are from the eternal fairy field. In fact, we are not a fairy family at all, and no one dares to claim to be a fairy family! Immortal is a powerful realm, just like Lord Lingxiao, The fairy king can already be called a true fairy. When you become the master of the wild world, sublimate to the fullest, and realize the eternal heaven, you are the true fairy king!"

Both the ancestors of Hongjun and the Master of Time and Space showed expressions of great respect and awe.

"Eternal fairyland?"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and there was a bright edge in his eyes.

Since the emperor Kunwu Mountain did not die completely, but only reincarnate in the eternal fairyland, the sadness in his heart was also much less, and there was much more hope and expectation.

He must set foot on the Eternal Immortal Realm and retrieve the Emperor Kunwu Mountain!

"Master Lingxiao, there is one more thing you must know! Now, the wild world is detached and has become an eternal realm, which has been noticed by the eternal fairyland! I am afraid that there will be true immortals in the eternal fairyland. To **** the Lord of the Wild World and want to be a fairy king! You must plan early!"

The Master of Time and Space said slowly.

"Is the real immortal in the immortal realm? I want to see, what strength do they have, dare to come to the wilderness and spread the wild!"

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, revealing a cold killing intent.

Their uncomfortable depression and anger are in need of venting.

If the so-called true immortals in the eternal immortal realm really don't know life and death, Ling Xiao doesn't mind sending them to reincarnation!

Although Ling Xiao wished to kill the ancestors of Hongjun and Time and Space Master, but the thought of the emperor Kunwu Mountain made them submit to Ling Xiao, I was afraid that there was the deep meaning of the emperor Kunwu Mountain, so Ling Xiao endured The murderous intention in his heart did not strike them.

The two were also extremely honest and afraid of death, so now they no longer dare to hide anything from Ling Xiao. They not only explained everything, but also told Ling what they knew about the eternal fairyland. Xiao.


The wild world, surging in the chaotic sea, is shrouded in a vast and mysterious power of law, and the light of reincarnation diffuses, so that the entire wild world exudes an eternal and immortal breath.

The wild world has merged reincarnation species and has been transformed into an eternal realm, but this process cannot be completed in an instant, and it takes a long time to evolve.

Ling Xiao has been able to perceive that in the wilderness world, it seems that there really is a dead underworld, and all the creatures in the wilderness world are connected together.

Once they die, their true spirits will enter the underworld reincarnation, and then live life after life in the wild world.

The entire wilderness world has also undergone upheaval.

The Honghuang Continent seemed to expand thousands of times in an instant. Ancient mountains on the continent rose up from the ground. All kinds of towering ancient trees, holy medicines, and even all kinds of heaven and earth treasures that had been extinct in ancient times began. Renewed vitality.

The aura of the wild world is more than a thousand times richer than before?

Endless creatures have benefited and made great achievements because of this, constantly breaking through with the strong, and touching on a higher realm.

The wild world has radiated unprecedented vitality!

And above the nine days, Ling Xiao once again merged with his own body.

Under the baptism of the eternal law of heaven, his flesh became crystal-clear, as flawless and mysterious as glaze. Among them, the mysterious fairy light rose, and every particle of the body seemed to be opened up in a chaotic world.

Ling Xiao's flesh is also unimaginably powerful.

According to the ancestors of Hongjun and the Master of Time and Space, Ling Xiao’s flesh can be called the fairy king body, immortal and immortal!

Even in the Eternal Immortal Realm, the Immortal King is also a super power on the side of the town, and there are few threats to it.

Ling Xiao's Yuanshen will continue to be nourished by the fairy king body, and then by virtue of the detachment of the wild world, soon understanding the law of eternal heaven, Ling Xiao will become a true supreme fairy king!


The vast world is being promoted and transformed, and the vast and mysterious eternal law of heaven and heaven seems to merge with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao floated above the nine days, and the fairy body exuded terror and unmatched coercion, which made the ancestors of Hongjun and the master of time and space feel trembling.

They can see that Ling Xiao is merging the flesh and understanding the laws of eternal heaven, so they are very consciously protecting Ling Xiao.

Because they understand that the real immortals in the eternal immortal realm are just about to come!

By that time, there will be a fierce battle between Ling Xiao and them.

Their life and death are under the control of Ling Xiao, and they have been firmly tied to the tank of Ling Xiao, so they naturally do not want Ling Xiao to die.

They hope that Ling Xiao can overcome the true immortals in the eternal immortal realm, the real king comes to the chaotic sea, and even set foot in the eternal immortal realm!

Only then will they have the opportunity to return to their hometown.


Outside the wilderness.

Hundred Yuan Dao, Xuan Ming Dao Master and Qiankun Dao Master, from afar, are looking at the vast world that is undergoing drastic changes, especially the detached, eternal and immortal atmosphere, which makes their faces extremely ugly.

They are still late!

In the body of the world tree, they were devastated by the darkness Lingxiao and the belief Lingxiao. They were so frightened that they escaped from the world tree.

But then when I thought about it, I felt something was wrong.

Dark Lingxiao and Belief Lingxiao cannot merge the power of the world tree so quickly, it is likely that Ling Xiao is bluffing.

They killed all the way to the wilderness world and wanted to grab the reincarnation again, but found it was too late.

The reincarnation species has been integrated into the wilderness world, making the wilderness world completely detached!

"what should we do?"

Xuan Ming Dao's face was extremely ugly.

They are naturally unwilling to stay in the sea of ​​chaos.

After merging the three generations, they became the powerhouses of the Taoist level. They naturally knew the existence of the eternal fairyland, and knew that it was the real destination of the powerhouses.

However, the powerful at the level of the master can not cross the chaotic sea and go to the eternal fairyland.

Only by detaching one side of the world and becoming the realm of eternity can one open the door of the immortal realm and enter the eternal immortal realm.

Now, Ling Xiao is in charge of the gate of the fairy land.

Do they really want to submit to Ling Xiao?

However, they are extremely unwilling in their hearts ~ ~ boom!

At this moment, a fiery beam of immortal Tao seemed to illuminate the entire chaotic sea in an instant, and penetrated the wild world.

It seems to be an ancient and mysterious fairy gate, with hundreds of millions of brilliant fairy lights, leading to an ancient and eternal world.

A breath of terrifying figure descended from the sky and appeared above the wild world.

There are seven figures in total.

Each figure is surrounded by the dazzling immortal light, exuding the immortality of the robbery, the body seems to stretch the world, and contains the terror of unparalleled power.

Their eyes are cold and indifferent, as if the dragon above the nine heavens is overlooking the sentient beings, sweeping the sentient beings across the wild world at will.

Their eyes fell on the wild world, and they became extremely hot in an instant.

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