Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3385: Honghuangtiandao, a new journey!

In the chaotic sea.

The wild world seems to have expanded thousands of times, and exudes an eternal and immortal light.

The wild world is like a dazzling sun that illuminates the entire chaotic sea, and exudes a mysterious atmosphere, so that the power of chaos in the chaotic sea is rising violently, all towards the wild world Surging.

Everyone can feel that the wild world is still expanding.

Every moment, it is becoming more and more vast. According to Zhenxian Ye Liangshuai, when the wild world expands to the extreme, it will be captured by the eternal heaven and become a part of the eternal fairyland.

For countless years, the Eternal Immortal Territory has been like this. It is a fusion of the eternal realm of one side.

Even if the fairy king is in the eternal immortal realm, it is difficult to detect the boundary of the eternal immortal realm.


In the very center of the wilderness world, the world tree is rooted in it, spraying the majestic source of life, and there is an ancient world that blends with the wilderness world.

The wild world with the world tree became more and more mysterious.

Belief Lingxiao and Dark Lingxiao have refined the power of the world tree, but they have not destroyed the foundation of the world tree. The world tree is rooted in the wild world, and the power of chaos is swallowed. Even with time, it can still restore its supreme power.

Today, the wild world is completely detached, becoming the eternal realm, enveloped by the eternal heavenly path of the eternal fairyland.

Ling Xiao, Darkness and Faith are all sitting on the top of the world tree, enlightening the eternal law of heaven.

As long as their Yuanshen finally transforms, they can become true fairy kings!


In the chaotic void, I first saw the Seven Great Immortals coming. The Master Hunyuan, Master Qiankun and Master Xuanming are still some lucky ones, thinking that the Seven Great Immortals are likely to dominate the wild world.

By that time, they will turn to the Seven True Immortals again, and they may not be in the Eternal Immortal Realm!

But when they saw the Seven True Immortals being suppressed and Ling Xiao showed an invincible posture, they were completely scared.

"What should we do now? We all had complaints with Ling Xiao. If we didn't make a choice, I wouldn't be afraid to say that I was in the Eternal Immortal Realm, and we might be liquidated by Ling Xiao!"

Xuan Ming Dao said with great anxiety.

"But let me turn to Lingxiao? I'm really not reconciled!"

Hunyuan Taoist clenched his fists, his eyes full of unwilling look.

"I think that it might not be a bad thing for us to surrender to Ling Xiao! Ling Xiao's strength is terrible, I am afraid that he is also the overlord in the eternal fairy field! We follow him and should be able to get a lot of benefits!"

Master Qiankun said slowly.

"Three people, you actually have another choice!"

At this moment, a bright light bloomed in the void.

The wordless book appeared in front of the master of Three Avenues.

"No word gods?"

The masters of the Three Avenues flashed their eyes, and they naturally recognized the wordless scriptures, especially the master Xuanming Dao once cooperated with the wordless scriptures.

"You can choose to cooperate with me! Just when the Seven True Immortals came down, I have found my way to the Eternal Immortal Realm! As long as you follow me, I can take you to the Eternal Immortal Realm!"

The spirit of Wu Zi Tian Shu manifested itself, and smiled indifferently.

"It's you alone?"

Hunyuan Dao said indifferently.

"You can choose not to believe, or you can turn to Ling Xiao! But in my opinion, it is the best choice to follow me to the Eternal Immortal Realm!"

Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu smiled indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid that the three of us will suppress you?"

Xuan Ming Dao said indifferently.

"Suppress me? You need this skill too!"

Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu sneered.


The wordless heavenly book is shining brightly, and the chaos is hazy, which reveals the shadows of chaotic treasures such as the longevity tower, the forging tower, and the Hongmengzhu.

It's just that the top ten chaotic treasures were all swallowed by the wordless scriptures and became part of the wordless scriptures.

The spirit of Wu Zi Tian Shu exudes a wave of extremely terrifying breath.

"His! You have merged the top ten chaotic treasures? It is really great courage. Now you are afraid that you also have the strength of the master, and you are qualified to cooperate with us!"

Qiankun Taoist took a breath, and looked at the Qiling of Wu Zi Tian Shu with some fear.

Moreover, he also found that even the Lord of the Dark Realm died in the hands of Wu Zi Tian Shu, as if completely swallowed by Wu Zi Tian Shu, and became the nourishment of Wu Zi Tian Shu.

"Ling Xiao let me go, I can't stay in the wild world, maybe I can go to the eternal fairy land and find my chance, so do you! Now, how do you choose?"

Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu smiled indifferently.

"Okay! Let's go to the eternal fairyland with you!"

Master Hunyuan, Master Qiankun and Master Xuanming looked at each other, and finally nodded seriously.

"You made the best choice!"

The Wuling Tianshu's Qiling smiled indifferently, but there was a strange color in his eyes that flashed away.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Under the guidance of Wu Zi Tian Shu, the three masters of Hunyuan Dao took a deep look at Honghuang World and Ling Xiao, all of which instantly turned into a streamer and swept towards the depths of the chaotic sea.


Ling Xiao, Ling Ling Xiao and Ling Ling Faith have sat on the top of the world tree for thousands of years.

Ten thousand years later.


The trembling tremor of the wild world, a mysterious and blazing light bloomed, and the infinite amount of fairy light was sprayed out of the three people of Ling Xiao, and three avenue fairy flowers bloomed above the head.

They finally realized the eternal law of heaven, and the Yuanshen was transformed.

Especially Ling Xiao, the complete fusion of Yuanshen and the fairy king body, he has truly become an immortal fairy king!

Belief Lingxiao and the entire wilderness world merged into one and became the new heaven of the wilderness world!

The dark sky is also full of understanding.

"Hey... Believe that you have become a wilderness, let's manage all sentient beings in the future! I will take my beautiful wives and beautiful concubines and wander the chaotic sea!"

Dark Lingxiao stretched his waist, hehe smiled.

This is also the meaning of Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao is going to the eternal fairyland after all.

The loafy nature of Dark Lingxiao is not suitable for incarnation of heaven.

Therefore, the important task of incarnation of heaven can only fall on the belief in Ling Xiao.

Today's belief in Ling Xiao is a great wilderness and a true master of all sentient beings in the Three Realms!

"Ling Xiao, I have gone through the reincarnation and have not found the true spirit of Zhao Ritian! I have a guess. I am afraid that at the moment of promotion in the wilderness world, many true spirits are drawn by the eternal immortal domain and went to the eternal immortal domain! Zhao Ritian is also likely to reincarnate in the eternal fairyland!"

Belief Ling Xiao said to Ling Xiao.

"Eternal Immortal Realm? Exactly! When I go to the Eternal Immortal Realm, find a way to find Senior Kunwu Mountain and Zhao Ritian and bring them back!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and said softly.

"In addition, I have been building the **** statue of the senior Kunwu Mountain in the Honghuang World. The senior Kunwu Mountain feeds the road and protects all the souls of the Honghuang World. It is the true totem of the Honghuang World. All beings must remember his merits!" "

Belief Ling Xiao said slowly.

"It should be so! Senior Kunwu Mountain, the future is the wild world, the only totem!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of miss.

If there is no Emperor Kunwu Mountain, I am afraid that Ling Xiao has already died under the law of eternal heaven, and the wild world is likely to fall into the hands of the seven true immortals.

At that time, I am afraid that this is the darkest era of the wild world!

Emperor Kunwu Mountain deserves to be remembered!

"Ling Xiao, what are you going to do next?"

Faith Ling Xiao asked.

"For so many years, I am also very tired! Next, I want to accompany my parents and family, accompany Jin Se and longevity, wait for all the dust to settle, and then go to the eternal fairy land!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his eyes also showed a very relaxed look.

Over the years, he has fought with heaven and has been straining his nerves, growing stronger, breaking through, and shouldering his responsibilities.

Now, it is time to let go.

"Alright! You should accompany Jin Se, Xue Wei and longevity! Xue Wei seems to be about to give birth? Ten thousand years of pregnancy, the children born, must be great!"

Dark Lingxiao said with a smile.


At this moment, a dazzling figure of fairy light came out.

It was the true fairy who surrendered Ling Xiao, Ye Liangshuai!

"Master, the mother is born! It is a big fat boy, and has a congenital avenue body, a talent that is immortal, not inferior to the innate chaotic body!"

Ye Liangshuai said with a frown.

This guy stayed here for ten thousand years, and gradually became honest, and the same smell with Ye Liangchen, even worshipped the son to become a brother.

Ye Liangshuai believes that Ye Liangchen is a member of their family, so he has to take Ye Liangchen back to the Ye family to recognize his ancestors.

"Birth? Hahaha... Okay! My Ling Xiao's son was finally born!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, his eyes showed a very excited look, and instantly turned into a dazzling fairy light, heading towards the Ling Xiao heaven.

In the heavenly court, some weak Xuewei, holding a baby as beautiful as a porcelain doll, had a very happy look in her eyes.

"Xuewei, Xuewei are you okay?"

Ling Xiao rushed in, looking at Xue Wei's eyes full of pity.

"Master, I'm fine, this is our child! I finally gave birth to a heir for you!"

Xue Wei said extremely happy.

"Xue Wei, you have worked hard! Is this our son Ling Huang? Hahaha... You look like your eyes and your mouth like me!"

Ling Xiao also embraced the little baby with great love, full of joy.

This child is called Ling Huang!

In order to commemorate the detachment of the flooded world, commemorate the Lord of the flooded.

Ling Xiao also placed high hopes on him, hoping that when he grows up, he will be able to land everywhere!

"Dad, my brother clearly looks like me!"

Changsheng interjected.

Longevity in a white dress, tall and tall, has become a big girl, has a gorgeous temperament, very similar to Jin Se.

However, the really romantic temperament that day did not change at all.


Everyone around, the reincarnation emperor, the time emperor, the old goat, Ye Liangchen, and the unscrupulous Taoist all laughed.


Ling Huang grew up every day.

The congenital avenue body, the source of the natural enlightenment avenue, is a natural saint, and natural talent is unparalleled.

But his temperament is very similar to Jinse, very clever, not noisy, the little child has already shown the gentleman style.

Over the years, Ling Xiao has been with his parents and his wife, taking them to travel the wild world and the chaotic sea, witnessing this eternal and magnificent world.

This is also the happiest day for Ling Xiao.

There is no pressure, no threat, only a touch of happiness.

In this way, thousands of years have passed.

After all, Ling Xiao still has to embark on a journey to the eternal fairyland.

Although Jinse and Xuewei were reluctant, they didn't stop them, but kept telling Ling Xiao to pay attention to safety and protect themselves.

"You can rest assured that it won't be long before I come back to pick you up!"

Faced with many unwilling eyes, Ling Xiao was also very unhappy and excited in his heart, and said seriously.

"Go, the big boy is thinking about the Quartet!"

"Ling Xiao, all the way downwind!"

Ling Zhen and Reincarnation Although they were full of reluctance and nostalgia in their eyes, they all blessed with a smile.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

Ling Xiao's eyes swept over his friends and relatives in front of him, and said with a smile.

In the end, he suddenly turned around, shining a dazzling fairy light all over the body, and suddenly swept towards the endless chaotic sea.

Ye Liangshuai, Hongjun ancestor, time and space master naturally followed closely!

In this way, there is no more ancient immortal emperor in the wilderness world, but the eternal fairy domain has an invincible immortal king!

This time, I do not know the return date, but seek the future!


(PS: The Emperor Van Gogh will come to an end here, originally wanted to end with this, but many reader friends hope that I will continue to write a story about the eternal fairy field, so from tomorrow on, it will be in the form of a fanfare. Continue to update some eternal fairy tales, the next step is to prepare a new book! Thank you for your support and perseverance in the past few years, we will see you again.)

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