Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Associated treasures, ancient origins!

Zhao family.

The pure land of Xianshan, which is millions of miles away, is enveloped by a huge formation. This is the core of the Zhao family, and only the talents of the core ethnic group can live in it.

The immortal mountains are full of beautiful bells, full of bright fairy lights, the transpiration of the magnificent qi, the magnificent radiance, and the towering ancient trees everywhere.

Between the mountains and forests, immortal birds and beasts ran among them, and various exotic flowers and grasses could be seen everywhere, and a mysterious Dao rhyme filled the void.

This is the dojo of the fairy king, and the ancestral home of the longevity family that has been passed down for countless years.

Therefore, this place is also contaminated with a trace of eternal heaven and earth. The people living here, even if they have not broken through to the real fairyland, still have a long life.

Tuoba Ye, Jian Qingmei and Murong Yinxue followed Zhao Hao to a fairy mountain, their eyes full of curiosity.

Especially Tuoba Ye and Jian Qingmei, although also from the longevity family, there are true immortals sitting in the clan and the sect, but they have never seen such a pure land of immortal mountains, full of eyes. It is the color of shock.

This is the essence of the top longevity family. There is a family of fairy kings, which is far more than the ordinary longevity family.

Zhao Hao lives alone in a fairy mountain, with pavilions and pavilions on top of the fairy mountain, and palaces, with ten steps and one scene, which looks extremely mysterious.

Countless handsome maids, a light-minded person, are cultivating geniuses in the outside world, but here, they can only act as ordinary maids and serve Zhao Hao's daily life.

"The three of you will stay here for a while, and I will leave the family to experience after a while, you can just follow me!"

Zhao Hao said slowly to the three of them, and then motioned the maid to take them to find a place to stay.

Zhao Hao left Xianshan to find Zhao's ancestor.

The ancestral ancestor of the Zhao family has been recuperating and healing these years since he was injured ten years ago.

Among the Zhao family, even if the Zhao family head wants to see the fairy ancestor, he needs to report in advance. Only Zhao Hao can see the fairy ancestor at any time without any restrictions.

From this, we can also see the status of Zhao Hao in the Zhao family.


Zhao Hao turned into a divine rainbow, rising from the sky, and came directly to the top of Jiutian, a floating fairy mountain.

On the top of the fairy mountain, the light is shining, the sea of ​​clouds rises, the mysterious fairy light lingers, and it looks extremely mysterious.

A jade symbol appeared in Zhao Hao's palm, and the jade symbol was inspired by him to radiate a bright brilliance. Then, in the sea of ​​clouds, an ancient fairy gate instantly appeared.

Zhao Hao took one step and entered the Xianmen.

Inside the fairy gate is a mysterious space.

Here the avenues are intertwined, the fairy lights swirl around, the spirits are transpiring, and there seems to be a golden lotus blooming in the void, and there are mysterious scenes of ancient gods and beasts and prayers of all spirits.

At the very center of the vision, sat an old man with white hair.

The old man sat there, his face indifferent, his eyes closed slightly, and all around his body exuded a kind of ethereal and mysterious Tao Yun.

He looks like a very ordinary old man, but sometimes he is like a king of immortals who dominates all beings and is worshipped by all spirits.

He is the ancestor of the Zhao family, Zhao Yunyang!

"Haoer, you are here!"

The vicissitudes and ancient voices sounded.

The old group of fairy king slowly opened his eyes, as if the sun, moon and stars are hidden in his eyes, and there is a mysterious scene of the world's birth and death.

His eyes fell on Zhao Hao, but with a little compassion and tenderness.

"Grandchildren, see your ancestors!"

Zhao Hao respectfully saluted the old group of fairy kings.

"Get up! This time you went to Shengxiantai to pick a follower, but did you choose the right one?"

Immortal King's old group smiled indifferently, waving his sleeve, Zhao Hao suddenly stood up involuntarily.

"Qi's ancestor! This time, grandchildren have chosen three followers! One is Tuoba Ye of Tuoba Shijia, one is Jian Qingmei, a descendant of Jiange, and the other is Murong Snow Song of Murong Family! "

Zhao Hao did not conceal anything at all, and said everything above Shengxiantai.

"Tuo Ba Ye is cherished with a fairy fairy body, with true fairy resources, Jian Qingmei has a natural sword body, with a clear heart, and also with true fairy resources! They are also qualified as your followers! However, Murong Yin Xue, can you tell me why you chose him?"

The eyes of the old fairy group flashed, and smiled indifferently.

He is also clear about Tuoba Ye and Jian Qingmei, and Murong Yinxue's identity is better than anyone else.

"Qi ancestor, I didn't want to accept Murong Yinxue, and Sun Er didn't want to cause trouble to Zhao's family! But Murong Yinxue told me that she knew that there was an imperial medicine in Xuanjian Mountain Sun Er wants to go to Xuanjian Mountain's secret realm, find the Emperor Pinxian medicine, and bring it back to heal the ancestor!"

Zhao Hao said seriously.

He was willing to accept Murong Yinxue because Murong Yinxue paid the temptation and price that made him unbearable.

Di Pin Xian Yao!

In the eternal immortal realm, what can be called the immortal medicine is the most precious of all, and contains the fragments of the law of eternal heaven, which is extremely precious.

But in the eternal immortal domain, most of them are inferior and middle-grade immortals, and top-grade immortals and super-grade immortals are already extremely rare.

As for the above-mentioned Wangpin fairy medicine, it only exists in many secret places, forbidden places and other rare places.

The Emperor Pinxian medicine is invaluable.

Legend has it that the Emperor's Immortal Medicine contains the complete eternal law of heaven and earth, and it is an opportunity to make the fairy king stronger go further.

Emperor Pinxian medicine, even the Xeon Emperor level of the strongest will be moved, not to mention the Supreme King.

Therefore, when he heard the four words of Dipin Xianyao, Zhao Yunyang couldn't help but startled, his eyes showed a very shocked look.

"Is Xuanjian Mountain's secret realm? Counting time, Xuanjian Mountain's secret realm is about to open! I have seen records on ancient monuments. In an extremely long time, a fairy emperor once fell in Xuanjian Mountain, Xian The rule of emperor evolved into Xuanjian Mountain's secret realm, and it even gave birth to an imperial medicine."

"It's just that, for countless years, no one has been able to get the Emperor Pinxian Medicine. If Murong Yinxue said it was true, does Emperor Pinxian Medicine really exist?"

Zhao Yunyang stood up and paced slowly, his eyes full of thought.

If it is true that the Emperor Pinxian medicine is born, I am afraid that even the strong fairy king will break his head and fight for it.

However, the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain is extremely peculiar, among which there are mysterious rules of fairy emperor, so the strong people above the real fairy land are restricted, and only the strong people below the real fairy land can enter.

"Old ancestor, Sun Er heard that Murong Yinxue said, it seems not to be a fake! Moreover, cheating me is not good for her, after all, she hopes that I can avenge him! So, I want to go to Xuanjian Mountain secret realm In one trip, if I could find the Emperor Pinxian medicine, the ancestor would not only be able to heal his wounds, but maybe even go further!"

Zhao Hao said very seriously.

"You are a good boy, but if you want to go further, how difficult is it? You are now only a half-step supreme cultivation practice, and heading to the secret realm of Xuanjian Mountain, I am really a little worried!"

Zhao Yunyang's eyes were so soft that he gave Zhao Hao a deep look.

Zhao Hao Nai is born supreme. He has the supreme peak strength from his birth. He is extremely powerful. However, in order to let him lay a solid foundation, Zhao Yunyang will impact the immortal king's realm in the future, and even higher realm, so he directly sealed all his For cultivation, let him practice from the beginning.

The eternal fairyland, there are twelve major realms below the real fairyland, and it has also been transformed into a twelfth heaven and a twelfth floor of the immortal.

The twelve major realms are: Refining Qi Realm, Building Foundation Realm, Jindan Realm, Yuan Ying Realm, Huashen Realm, Refining Virtual Realm, Fitting Realm, Mahayana Realm, Crossing Robbing Realm, Heaven and Human Realm, Imperial Realm, Supreme territory!

Even though Zhao Hao was sealed up for all cultivation practices, he started to cultivate from the realm of Qi, but his talents are immortal and he reached the extreme. In just a few decades, he once again cultivated to a half-step supreme state.

"Ancestor, although I am a half-step supreme, the ordinary supreme strongman is not my opponent! Not to mention, I still have the original seal!"

Zhao Hao smiled indifferently, the immortal light was shining in the palm of his hand, and a simple and mysterious big seal appeared.

This is Zhao Hao's associated treasure, and Zhao Yunyang calls it the ancient seal of origin.

Because this ancient seal is not only mysterious and precious in material, but also contaminated with the original law of eternal heaven.

In Zhao Yunyang's view, this ancient origin may even be promoted to the supreme fairy emperor. It is very likely that Zhao Hao's testimony is the treasure.

"Haoer, your ancient seal is extremely precious, and it cannot be revealed easily, nor can anyone see it, you know? Anyone who sees him, you must kill it completely!"

Zhao Yunyang said solemnly.

This associated treasure may become a treasure of probation in the future, even if the fairy king is seen, he will be very excited.

Therefore, among the entire Zhao family, there are many people who know that Zhao Hao has associated treasures, but only those who have seen the original seal are Zhao Hao and Zhao Yunyang.

Even Zhao Hao's parents have never seen them.

"Ancestor, I understand!"

Zhao Hao nodded seriously.

"There is one more thing, you must pay attention to safety! Xuanjian Mountain is located between Qianyuanzhou, Canglongzhou and Beimingzhou, but just two days ago, the ancestor of the immortal king of Daming Fairyland in Beimingzhou, Was killed!"

Zhao Yunyang said slowly.


Zhao Hao was shocked, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

Immortal king realm is strong, Shou Yuan is endless, Yuanshen is pinned to eternal heaven, it can be said that it is immortal, even if it is an immortal king strong in the same realm, unless there is a supernatural magic power or a powerful fairy, it is possible to bomb the immortal king strong. kill.

The ancestor of the fairy king in the Ming Dynasty of Northern Mingzhou is said to be similar in strength to Zhao Yunyang, only slightly weaker than the fairy king in Canglongzhou.

"Is it possible that there is a quasi-imperialist strong shot?"

Zhao Hao asked.

With the strength and hole cards of the fairy ancestor, I am afraid that it is the strong king of the fairy king, and it is difficult to beheaded. It is easy to kill him. I am afraid there is only the quasi-imperial.

"No! It is said that the person who beheaded Daming Fairy King is also a strong fairy king! That strong king seems to have come from the sea of ​​chaos, and somehow had a conflict with Daming Fairy King, and then broke out. During the First World War, Daming Immortal King was killed by his life!"

Zhao Yunyang's eyes were filled with emotion and awe.

It's easy to bomb Daming Immortal King, if you want to deal with him and Canglong Immortal King, I'm afraid it's not difficult.

Therefore, during this time, Zhao Yunyang and Canglong Immortal King were paying attention to the actions of Northern Mingzhou, for fear that the unknown immortal king would kill Qianyuan State and Canglong State.

Therefore, at this time, even if the Canglong Immortal Gate knew that Zhao Hao had accepted Murong Yinxue, I am afraid that he would not have time to come to Zhao Jiaxing and ask for guilt.

"From the chaotic sea? The chaotic sea is endless and is called the land of exile. The creatures there are very weak, just like ants, are there even strong kings?"

Zhao Hao was also extremely shocked. He vaguely felt that Qianyuan Prefecture was afraid that it would be a troubled autumn!

There was a sense of urgency in his heart.

At this time, it is even more necessary to go to the Xuanjian Mountain secret area and look for the Emperor Pinxian medicine. Only when the ancestor healed and repaired greatly, can he protect Zhao family and Zhao Hao.

"Although the Chaos Sea is called the land of exile, there are probably a lot of fairy kings among them! That unknown fairy king killed Daming fairy king, I'm afraid it's causing trouble too! After all, that big fairy fairy king is It is the clan of the truth fairy court, I am afraid that the truth fairy court will not give up!

When referring to the truth court, Zhao Yunyang's eyes also showed a deep awe.

Truth fairy court, is the supreme fairy court created by the truth fairy emperor, is the real master of thousands of states in this area.

Nominally speaking, Qianyuan and Canglong prefectures are also under the rule of the truth court.

"No matter what, I am afraid that this land is no longer peaceful! You can go to the Xuanjian Mountain secret realm, but you must pay attention to safety. If you are in danger, you will smash the fairy symbol given by your ancestor. Coming!"

Zhao Yunyang said seriously to Zhao Hao.

"Yes, Ancestor!"

Zhao Hao nodded respectfully.

"Very good! You go, the strongman was killed from the **** sea of ​​corpses, blindly under my refuge, it is difficult for you to become a true strongman! This is your experience and your strength. The way of the person, the next step is to rely on yourself!"

Zhao Yunyang looked at Zhao Haodao with his eagerly looking eyes.

He has regarded Zhao Hao as the hope of the Zhao family. Today, the Zhao family looks very calm, but it is undercurrent.

Zhao's true fairy powerhouses are afraid that there is no hope of breaking through the realm of fairy kings in this life.

But Zhao Hao is different. Zhao Hao has the capital of a fairy king and can even go further than Zhao Yunyang.

Zhao Yunyang placed endless expectations on him.

"Yes, Ancestor! Grandchildren jotted down!"

Zhao Hao nodded seriously, then turned around and left here, returning to the Xianshan where he lived.

"Ancestor agreed that you accepted Murong Yinxue?"

Above the Immortal Mountain, the true fairy called Uncle Yun by Zhao Hao was waiting for Zhao Hao. When he saw him coming back, he asked aloud.

"Yes! I'm going to Xuanjian Mountain's secret realm and take Murong Yinxue, where there is an ancestor repair for healing, and even further hope!"

Zhao Hao said slowly.

"Is this the case? Okay! I'll accompany you!"

Uncle Yun's eyes flashed sharply and nodded deeply.

He understood why Zhao Hao had to accept Murong Yinxue!

If the ancestor's injury can be cured, and even the ancestor can be further taken, not to mention the Murong Yinxue, even if it is against the Canglong Immortal Gate, or even a complete war, what is it?

"Thank you Uncle Yun!"

Zhao Hao smiled slightly.

Uncle Yun was loyal to his ancestor, and was sent to protect Zhao Hao by his ancestors. He also saw Zhao Hao grow up with his own eyes, and his affection for Zhao Hao was unusual.

Zhao Hao naturally respects Uncle Yun very much, so there is nothing hidden from him.

"Before going to Xuanjian Mountain, I have to do some preparations!"

Zhao Hao smiled slightly and returned to his residence.

After Zhao Hao set up an enchantment, he took out the original seal.

He infused with mana, the light of the original ancient seal was slightly trembling, and it seemed that a very illusory figure appeared.

"Second Senior, I went to Xuanjian Mountain's secret realm this time.

Zhao Hao asked aloud.

The Original Seal of the Origin is his treasure of companionship, but he did not expect that the Ancient Seal of the Origin has an extremely mysterious spirit, which has gradually been awakened in these years.

But that instrumental spirit seemed to be a bit confused, except for vaguely remembering his second name, he could not remember anything else.

However, because the ancient seal of the original source was contaminated with the law of the eternal heaven, Tao Ling could calculate Zhao Hao's fortunes. Zhao Hao had escaped several disasters by relying on Qi Ling's calculation.


The light of the original ancient seal trembles slightly, shining indefinitely, and the instrumental spirit in it seems to be fortune-telling. After a while, a voice came out.

"This trip is a sign of a great evil, and even a disaster of blood and light! But it can meet the evil and get help from the nobles, and finally there is no danger!"

Zhao Hao frowned slightly: "The sign of a big fierce? Every fierce good fortune? It seems that this trip to Xuanjian Mountain is not as simple as I thought!"

He was cautious in his heart.

Zhao Hao installed all the medicines, weapons, runes and arrays he had prepared over the years, and even brought some powerful one-off treasures from the family treasure trove.

For this trip to Xuanjian Mountain, Zhao Hao can be said to be extremely prepared.

Three days later.

A Void Treasure Ship stopped over the Zhao Family.

There are many genius disciples among the Zhao family who boarded the Void Treasure Ship, preparing to go to the secret realm of Liangjie Mountain under Uncle Yun's leadership.

The Secret Realm of the Two Realms is opened every ten thousand years. Daming Immortal Kingdom, Zhao Family and Canglong Immortal Gate, as the masters of the three major states, will send disciples into them for training.

In the mysterious realm of the Two Realms, there are also many treasures of heaven and earth, and even supreme medicine, so every time the three forces practice, there is also more friction.

Although Zhao Hao was looking for Emperor Pinxian medicine, he was also involved in many disciples and did not want to attract attention.

"I heard that among the sword sword mountains, there is a sword immortal jade bi, not only the supreme kendo method left by the sword immortal, but also can learn from the sword immortal. I would like to have a sword immortal jade bi in this trip! "

Jian Qingmei's eyes were full of eager look, full of powerful fighting intent.

Tuoba Ye had also heard of Xuanjian Mountain's secret realm, but he had never entered it. It is quite exciting to be able to go with Zhao Hao now.

Only Murong Yinxue, although covering her face with a veil, covered her peerless face, has attracted a lot of attention.

There was a deep worry in her eyes.

"What are you worried about?"

Zhao Hao asked.

"The secret realm of Xuanjian Mountain opens, and the young master of Canglong Immortal Gate is afraid that he will also go...

Murong Yinxue stopped talking.

"You don't worry! He doesn't dare to treat you, you are my own now! If he really doesn't know life and death, I can't fight the fairy king, but a young master of the Canglongmen, I want to kill him, still Very easy!"

Zhao Hao said indifferently.

"Thank you I will definitely help Lord Son and find the fairy medicine!"

There was a trace of gratitude in Murong Yinxue's eyes and said seriously.

"hope so!"

Zhao Hao looked away.

There, the mountains undulate, exuding an ancient and reckless breath. Above the nine days, there seems to be an ancient sword suspended on it.

The ancient sword is an immense immense mountain, hanging above nine days, the mist is translucent, immortal light, looks mysterious.

A long distance away, you can feel a strong sword in the face, many people who are not determined, can't help but tremble, pale.

Xuanjian Mountain, here it is!

PS: Mu Yu's new book "Brother Yi Bo Yuntian" has been released. Starting point reading and QQ reading are released at the same time. Everyone has time to check it out. It is a sultry and funny story. I hope you like it.


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