Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 3 Chapter 11: The immortal emperor is coming!

"I suppressed the speed of your cultivation, otherwise it would not be difficult for you to directly break through to the true immortal with the eternal Dao Ling's anti-sky!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

"Thank you senior!"

Zhao Hao was extremely grateful.

He understood that Ling Xiao was doing this for his good.

After all, the supreme and true immortals are separated from the immortal and common places. All Tianjiao evildoers who are interested in eternal avenues will carefully polish themselves in the supreme state, accumulate incomparably rich background, and then break through the true fairyland.

Ling Xiao suppressed his cultivation, also to allow him to polish himself, and to have a deeper foundation.

However, Zhao Hao became more and more curious and puzzled.

Why does Ling Xiao treat him so well?

"You may be wondering why I gave you the Eternal Spirit? I can only say that you are an old friend of mine. Now you have not awakened the memories of previous lives. When you awaken Su Hui, you will naturally know it!"

Ling Xiao seemed to know Zhao Hao's incomprehension and doubt, and explained aloud.

"Is it an old man? That's the Zhao Ritian in Senior's mouth? Anyway, thank Senior for giving me such good luck! I want to worship Senior as a teacher, don't you know?"

Zhao Hao nodded and said, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

With his eyes, how can he fail to see Ling Xiao's extraordinary?

Even the three powerful immortal kings of the Fairy Palace of Truth were easily beheaded by Ling Xiao, and the Immortal King Daming and the Canglong Immortal King died in Ling Xiao's hands. Ling Xiao might become the emperor in the future.

This is the supreme giant of the eternal fairyland in the future.

Moreover, he could see that Ling Xiao was really good to him, so he gave birth to the heart of apprenticeship.


There was a strange color in Ling Xiao's eyes.

If Zhao Hao is really his apprentice, the relationship between him and Zhao Ritian will become increasingly chaotic.

Father and son?

Best friend?

Master and apprentice?

What's all this?

If Zhao Hao awakens the memory of his previous life, I am afraid he will regret this decision very much, right?

There seemed to be a trace of evil in Ling Xiao's heart. He looked at Zhao Hao with weird eyes, nodded and said, "Yes, you are my disciple of Ling Xiao from now on!"

"The disciple sees Master!"

Zhao Hao, who was extremely anxious, saw Ling Xiao agree, he was overjoyed, and he knelt down to salute.

"Don't be polite! I have offended the Fairy Court of Truth, and your Zhao family is under the rule of Fairy Court of Truth, so if it is not necessary, don't expose your relationship with me, so as not to get into trouble!"

Ling Xiao waved his sleeves, helped Zhao Hao up, and said slowly.


Zhao Hao shook his heart and nodded in response.

He understood that what Ling Xiao was talking about was the truth, and the three fairy kings of the fairy garden of truth fell here.

Next, it cannot be said that Emperor Zhunxian is coming!

Thinking of the supreme power of the legendary quasi immortal emperor, even Zhao Hao couldn't help but trembled.

"You have obtained the inheritance of the origin of the immortal emperor. In the future, you will slowly refine the eternal Taoist spirit. The cultivation of the origin scripture is that the road to the immortal emperor is already a smooth road!

It's up here, we should leave too! Later, I will let Little Qilin send you out of the secret realm of Xuanjian Mountain! "

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"What about you, Master? Where are you going?"

Zhao Hao asked quickly.

He understood that the little unicorn Ling Xiao was talking about was the fairy king unicorn.

However, he suddenly felt a little worried about Ling Xiao. The Fairy Garden of Truth was the top power of the Eternal Immortal Realm. It suppressed one party and caused countless epochs. There were many immortal emperors.

Although Ling Xiao is strong, what should he do if he meets Emperor Zhunxian?

"Me? Naturally the immortal emperor who knows the truth for a while!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, a sharp look appeared in his eyes.

"What?! The quasi immortal emperor of the fairy garden of truth?"

Zhao Hao's face was shocked.

"Yes! He has arrived! You and Xiao Qilin go first, I have already told him, he will **** you out of the Xuanjian Mountain secret realm!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, then waved his sleeves.


The void split, an immense divine power surged, and Zhao Hao was instantly sent by Ling Xiao to the Qilin Immortal King.

Ling Xiao looked into the void, revealing a hint of sharpness.

He already felt that an extremely terrifying figure was about to descend on the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain.

That figure exudes unparalleled horrible waves, as if it can squeeze through the eternity, cut off time and space, destroy the world, and hold the eternal law.

It is the quasi immortal emperor undoubtedly!

"Alright! With this battle, let me see what is the difference between me and Emperor Zhunxian!"

Ling Xiao whispered to himself, his eyes dazzling to the extreme.

In the next moment, he took a step forward and instantly moved towards the nine heavens!


Outside the secret realm of Xuanjian Mountain.

Zhao Yunyang, the ancestor of the Immortal King of the Zhao family, stepped into the sky, his eyes filled with worry.

This time, the trial of the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain was beyond his control.

He did not expect that the mysterious fairy king in the Chaos Sea would appear in the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain, and also slay the Canglong fairy king. It is said that even the three fairy kings of the truth fairy court died in that one. Hands.

He was extremely worried about Zhao Hao's safety, so he came personally.


At this moment, the jade pendant on Zhao Yunyang's waist lit up.

He also gave Zhao Hao a piece of the same jade pendant, as long as Zhao Hao activates the jade pendant, he can detect his breath.

Is this Zhao Hao going out of the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yunyang suddenly became a little excited.


Then, the void in front of his eyes was torn silently, and then several figures appeared.

It was Zhao Hao and Murong Yinxue.

However, beside Zhao Hao, there was a young man wearing a purple robe with an extremely arrogant face, and a very charming woman.

What shocked Zhao Yunyang was that he couldn't see through the cultivation of the purple-robed youth and the charming woman.

"Meet the ancestor!"

Zhao Hao didn't expect that Zhao Yunyang would come in person and hurriedly salute Zhao Yunyang.

"Haoer, it's best for you to be fine! Who are these two?"

Zhao Yunyang nodded and smiled.

"These two are Senior Qilin and Senior Illusory Demon, they are both servants of my master..."

Zhao Hao didn't conceal the slightest concealment. He told Zhao Yunyang exactly what happened in the secret realm of Xuanjian Mountain.

Zhao Yunyang became more frightened as he heard it, especially when he heard that the mysterious fairy king Lingxiao had killed the four great fairy kings with a single sword, his eyes were full of horror.

Later, I heard that Ling Xiao gave Zhao Hao the eternal spirits, and Zhao Hao received the inheritance of the origin of the immortal emperor, and it caused a storm in his heart.

While feeling that Zhao Hao had such a great opportunity and good luck, he was full of awe for Ling Xiao.

"By the way, old ancestor, this is something that Master asked me to give you, but it is a drop of essence and blood of Emperor Grade Immortal Medicine, which is enough for you to repair the wounds and repair!"

Zhao Hao took out a white jade porcelain bottle and handed it to Zhao Yunyang respectfully.

"Old man, this is a good thing, don't be violent!"

The purple-robed youth said somewhat dissatisfied.

He is the Qilin Immortal King, and that drop of blood came from him.

If it hadn't been for Ling Xiao's order, he wouldn't have lost his blood to save this bad old man.

"Thank you fellow daoists!"

Zhao Yunyang knew that this purple-robed youth was actually the Emperor-grade immortal medicine Qilin Immortal King. He was terrified and took a deep breath, thanking him.


At this moment in the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain, a terrifying aura came.

That breath appeared, causing all the creatures in the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles to tremble, and couldn't help but bow down.

The mighty eternal might oppress everything, and the terrifying aura seems to be able to destroy everything.

Vaguely, in the secret realm of Xuanjian Mountain, a terrifying figure appeared.

That figure seemed to open up the chaos world and hold the power of the eternal heaven, and the aura was terrifying to the extreme.

"That's...Emperor Zhunxian?!"

Zhao Yunyang trembled and couldn't help but exclaimed, his face was full of horror.

He didn't expect that the quasi immortal emperor of the fairy garden of truth would come so quickly!

Now that Zhao Hao’s master Ling Xiao is going to be in danger, right?

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