Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 3 Chapter 13: Originate 3 swords, destroy Zhunxian Emperor Dharma body!

Although the battle between Ling Xiao and Zhunxiandi took place in the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain, the terrifying fluctuations spread, causing the hundreds of millions of creatures in the surrounding Daozhou to tremble.

Many powerful experts, true immortals and even immortal king experts, all showed suspicion, and came forward with immortal knowledge.

When they noticed that someone was actually fighting against the quasi-immortal emperor of the fairy garden of truth, one by one was extremely shocked, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Especially Zhao Yunyang, who was before the mysterious realm of Xuanjian Mountain, witnessed this battle with his own eyes, and was shocked and inexplicable.

"Hao'er, it seems that you are right. This fellow Taoist actually possesses the power to fight the Immortal Emperor Zhun. He is truly a talented person!"

Zhao Yunyang said slowly.

There is a huge gap between the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor Zhun, even the strong of the Immortal King Nine Heavens, unless he holds the eternal emperor weapon, it is almost impossible to fight the Immortal Emperor Zhun.

However, Ling Xiao broke this common sense. In the realm of the immortal king, retrograde slaughter, and the battle against the quasi-immortal emperor, did not fall in the slightest, and even showed signs of gaining the upper hand.

Zhao Yunyang was shocked by such defying combat power.

"Ancestor, my master is not a mortal, and the quasi-immortal emperor of the Fairy of Truth is probably not his opponent!"

Zhao Hao said, his eyes were full of inexplicable confidence.

"Of course! What kind of character is my master? The future is destined to prove the Taoist Emperor, the enemyless thing in charge of the destiny, and a quasi-immortal emperor can be killed!"

Qilin Fairy King said proudly.

Zhao Yunyang smiled and shook his head. He felt that although Ling Xiao was strong enough to fight the Immortal Emperor, he might not be so easy to kill a Immortal Emperor.

Especially when he saw that quasi immortal emperor, he was forced to perform the Ten Thousand Dragons Burning Sky Great Immortal Technique.

This Ten Thousand Dragons Burning Heaven Immortal Art is the secret immortal art in the fairy garden of truth. It is unmatched in power and can kill the true immortal king, even the quasi immortal emperor.

This quasi immortal emperor was able to perform the Ten Thousand Dragons Burning Heavens Great Immortal Technique, and he was probably also the core figure in the fairy garden of truth.

At this moment, Ling Xiao took out the Heaven Swallowing Sword.

With the Heaven Swallowing Sword in his hand, Ling Xiao's temperament changed drastically.

Although he did not integrate the eternal Daoist spirit, Ling Xiao had comprehended the Origin Sutra and practiced one of the Supreme Sword Art.

Origin Three Swords!

This is the supreme immortal emperor art created by the origin immortal emperor that year, which contains the power of the origin, which is originally imprinted in the sword of origin.

Ling Xiao got the Sword of Origin, and he was naturally handy in cultivating the Three Swords of Origin.

Smooth the chaos!

Cut the way!


This is the origin of the three swords, each of which has undergone numerous changes, contains unmatched killing power, and is extremely powerful.

"Plain chaos!"

With Ling Xiao yelled.

The Heaven-Swallowing Sword in his hand burst into extreme light in an instant, and the vast immortal light was surging. The Heaven-Swallowing Sword instantly crisscrossed hundreds of thousands of miles, reaching its extreme point, and slashed towards the quasi-immortal emperor.

With a sword sacrifice, all directions will calm the chaos!

This sword light is dazzling to the extreme, as if it can wipe out everything, crush the world, and cut the source of all chaos!

Facing this sword, even the quasi immortal emperor couldn't help his face change drastically.

This is Immortal Emperor Art!

He didn't even think that Ling Xiao would have such a terrifying sword art in the line of the Immortal Emperor.


The sword energy pushed everything horizontally, and the flames in the sky burst one after another. The Ten Thousand Dragons Burning Heaven Immortal Technique was so powerful that it seemed to be able to burn everything, but under this sword of peace and chaos, it was like a piece of paper. .

If it weren't for the quasi immortal emperor's vigilance, he would immediately avoid him, otherwise the sword would definitely leave a trace on his body.

"Cut Dao!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely deep, as if immersed in the vast sword intent contained in the Origin Three Swords, the law of the whole body was intertwined, and the light of the Heaven-Swallowing Sword became more and more radiant.


The Heaven-Swallowing Sword rises in the sky, and the sword shines on all directions.

This sword slashed down in a volley, like a rainbow of rainbows, to completely cut off the entire eternal fairyland.

The long river of time and space emerges, and the endless evolution of sentient beings.

Even the painting scroll of civilization, the kingdom of truth, everything in the world, and even the eternal heaven, will be completely wiped out under this sword.

Cut the road, as the name implies, cut off the road, cut off the origin.

This sword pointed directly at the origin of the quasi-immortal emperor, making him inevitable, to completely kill him.

"Damn it! The realm of truth suppresses everything!"

The quasi-immortal emperor's face was extremely ugly, but there was a trace of madness in his eyes. The immortal light gathered all over his body, and the eternal laws of heaven were intertwined, which evolved into a chapter of truth all over him.

Countless chapters of truth seem to record countless civilizations, representing the principles of heaven and earth, and the law of the movement of all things.

They merge with each other to form a realm of truth, which is invisible and innocent, but can isolate everything.


The sword fell, and the blazing sword light cut through the nothingness and pressed horizontally on the realm of truth. In an instant, the four directions died and the sky trembled.

The realm of truth blooms with eternal and immortal light, and protects the quasi-immortal emperor in it, like an immortal kingdom.

But the sword was too sharp, and there were still cracks in the realm of truth, and in the end it broke apart.


Ling Xiao's eyes were sharp and sharp, and his whole body's fighting spirit rose to the extreme. Before the quasi-immortal emperor could move, he displayed his last sword.

Origin is the origin of everything and the end of everything.

This sword contains the ethereal chaos and fairy light, wherever it goes, everything is extinguished, and everything re-evolves.

In this alternation of dying and rebirth, the sword light quietly bloomed with the most terrifying power, covering the world.


The entire Xuanjian Mountain secret realm was trembling violently as if it was about to collapse at any time.

But the quasi immortal emperor didn't have time to turn around to avoid it, and even displayed other defensive methods, that sword came in front of him.


The sword light fell, and the figure of the Emperor Zhunxian was like a porcelain doll, with cracks appearing, and then the power of the immortal Dao's origin was cut off, and the aura quickly died.

This sword is too weird and too terrifying!

So that, with a sword out, Ling Xiao felt that all the power in his body was about to be emptied.

"This is the inheritance of the Origin Immortal Emperor? Very good! Outsiders, I remember you, and the Fairy of Truth also remembers you. Next, you will get endless pursuits by the Fairy of Truth!"

The quasi immortal emperor took a deep look at Ling Xiao, and then directly shattered in the void, turned into a bright fairy light, and disappeared in front of Ling Xiao.

This quasi immortal emperor's law body was slain by Ling Xiao's sword!

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