Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 643: 100 sacred inheritance!

At the moment, Han Feng, Gou Chen Xingzi and Ming Zun are jointly attacking the blue rune.


The tremendous earthquakes in the four corners of the world, the light of the blue rune became dimmer, but the thinning power became more and more scary, and suddenly burst into burst at the end.

A white light group flew out, and 36 light groups gathered at the top of Han Feng's head, and turned into a round silver moon, dazzling.

"Hahaha... Finally, the thirty-six demon sacred inheritances are not easy!"

There was a hint of excitement in Han Feng's eyes.

At this moment, the distant starry sky was shining brightly, and a divine rainbow came across the sky. It was an old man in a black robe. The cultivation of the half-step demon statue quickly came to Han Feng.

"Elder Wang, why are you here?"

Han Feng asked with some surprise.

"Your Highness, Your Highness is afraid that you and Meng Ze will be attacked by Ling Xiao, let me call you back, anyway, you have collected a lot of demon inheritance!"

Elder Wang smiled slightly.

"Ling Xiao? Hey, just because he still wants to come and attack me? If he dares to come, I will let him go and die, and die here directly!"

Han Feng sneered with a sneer. He now has thirty-six demon inheritances gathering, and his power has doubled. It suddenly gave him a great increase in confidence.

"is it?"

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded in Han Feng's ear.

Ling Xiao's figure flickered and appeared instantly at Han Feng's side. He grabbed his hand and grabbed Han Feng's neck, lifting him up.

The old goat also turned into a stream of light, and suddenly killed the elder Wang towards the Heavenly Demon Palace.


The radiant light, the old goat exudes a magnificent and imposing momentum, its strength is already extremely powerful, coupled with the strength of the demon inheritance, with a deliberate mentality, unpredictable, and the elder Wang was directly smashed by the old goat. Lost his head.


Elder Wang’s body also burst into shock, and his eyes were filled with terrified expression. Yuanshen wanted to escape, and was instantly swallowed by the old goat’s king, and suppressed.


"Ling Xiao, what do you want to do? Let go of Han Feng!"

Gou Chen Xingzi and Ming Zun were shocked, showing a very cold look, screaming.

Ling Xiao didn't even look at the two of them, staring at Han Feng and smiling slightly: "Do you want to die or want to live? If you want to live, surrender the Demon Saint Heritage, I will spare you! If you want to die, I I will kill you, and then grab your demon inheritance!"

"Ling are shameless!"

Han Feng's face was flushed and he felt suffocating. He stammered and looked into Ling Xiao's eyes, almost burst into flames.

He finished talking about killing Ling Xiao, and as a result Ling Xiao appeared, and like a little sheep, he immediately caught him.

Han Feng was about to cry, depressed. This Ling Xiao seemed to have hatred against him. He robbed him once at Yaoshengya before, but now he came again.

"Huh? Are you really not afraid of death?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his palms spitting out a bright sharp edge, exerting a little force, Han Feng suddenly felt scalp numbness, a threat of death enveloped his heart.

He was frightened and shouted quickly: "Don't kill me, I will pass on the demon saint to you!"

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, Han Feng, you really know the current affairs!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and his palms relaxed slightly. Although Han Feng hated his heart to the extreme, he could only hand down the thirty-six demon sacred traditions.


After the round silver moon above Han Feng's head merged into the top of the old goat's head, the inheritance of the old goat's demon sacred instantly rose to a hundred!

The original bright silver moon instantly became the color of pure gold, just like a round of Shenyang, exuding a hot light.

The old goat immediately felt that his strength had tripled under the blessing of this golden golden sun!

"The demon saint's heritage has been given to you, can you let me go now?"

Han Feng said dejectedly, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Ling Xiao smiled slightly: "I said to spare your life, but I didn't say to let you go!"

"Asshole, Ling Xiao, you are a shameless villain, you can't talk!"

Han Feng was trembling with rage, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.


Ling Xiao fell down with a palm knife, stunned Han Feng directly, and then directly into the Tianshen Stone.

"Two, it's time to count our bills!"

Ling Xiao smiled and looked at Gou Chen Xingzi and Ming Zun.

Gou Chen Xingzi and Ming Zun were all shocked, and their hearts were not good.

Previously, Gou Chen Xingzi, Ming Zun and Yan Luo, the three peerless arrogances and three Supreme devices were not Ling Xiao's opponents. Now that the Supreme devices are banned, how can they be Ling Xiao's opponents?

What's more, there is also an old goat staring at him, and the huge coercion of hundreds of demon inheritances has given them great oppression.

"Ling Xiao, Han Feng's demon inheritance has been robbed by you. Are you afraid that the Burning Demon Emperor will ask you to settle the bill?"

Gou Chen Xingzi gave Ling Xiao a cold look.

Ming Zun also said slowly: "You let us go, you and the King Wang Temple's grievances will be cancelled out, I promise that I won't trouble you in the future!"

Ming Zun was very bachelor, knowing that he was not Ling Xiao's opponent at all, so he put forward the conditions directly.

"Don't trouble me? Unfortunately, you still have to die!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his eyes showed a very cold edge.


The world shook, Ling Xiao radiated the magnificent Jinxia around him, and punched him towards Gou Chen Xingzi and Ming Zun.

"Hahaha... Ling Xiao, this bald donkey was given to me. Let's see who will solve them first!"

The old goat also rushed up unwillingly, covered in black hair and shrouded in a touch of golden light.

He kicked toward Ming Zun with a hoof, just like the earth shattered, a blazing blaze blazed towards Ming Zun's bald head.

"Ling Xiao, you **** it!"

Gou Chen Xingzi and Ming Zun both changed their looks. They didn't expect Ling Xiao to be determined to kill them. Even if they were soft, Ling Xiao didn't have any!

Both of them also showed a hint of madness in their eyes. Knowing that they might not be spared today, they suddenly had a desperate thought.

The power of the vast stars spread all around, swallowed and refined by Gou Chen Xingzi, he was like a star master, with a bright silver body around him, wrapped in the stars of the sky, and killed towards Lingxiao.


The silver lightning exploded, the violent shock of the void, the shocking dragon sound exploded, Gou Chen Xingzi was directly blown away by Ling Xiao with a punch!


Ling Xiao's figure was like a golden lightning, and his eyes were as cold as iron. He pinched the peerless fist and drove towards Gou Chen Xingzi!

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